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  1. Z

    Whitelist Server EclipseCraft|Direwolf 5.2.1|Moderate Whitelist|15 Slots|24/7|

    Surely you're not just adding the ammount of people your server holds... I am from England so I generally play at different times to Americans :( I don't see a problem with a space that'd be empty anyway being taken up by a new player from a different time zone... Just my way of thinking. Either...
  2. Z

    Whitelist Server EclipseCraft|Direwolf 5.2.1|Moderate Whitelist|15 Slots|24/7|

    In Game Name: Ziibez Real Age: 19 Why do you want to join us?: I have been playing on the Mindcrack pack for a while and I feel I have learnt much from it, this feels like a good point for me to start playing with the other packs. I have chosen your server as it seems to be sensibly run and as...
  3. Z

    Whitelist Server CREATE the BEAST / Direwolf20 Modpack / Whitelist / 24/7 Uptime / 18+

    IGN: Ziibez Age:19 Location: England Why Us?:I have been playing on a Mindcrack server but I have been watching more and more Direwolf (Don't worry, I've watched him since season 2 so I've not just jumped onto the bandwagon). The 18+ age limit also appealed to me as sometimes I can say...
  4. Z

    [UgLounge] 1.4.6 | No Whitelist | Professional Hosting | 24/7 | Beta

    Just wait, don't start asking or it's going to do more harm than good.
  5. Z

    Titanium Craft [Direwolf20][18+][24/7][Whitelist]

    Minecraft Username - Ziibez Age - 19 Timezone - GMT Why do you want to join the server? - I am looking for a mature server to play the DW20 pack on. The 18+ age restriction appealed to me as I can sometimes be a bit crude, especially if I get creeped on and lose anything important... Don't let...
  6. Z

    [UgLounge] 1.4.6 | No Whitelist | Professional Hosting | 24/7 | Beta

    It's down. Sing is working on a fix for it as we speak... Look on the website.
  7. Z


    IGN: Ziibez Age: 19 Previously Banned?: Nope. Proof <-- Link. Why do you join whitelisted servers?: I find the community to be closer knit and obviously there is usually no griefers. Where did you hear about us?: The FTB forums, I was attracted to the 18+ age restriction. I prefer mature...
  8. Z

    Whitelist Server Triple Nation | MindCrack | Whitelist | 16+ | TS3 | Plugins | Dedicated Server

    In Game Name: Ziibez Age: 19 New to mods: No About yourself: I am 19 and from England, I spend far too long on my computer... Mainly gaming and can rack up a good 10 hours a day on it!! I mainly play Minecraft and have instantly fallen in love with FTB! I have played many other mods before and I...
  9. Z

    [UgLounge] 1.4.6 | No Whitelist | Professional Hosting | 24/7 | Beta

    I've never experienced a 1hour-lagg-mode after a restart... It's running lovely for me all the time and after a restart it's incredible!! It's down at the moment (Which is killing me inside, I love this server) but I hope it comes up again soon :D!
  10. Z


    Forum Name: Ziibez Account: Ziibez In-Game Name: Ziibez Age: 19 Why do you want to join KumaCraft?: I want to join a server that has a mature community that wouldn't get offended if I slipped up and ranted a little about something or said something a little out of taste. I...
  11. Z


    In Game Name: Ziibez Age: 19 (03/03/93) Country:England Experience: I have played Minecraft for a couple of years now (Not sure on the exact time, but it feels that long to me). I have experienced everything to do with vanilla and I have played with alot of single mods also. I have also played...