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  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
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    Whitelist Server Wolfstone FTB|Monster 1.0.9 Beta|Whitelist|TS3|Mature|Survival|

    Completely deleting the Monster folder then reinstalling seemed to have worked so far.
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    Whitelist Server Wolfstone FTB|Monster 1.0.9 Beta|Whitelist|TS3|Mature|Survival|

    Added to whitelist. Welcome to the server. Oh, and we have updated to 1.0.9. It went without problems. Other than the terrain gen divide. But a large area is already generated so it shouldn't be a problem.
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    Whitelist Server Wolfstone FTB|Monster 1.0.9 Beta|Whitelist|TS3|Mature|Survival|

    It will only be at the border of "old" terrain with the old generation and "new" terrain. So it'll sort of be a ring or border around what's currently generated. Otherwise it's not gonna be a recurring thing.
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    Whitelist Server Wolfstone FTB|Monster 1.0.9 Beta|Whitelist|TS3|Mature|Survival|

    I quickly want an opinion on upgrading to Monster 1.0.9. No mods will break. The server won't need a world restart. BUT (and a big one) the world will have sections like these (screenshot) in regions where it changes from the current terrain gen to the new one with the changes. Maybe not always...
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    Whitelist Server Wolfstone FTB|Monster 1.0.9 Beta|Whitelist|TS3|Mature|Survival|

    Everyone please take note that by request we're enabling the mod "Blood Magic" on the server for a test run. You will have to enable it in your clients to be able to connect. We'll keep it on for a while and if no problems show up and no one complains about it, we'll keep it enabled. -Adox
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    Whitelist Server Wolfstone FTB|Monster 1.0.9 Beta|Whitelist|TS3|Mature|Survival|

    Both whitelisted and accepted. Please hop on whenever you feel like it. Wackoman6789, as you're not 16 yet, we'll be keeping an eye on your behaviour. If you behave, you're definiately welcome. So I hope you stay true to your word.
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    Whitelist Server Wolfstone FTB|Monster 1.0.9 Beta|Whitelist|TS3|Mature|Survival|

    All approved and added to our lists. Please enjoy your stay and feel free to ask if you have any questions.Everyone please take note that crashes do occur. Crashing itself is not the main problem however in this case, as our system for automatically restarting after a crash isn't working as it...
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    Whitelist Server Wolfstone FTB|Monster 1.0.9 Beta|Whitelist|TS3|Mature|Survival|

    Accepted and whitelisted. Welcome to our server! Feel free to ask if you're wondering anything.
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    Whitelist Server Wolfstone FTB|Monster 1.0.9 Beta|Whitelist|TS3|Mature|Survival|

    Everything comes out okay. You've been added to the whitelist. Welcome to the server, friend!
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    Whitelist Server Wolfstone FTB|Monster 1.0.9 Beta|Whitelist|TS3|Mature|Survival|

    Approved and whitelisted for all three. Welcome to the Wolfstone FTB server! If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask!
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    Whitelist Server Wolfstone FTB|Monster 1.0.9 Beta|Whitelist|TS3|Mature|Survival|

    Approved and whitelisted. Welcome to the server! Biggunndunn and Mkmeade. Please do keep in mind that our server is in the UK. Our timezones will vary from yours so it might be a little less activity when you're online compared to otherwise unless we get more US players.
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    Whitelist Server Wolfstone FTB|Monster 1.0.9 Beta|Whitelist|TS3|Mature|Survival|

    We're reviewing your applications and will hopefully whitelist you shortly :)
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    Whitelist Server Wolfstone FTB|Monster 1.0.9 Beta|Whitelist|TS3|Mature|Survival|

    Wolfstone Monster Beta 1.0.9 Server IP: Wolfstone.PlayAt.CH No longer accepting applications due to modpack change. Please wait for news if you wish to join. About the server: The server is meant for a small community of players to have fun with each other. Everything is survival mode on hard...
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    Official Launch of Monster/Horizon? And which pack to make server on?

    (Sorry for slow response) So I'm better off making a, for example, Monster pack server now and hope for the best that the next update won't kill it? Or should I wait for the official launch of it despite that it might take a few months? Both options are equally good and bad at the same time as...
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    Official Launch of Monster/Horizon? And which pack to make server on?

    Greetings fellow feeders of beasts. I have a question about the modpacks that were recently(ish) added to the launcher, namely Horizon and Monster. I've looked around on the forums, searching for it and manually just checking around without finding any topics for it nor answers. Is there a...
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    FTB Unleashed and SmartMoving

    Of course. Here are the links to the two mods: 1.5.2 - Smart Moving (IFP also requires this...
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    FTB Unleashed and SmartMoving

    Well Ashzification (Wooh.. Write that quickly 10 times.), you're in a for a treat! I noticed when installing another mod that it had the same problem. This time it was a mod known as "Improved First Person". Which lets your third person body render in first person. It uses the same API as...
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    FTB Unleashed and SmartMoving

    Alright. Thanks for that Vauthil! Wasn't sure where exactly to put it. And I appreciate the spoiler tag.
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    FTB Unleashed and SmartMoving

    Greetings one and all! Since the release of the FTB Unleashed pack I've been working on setting up my own private server for me and my friends. We had one on Ultimate and decided to see the new sights of the more up to date version and of course all the new mods. However, I'm not going...
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    Whitelist Server Nuclear Alliance [FTB Ultimate] [Whitelist] [Survival] [Essentials]

    I am not sure what causes it exactly. But it's an NBT error from what the log tells me. And it has to do with Factorization and barrels as the former one is mentioned multiple times and the second one once. And rightclicking the barrel is what caused me to crash the first time and I've been...