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  1. Z

    Moving mystcraft spawn

    I have made a nice little mystcraft age where all my bees are set up and such but now I want to move the area where I end up in when I link to that age... move the stone area if that makes sense. Is this possible?
  2. Z

    Effect's of Apiary Frame's?
  3. Z

    Factorization barrels with Builcraft pipes

    I know how to do most of that except detecting if an item has stayed a long time.... I put a gate on a buildcraft pipe, set to emit a red pipe signal on 'inventory has items' and set that to emit a redstone signal away from the router. But it will emit a redstone signal everytime something...
  4. Z

    Factorization barrels with Builcraft pipes

    I feel like I should be able to place a chest as part of the 'blob' of barrels I have and that it will automatically put the unsorted or overflow into this chest as that is how the router works but it only puts one thing into the chest and then blocks up... is there a way around this?
  5. Z

    Extra Bees and RedPower, a look at automation

    I automate mine with a wooden golem (bloody derpy mofo!), two iron autarchic or gates and some red pipe. The bottom gate is set to energy pulse when it gets a red pipe signal and the top gate pulses and sends a red pipe signal when it is queenless. The extra bees and combs fall on the ground and...
  6. Z

    Ftb mod pack help xD(Newbie)

    RP2 was never made for 1.4.2 sorry, Elo skipped that patch. I believe, but stand corrected that the peripherals are separate and you attach them to your turtles. Try searching 'module' in NEI and see if you can find what you are looking for.
  7. Z

    [Guide] Mystcraft for Newbies

    So a question, to link in the same dimension am I right in saying I need 8 diamond blocks?
  8. Z

    DW20 - Cannot find my Thaumcraft Arua Node

    My goggles say I am in the dangerous bit of flux overload thingy and I was looking forward to killing a bunch of wisps or a giant zombie or something... I go out of my cave to go looking for my aura node and can't find it anywhere. There are nodes around the map but I just can't seem to find...
  9. Z

    Really? A "BronyModPack"?

    And people were worried about the yognauts... its the brony's we really should be worried about.
  10. Z

    Yogscast on FTB

    The appeal of the yogcast is that they dont know what they are doing, you want a tutorial... go to direwolf, you want comedy you go to yogcast. Having them on FtB will help the youtubers of FtB as they bring more popularity to the mod and so more searches on youtube for FtB so more hits on your...
  11. Z

    Direwolf20 Mod Pack Thaumcraft Setup

    Its not 9 by 9 so DW20 would say no....
  12. Z

    Yogscast on FTB

    This thread is far from what I thought these forums were like before I read it. Some of the posters in this thread make the the FtB community out to be very arrogant and elitist. I am not a fan of people complaining about mods etc but I am less of a fan of people thinking they are better then...
  13. Z

    Institutional Hypocrisy: FtB's role in infringing Mojang's copyright.

    There is a claim that some members of the FtB community are being hypocritical. They proclaim the virtues of FtB having mod authors support and that not having their permission is unethical. Yet FtB is distributing Mojangs art work that has been altered slightly and does not have permission. FtB...
  14. Z

    Iron Tank Room (Liquid List)

  15. Z

    Sorting system comparisons

    Really? Its puts it in a chest? I thought you had to hit a log pipe with it, no... I knew you had to hit a log pipe with it. When did this change?
  16. Z

    Sorting system comparisons

    but the requester has to hit a pipe? Can I attach a pipe to an enderchest and request through it? Damn! I had never thought of that..... Going to need an energy supply though for my one pipe. Hmmm.... pity I am away from MC at the moment. (and LP is not in FTB >.<)
  17. Z

    Sorting system comparisons

    Can you tell me how to do this, I know logistic pipes well and have used teleport pipes to request things but have no idea how to do it from an enderpouch... please elaborate.
  18. Z


    Since this has left the premise of just being peoples opinions and has entered into more delicate matters.... can I ask why GregoriousT is so offensive to RichardG? I mean it is his mod he is butchering. Its nice that he asked Elo for her permission, and Sorym but did he ask RichardG? Did...
  19. Z

    Sorting system comparisons

    My 2c's.... LP's are by far and away the best system. All the above information is good but where I find LP's to come out on top is that they can auto craft, request things to be crafted and not have wastage or things being crafted when they are not needed. The best example I can use is that I...
  20. Z


    I have thought about this a lot and are enjoying the points put across by people. I think the crux of the problem is that Gregtech takes away from the lego block, create massive machines that do bugger all but are fun to build and pushes you down a path that is very linear. It has stripped...