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  1. S

    Now Listed - Banished V 1.4.0 [Magic][Cave world][HQM][Combat][Survival]

    Ah yes, I actually found yours last night, ElectricCake! I even emulated your design, albeit with the only building material I had available, cobble. I'll be updating to the current version tonight, so hopefully I can get some obsidian without wrecking my lava lake. That thing is AWESOME, by...
  2. S

    Now Listed - Banished V 1.4.0 [Magic][Cave world][HQM][Combat][Survival]

    Ah ha! I see my problem. The FTB launcher for some reason was putting me in 1.1.1. No obsidian quest in that version. Forcing it to 1.2 ought to fix that.
  3. S

    Now Listed - Banished V 1.4.0 [Magic][Cave world][HQM][Combat][Survival]

    Will building the base over running water help at all? Or are they smart enough to go up over it? Blargh. I have a feeling I may already be dead in this play through. How irksome.
  4. S

    Now Listed - Banished V 1.4.0 [Magic][Cave world][HQM][Combat][Survival]

    I don't see a quest to get obsidian in the book, oddly enough. Basic stuff like seeds, wood, reeds, string...haven't seen obsidian. Is it under Dark Power? Also haven't seen any phantoms yet. I've seen them in other attempts, but none have come this time. I -can- get obsidian though. There's a...
  5. S

    Now Listed - Banished V 1.4.0 [Magic][Cave world][HQM][Combat][Survival]

    Anyone doing Let's Play on this? I finally got a spawn that didn't immediately kill me, and I'm doing a ghetto cobblestone hut that's floating over flowing water (hoping that'll stop siege mobs from mining out my floor). Got some turrets. Thinking of setting up some lava on the flanks. I think...
  6. S

    [1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

    You can yeah, but the mobs in there are sufficiently numerous and nasty that flight is required to make the effort trivial. :)
  7. S

    [1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

    I'll just say that I was struggling a bit on metal resources, especially iron, before I decided to hit a Hollow Hill. My troubles are now over. I will say though, that you really REALLY want flight before you do this. The modpack has a ton of relatively easy paths to accomplish this though.
  8. S

    [1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

    Serjo, that floating island does seem oddly placed. Did you check the config? (^_-)
  9. S

    [1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

    Holy heckfire, you can disable the floaty 'here's what's in your chest' display? SIGN ME UP It's not so bad for chests, but I love the Bibliocraft bookshelves and shelves, and it's TERRIBLE for those.
  10. S

    [1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

    Fling is potent, but it has limits. For one, it's useless in enclosed areas like dungeons. For two, you don't get 'credit' for the kill. The fall damage is environmental, and isn't attributed to you. No exp (I believe you get AM2 magic exp for successfully using the spell though). The mining...
  11. S

    [1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

    Nether ores are in, yes. The pigmen aren't all infernal, but some are. And they tend to aggro unpredictably. That's partly from Nether Ores (they are angered if you mine ore too close to them), but there seems to be a chance for them to turn hostile for no discernable reason as well. It...
  12. S

    [1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

    Any mid-early game methods of flight? Once you get a nether star, you can craft an advanced belt base. Craft that with feathers and you have what is essentially creative mode flight. It's a little OP (arguably, since a nether star can also be used to craft an Ars Magica flight spell), but it...
  13. S

    [1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

    Anyone know how to get 'nightstone' from the Gravestone mod? It looks a lot like nether brick, but it is not freely interchangeable with it, much to my chagrin. :)
  14. S

    [1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

    Ah! Thank you! Very helpful! Looks like I'll need to start building and idiot-proofing my village sooner than expected. (^_^)
  15. S

    [1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

    I've seen the recipe for that it NEI; it uses a Nether Star. Which I just happen to have handy. But how does one use it? You craft it, place it, and then just...right click with a villager in hand? I've looked up the mod page, but it doesn't do more than mention this is possible...haven't...
  16. S

    [1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

    Foxdemon, it's pretty rare, so I understand. My last few worlds I got one to drop fairly quickly, but that's just luck I think. I've read how people set up crimson knight spawners/grinders by walling the clerics in while invisible so they can't aggro, then just killing the knights in endless...
  17. S

    [1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

    It's also possible you've got a Pure node hovering just offshore there. Hard to tell from the pic, but the grass color around a pure node will be kind of faded out compared to normal'll have a whitish-blue tint to it. Without a Thaumometer the node will be pretty hard to see...
  18. S

    [1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

    Check the biome indicator on your minimap. I've discovered that Beach Biomes seem to resist taint infestation and conversion for some reason. The shorelines of the island I settled on never turned purple as long as I was there. River sub-biomes also seem very slow to turn.
  19. S

    [1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

    Is that how it works though? It seems like it just wipes out Tainted Lands and replaces it with Plains. But maybe that's just because all I've found so far is Plains. I've done quite a bit of traveling though, and I've yet to find any sign of biome variation. No deserts or arctic or forests...
  20. S

    [1.7.10]Hubris V1.6.1- HQM - 270+ Quests [Magic][Dungeons][Dimensions][Exploration] Ex-Listed!

    Hmm...but am I right in thinking you need a familiar to use Witchery to create a jungle? That'd mean I pretty much need to make a Thaumcraft terraformer to make a least I can get a couple of cats and get 'em breeding. Which is fine. Just need to know what to plan...