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  1. C

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Similar. However, instead of coming back to have your garden eaten by the weeds, it would only eat your crossbreed slots. You'd loose a bunch of crop sticks, and you wouldn't have made any progress on your breeding program, but it's more forgiving than having it eat your plants up. (Just a...
  2. C

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Really simple suggestion: Add a separate config option for "weeds kill plants". (That way you can have weeds hinder crossbreeding, but not eat your entire garden.)
  3. C

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    It completely breaks all plants, except the special Botania ones. A separate horn breaks leaves. If this doesn't seem like a good fit to you, then a separate suggestion is to add an "area of effect harvest" tool. Nice! :-)
  4. C

    [1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

    Similar comment for "Water you Want?"--it should be 26. Also, the recipe makes 6 at a time, so you have to craft 162 blocks to clear the quest right now!
  5. C

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Suggestion: Botania's Horn of the Wild is designed for clearing lots of plants at once. It'd be really nice if it harvested mature crops instead of breaking them. (Right now it actually breaks the crops, including the crop frame, which was kind of surprising!)
  6. C

    [1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

    Suggestion: Disable the Forestry recipe for crafting bronze from ingots
  7. C

    [1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

    Minor bug: The coke furnace requires 26 blocks to build (it's hollow), but the "Not that kind of Coke" quest requires you to craft 27 blocks.
  8. C

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Also, keep in mind that if you allocate a single Random to each TileEntity, all sprinklers in a chunk would be allocated at roughly the same time, so it's possible for many of them to have the same random seed. (Not exactly a big deal--just keep in mind that you may still see the event fire...
  9. C

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Ack. Should've been clear: The "ThreadLocal<Random>" solution that I posted is Java 5 and up. In Java 8 they made a convenient version called "ThreadLocalRandom" as a completely separate class. (Like I said, whatever you choose is fine--just wanted to clarify!)
  10. C

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    This will definitely work. In Java 8 there's a ThreadLocalRandom class, but obviously you don't want to use that yet because not everyone is using Java 8 yet. If you want, you can save on objects a little bit by using a thread-local random. Here's an example: private static final...
  11. C

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    That's still WAY better than IC2's "I turned my back and the entire garden got eaten by weeds" mechanic!
  12. C

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Well, I guess I know one setting I'll keep turned off. ;-)
  13. C

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    So, you basically took all the good parts of IC2 crops and threw out all the parts that sucked. Sweet! (No more weeds--you're my modding hero of the week!) Thanks for the great mod! :-)
  14. C

    [1.7.10] AgriCraft

    Do the crop stats work the same as IC2? (including drawbacks for high stats) For reference, here's a copy of how the IC2 crop stats work Also, does the maturity of a plant affect the crossbreeding processes? (i.e. When crossbreeding, should crops be left unharvested.)
  15. C

    [1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

    Oh one more recommendation: If/when you do a multiplayer version, consider adding Aroma Backup. As a server admin it has saved my butt MANY times when maps have been corrupted. (Obviously you'll want it disabled by default for clients, since it would allow you to recover from hardcore death)...
  16. C

    [1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

    While I agree that it could make things easier, there are balancing factors here: If you require something like an ME Advanced Processor (look up the recipe--it's insane) to make the computer, then it's not available until the late game. It could be used for a lot of end-game automation...
  17. C

    [1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

    Darn. Its seems like as long as the cost was balanced, it wouldn't hurt if people shared code with each other. (Not everyone can program, after all.) But, ultimately that's up to him--it is his mod pack after all! :) (Another option would be to add it, but have it disabled by default.)
  18. C

    [1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

    Hey Iskandar! I've played through about 50% of the quests, and have been loving it so far. Great pack and map! A couple of suggestions/observations: I have yet to find a way to get ender lily seeds. This might be intentional, but given how long they take to grow, it wouldn't really hurt to add...