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  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. L

    /cofh friend gui permission node!

    If you have worldguard on your server, you can just flag the region __global__ to disallow the cofh killall command, this is how the command should look: /region flag __global__ blocked-cmds cofh killall do that in every world you have and they will not be able to do that command, one of my...
  2. L

    Open Server Modded Minecraft | 1.6.4 Direwolf20 v1.0.21 | [GriefPrevention] [Little Banned] [Morphs] [New Map]

    I have updated a couple donation perks, started work on a couple minigames and am adding more things to spend points on in our website shop.
  3. L

    Open Server Modded Minecraft | 1.6.4 Direwolf20 v1.0.21 | [GriefPrevention] [Little Banned] [Morphs] [New Map]

    I am safe to say that running the 1.0.10 pack for 7 hours straight, there has been no major TPS issues even with 46 people online it was still up at 18+, could this be that the stability has finally stabilized?
  4. L

    Open Server Modded Minecraft | 1.6.4 Direwolf20 v1.0.21 | [GriefPrevention] [Little Banned] [Morphs] [New Map]

    its fine, but in future try keep these reports to the website only please, it catches the attention of the staff faster. If your on the website, ill post when it back up EDIT: Servers back up
  5. L

    Open Server Modded Minecraft | 1.6.4 Direwolf20 v1.0.21 | [GriefPrevention] [Little Banned] [Morphs] [New Map]

    Possibly updating to 1.0.10 later today, depending on how much of our current players want this update to happen
  6. L

    Open Server Modded Minecraft | 1.6.4 Direwolf20 v1.0.21 | [GriefPrevention] [Little Banned] [Morphs] [New Map]

    Player shops are now avaliable! Also, i want to thank everyone for playing on our server! it has been a pleasure talking to all of you. Our current record for online players: 50/50!
  7. L

    Open Server Modded Minecraft | 1.6.4 Direwolf20 v1.0.21 | [GriefPrevention] [Little Banned] [Morphs] [New Map]

    Currently working on our mob arena and shops! Cant wait for everyone to try this arena :)
  8. L

    Open Server Modded Minecraft | 1.6.4 Direwolf20 v1.0.21 | [GriefPrevention] [Little Banned] [Morphs] [New Map]

    Like this server? Why not post what it is we do to make your time enjoyable!? Don't like this server? Why not post why you dislike it, who knows we might be able to do something about it!
  9. L

    /cofh friend gui permission node!

    the problem with that is if you live with someone and have tesseracts so only you have access for your private network, the friend command allows others to use / move your tesseract, especially useful if you use them to transport power / items to and from your quarry, thats what my requests for...
  10. L

    Open Server Modded Minecraft | 1.6.4 Direwolf20 v1.0.21 | [GriefPrevention] [Little Banned] [Morphs] [New Map]

    Current record of online players: 43, can we beat that? Achieved 29th at roughly midnight GMT
  11. L

    Problem FTB Direwolf20 1.6.4 pack not working with the latest MCPC+ 1.6.4 build! help!

    If i recall correctly, the current Direwolf20 version will not work with any MCPC+ version of 185 or above, because they changed the forge version. Railcraft insist that you use the previous version so it will not load until that mod is updated in the pack, This happened on my server when i...
  12. L

    Problem Direwolf20 1.0.7 Chunk loading issue

    What version of MCPC+ are you currently using because I'm using build 184 and they unload just fine for me, 182 added 'fix for spawning and active chunks' Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. L

    Open Server Modded Minecraft | 1.6.4 Direwolf20 v1.0.21 | [GriefPrevention] [Little Banned] [Morphs] [New Map]

    Thank you :) Our server is constantly growing in many ways. Come join our humble community and be part of it through its journey!
  14. L

    DW20 (1.6.4): TE ItemDuct chunk loading issue, SMP

    I can confirm that this happens on my MCPC+ server running Direwolf20 1.0.8 aswell 10 stacks of cobble in barrel, place 1 stack in ender chest and it will carry on as normal and put it in the barrel. go away from the area by teleporting away wait a minute to make sure chunks deload and put a...
  15. L

    /cofh friend gui permission node!

    Im not sure if you have this problem resolved or not, but here is the MCPC+ permission for you, or anyone looking to fix this issue cofh.command.CommandHandler unfortunately they only use one permission so all of the /cofh commands are available to them :\