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    portal gun configs

    I do my best to avoid the MTV and TLCish parts of tv land. They make me want to yell :mad:
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    portal gun configs

    What is this world coming to?
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    portal gun configs

    How dare you upload something that people want to download!
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    EE3 Discussion/Speculation/Hype

    I believe Pahimar's current plan is to seven different "families" of EMC. Items can be transmuted within their own families without any penalty, but transmuting outside of an object's family will mean loosing some of the EMC. I'm pretty certain that you will always be able to transmute up ie...
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    Another Newbie Saying Hello

    Welcome to the FTB Forums! :D
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    Howdy from Texas

    Welcome to the forums!
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    Can't join the server?!

    Can you provide any more details, what mods are missing etc?
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    New to FTB

    Welcome to the forums :D
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    Electrical Engines... How do they work?

    The engines are on if the heat is rising. It sounds like he forgot wooden conductive pipes.
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    Hey everyone

    Welcome to the forums!
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    Sorting System

    Buildcraft and barrels!
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    Can't change avatar

    I believe you have to use gravatar. You can't upload images directly.
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    Servers Need Bukkit

    It is very unlikely that Bukkit will ever be compatible with FTB again. This thread is specifically for the discussion of potential fixes. I'd suggest looking here
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    Gregtech recipes = ridiculous?

    I personally enjoy the changes gregtech makes but I know some people don't. He included an extensive config so people could customize his mod to there individual tastes. Everyone should be able to use as much or as little as grectech as they want. There are many FTB servers that have disabled...
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    FTB launcher loads something and then stops

    What exactly is happening? Can you launch minecraft or is the launcher freezing? I don't see any issues in the log. Edit: I have to start typing faster :p
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    Hello there!

    Welcome to the forums! Hope to see you around :D
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    FTB Retro Maps not working

    Stopped working how? Can you include all of this info
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    Gregtech recipes = ridiculous?

    The configs are under the heading usefulRecipies, just set them all to false to disable gregtech's changing vanilla IC2 recipes.
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    crash when starting up

    There should be a log where the launcher is installed. Could you post that and include this information. It's hard to say what it with the little info you've provided. Edit: Ash's a ninja too!
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    Gregtech recipes = ridiculous?

    I think the author wants you to waste fuel :p