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  1. T

    Transporting lava/energy from nether

    I use the Mystcraft / Rail system and it's worked great for me. Something it does automatically is pace itself by holding the transport cart when the receiving tank is full. I'm not sure if/how other systems manage this.
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    RedPower news, and thaumcraft

    A FTB Red Power Alpha Pack would be nice. We'd get to take a look. They could ignore bug complaints since it would be designated as an alpha. More people looking at it, some might find unknown bugs and be able to write a bug report with reliable steps to reproduce. We'd get to take a look.
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    Help with hooking up my quarry

    Redstone engines aren't powerful enough to run a quarry, I think you would need five chained together just to get the quarry going at a very slow pace. I used to use oil - fuel - two combustion engines but always ran into issues with the cooling system drying out an infinite water source and...
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    Twilight Forest

    Watch were the mobs are dropping from, there's a spawner in the rocks. Also if you got a raven feather and some blaze powder look into making a magic map. It will point you to all the hills and other POI's
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    Diamond making machines

    Long and drawn out in that it's a multi stage process of putting things in a machine, crafting something from it, putting that in a different machine. Not as complicated as a nano suit, more complicated than a circuit. The auto craft tables would be for a machine that you can dump coal and...
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    Diamond making machines

    Google "Minecraft industrial diamond" There are a couple of tutorials. It's pretty long and drawn out process. If I recall it takes a stack of coal and 1 flint per diamond and a machine will require multiple auto craft tables, a macerator and a compressor.
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    Twilight Forest

    Probably the best use of your first diamond. You will want to wait until you have iron armor and it's not a bad idea to bring a bed and a chest. Once there find the hollow hills. The big ones are very iron rich and usually have a couple of diamond nodes. Once you get rolling get an ore map...
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    Mod Packs

    The Retro pack is a pre 1.3.2 pack that has the mods that worked with that pack, but you will be playing in a much older version of Minecraft. Beta A has the mods that currently work with 1.4. So it depends on what you want to do. A map with the retro pack probably wont upgrade to the latest...
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    dark iron, steel and iridium.

    What is the UUM recipe for iridium? The one I know doesn't seem to work and I haven't found any sort of toggle in the .cfg's I was using 111 010 111 Edit: After restarting the recipe works. No Idea what why it wasn't working.
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    Ram Setting not working

    Are you using 32 or 64 bit Java? The first public release of the the launcher would just quit if I tried to launch the game with more than 1 gig but worked fine after upgrading to 64bit Java.
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    [getting started] need some sort of power system going

    Having done few maps where I just zerged the solar panels I've really com to like GregTech for slowing that method down. But I do think there is a hole in the early progression when the generators start to become too cumbersome. IC Wind could fill that need but I would like to see the height...