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  1. S

    Whitelist Server VanityMC | Direwolf20 | Whitelisted | Grief Prevention | Mature | Events | Parkour | TS3 | No Lag

    In Game Name: sam6555 Age: 23 Country: England, UK New to mods: No About yourself: I enjoy building things that work, like big machine systems. I also enjoy making things go over the top, such as power systems and farms Will you be on our teamspeak?: That depends on how involved I get with the...
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    Steam Dynamo only outputs 4RF/t

    So i have no idea what had happened, but after I went back into MC about 2 mins after the Dynamo's were running at 80 RF/t. Which is really strange because nothing at all had changed in the system. The REC was still in a state of 'not full' yet the Dynamo's ran at differing speeds. Though they...
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    Steam Dynamo only outputs 4RF/t

    I gave one Dynamo a whole 36HP worth of steam and it still gave 4.
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    Steam Dynamo only outputs 4RF/t

    I've tried a couple different set-ups now using both Fluiducts and placing the Dynamos directly on the boiler (it's full heat) and it only wants to output 4RF/t. I've tried giving it water as well as Steam, which did nothing more. Tried just one Dynamo, but that still only output 4. Would have...
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    Problem Using Essentials

    What OS are you running? Are you using minecraft hosting provider or a dedicated/local server not designed for minecraft? What version of FTB are you using? (Dont just say latest tell us the version) Did you add any mods to the server pack? What are your server specs? A good detailed paragraph...
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    Problem Updated server to 1.1.3, error report

    Still having the frozen AE thing going on. Decided to upload my world file. I use Unleashed 1.1.3. Could anyone have a look through the world to see what could be causing the system. I added a Quantum Gen to the controller and...
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    Problem Updated server to 1.1.3, error report

    The system stopped working again earlier today so I broke and replaced the controller. It was still broken afterwards. /= Something I did do the other day was make a new folder with new server files, and transplanting the world/properties/banlist/ops, and enabling the mods we had enabled like...
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    Problem Updated server to 1.1.3, error report

    Bumping for possible solution to AE network not working as expected. GUIs are not updating i.e numbers aren't changing when items get taken out/put in. Also I have a chest with a export bus for putting charcoal in to fuel 2 boilers, requesting shows up in the crafting monitor, but nothing...
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    Problem Updated server to 1.1.3, error report

    Ok I deleted the folder and I can at least get into the world. Couple things I wanna find out though. I went to some co-ords mentioned in the logs: The co-ords pointed to where I had a soul spawner, though there's no cage/shard currently there, all there was was some dirt blocks with a...
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    Problem Updated server to 1.1.3, error report

    Also crash log that I just got when trying to run the server again.
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    Problem Updated server to 1.1.3, error report

    Additional info plus bump. Unleashed modpack, and here's my PC specs.
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    Problem Updated server to 1.1.3, error report

    I'm having a few problems with my server, and figuring I can just re-use this thread. The first problem I'm having is with some stuff being spammed in the console, there's the <player> has moved correctly lines, which I have been told is just because of server lag, as it's being hosted off of...
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    Problem Updated server to 1.1.3, error report

    Think I may have an idea with what happened here. I extracted the new server onto the old files, like the dummy I am. <= I'll make a new start and copy the world/serverstart/banned players ect.
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    Problem Updated server to 1.1.3, error report

    Here's a pastebin: I updated my server from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 and got a crash report.
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Problem is, I would want to keep more than just 8 different items inside.
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Will a storage bus keep a chest stacked with an exact amount of items, even if it has to craft them? Thinking of putting a storage bus/chest combo for a Thaumcraft room holding something that can supply every single aspect.
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Would wireless turtles work?
  18. S

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Tried making a drop farm for soul shard mobs, as there's no redpower I figured I'd use conveyors+item collector. However it seems the conveyors softened their landing and Withers survived a 40+ block fall. All I can think of is either the conveyors+item collector or a floor of 81 hoppers. Well...
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    So I have a BioReactor set-up, though currently with only 5 types of organic matter in it, but my problem is that an export bus cannot keep it stocked. Where some of my products need to be crafted, like melon/pumpkin seeds, I have to have the bus set to "move single or craft single". I'm aware I...
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    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Using the MFR Bioreactor, what's the best way to convert it to power? For EU I'm assuming those Bio gens, the ones made with sturdy machines that generate 16 EU/t I believe. For MJ I think it would be the Bio Generators from MFR. What's the mode change key for Mining Laser? I tried both G+RMB...