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  1. I

    Whitelist Server New Dawn [ FTB Direwolf20 v1.7.10 (whitelisted) | 24/7 | +16 | Space Limited ]

    1. How long do I tend to spend on the server?: 2-3 Hours per day, unless I am busy working. 2. Do I live far away from Auckland where the server is being hosted from? Other side of the world, but I never seem to have trouble with servers across the world. 3. Will I get unhappy/rage if I get...
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    Issue With Sphax (possibly my PC specs?)

    Managed to solve this by reinstalling my FTB Launcher and Allocating 4GB of RAM. I have also provided the JVM Arguments I set below, they are slightly extensive but seemed to work for me. Thanks for the help though guys. -Xms4096m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m -XX:NewRatio=4...
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    Issue With Sphax (possibly my PC specs?)

    Tried with the x64 and with 6GB allocated and still no luck. I can't really allocate any more with Windows (It runs 1gb idle). I've managed to run it before with the same specs, which is what is confusing me. I formatted my PC about 4 weeks ago and wasn't too bothered about installing a texture...
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    Issue With Sphax (possibly my PC specs?)

    Hey guys, Not often my specs let me down, but I seem to be having issues with my FTB Unleashed and the Sphax Texture Pack. I use multiMC and have provided an error log from it. The issue seems to be that Minecraft just will not load with this texture pack enabled. I get the load up screen with...
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    Unsupported Unleashed 1.5.2 Bug Reporting

    Mod Pack: Unleashed Mod & Version: Tinkers Construct / Vanilla Pastebin link to crash log: No crash, but here is the smeltery screenshot Whats the bug? Smeltery Storage capacity being removed Can it be repeated? Yes Known Fix:
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    Making Things Look "Nice"?

    Thanks for the posts and suggestions everyone. Looks like I just need to keep on trucking. Maybe in 2018 I could be twice as good as I am now!
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    Making Things Look "Nice"?

    I've been playing MC since 2010 :(
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    Making Things Look "Nice"?

    Hey guys, So I know for a lot of people like myself building things that actually look good in FTB and Minecraft in general is pretty difficult. Some people pick it up naturally and others don't. However, at the moment I am finding that everything I seem to do just looks ugly as hell and I don't...
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    Recording FTB

    I've used OBS for livestreaming (Back before I had xSplit) but never found the need to use it as xSplit always used to be fine with other games. I suppose OBS is worth a shot considering it uses a lot less resources on your PC. Good thinking, I probably should of thought of that myself -.-
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    Recording FTB

    Hey guys, I have done plenty of recording in the past, but lately my machine has been letting me down on FTB. I can record at around 30-40FPS which, whilst being fine for YouTube it is not great for me to play on (Especially when I am used to seeing 100-200 FPS [ I have a 120hz monitor before...
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    Help another noob (Tinkers Construct Smeltery)

    How is it not valid? It's working perfectly fine now. Everything smelts, I can create casts and fill casts. I have built it in the same way as other working smelterys (Within the last month or so, meaning its up to date) and I see no problems with it at the moment.
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    Help another noob (Tinkers Construct Smeltery)

    I've sorted the problem. I didn't realise you couldn't use iron to create casts etc. Used gold and its working beautifully now! Thanks for the quick response!
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    Help another noob (Tinkers Construct Smeltery)

    I think I understand what you mean, but why does it work on the Basin but not the table?
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    Help another noob (Tinkers Construct Smeltery)

    Hey guys, I seem to be making some kind of mistake with the Tinkers Construct mod. I have attached a video showing my problem. Basically I can't get my smeltery to pour any liquid into my casting table. It goes into the basin fine but not the table. I've followed step by step on multiple...
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    Where to even start with modding

    Thanks for the replies guys! Really helpful.
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    Where to even start with modding

    Hi all, I've been playing Minecraft for around 2 or 3 years now, but recently find myself bored in vanilla. I'm not very creative, so I can't come up with fancy new ideas for builds or anything like that. However I know modding can add a lot more functionality to the game. I tried to delve into...
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    FTB / Mods Noob Needs Some Help

    Thanks for the replies guys, I have started an FTB ultimate world on single player and I just love having so many ores.
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    FTB / Mods Noob Needs Some Help

    Hey all, So I have played Minecraft for around a year or 2 now and I am a bit bored of standard vanilla. I have tried to get into Tekkit and FTB before but I just find the mod packs to be overwhelming with all of the new items. I'm looking for someone who knows a little bit more than me to show...