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  1. G

    Problem MCPC+ L8 Build - Quarry not working after restart FTB Ultiamte

    Just installed TT but i need to run a .cmd file I would need SSH access to do that right? I dont have that with the host I am using. Cant see another way I could send a command
  2. G

    Problem MCPC+ L8 Build - Quarry not working after restart FTB Ultiamte

    Installing plugin now This is the version i am using of MCPC+ mcpc-plus-legacy-1.4.7-R1.1-SNAPSHOT-f534-L67. I googled and it seemed this was the latest version for 1.4.7
  3. G

    Problem MCPC+ L8 Build - Quarry not working after restart FTB Ultiamte

    sorry but how would i get the NBT data? The quarries never worked for a start. They wouldnt place their frame, then i opped the fake player [buildcraft] and that meant it was allowed to place blocks. The only issue remaining is the quarrys stopping on server restart. I did find some stuff on...
  4. G

    Problem MCPC+ L8 Build - Quarry not working after restart FTB Ultiamte

    no i haven't edited those at all. Should i? I will try placing down a chunkloader and report back
  5. G

    Problem MCPC+ L8 Build - Quarry not working after restart FTB Ultiamte

    ok thanks I will try removing clearlag now and test it I also had issues with the filler and quarry not working opping [buildcraft] fixed the quarry and the filler can now clear blocks but it still wont place. edit: Removing clearlag didnt fix the issue Think I might try remove all plugins and...
  6. G

    Problem MCPC+ L8 Build - Quarry not working after restart FTB Ultiamte

    thanks for the reply MCPC+ no TT Heres a list of all the plugins I have installed. AutoSaveWorld ClearLag Essentials GriefPrevention GroupManager worldedit Worldguard
  7. G

    Problem MCPC+ L8 Build - Quarry not working after restart FTB Ultiamte

    Any update on this Sorry for the necro post but Im getting this issue too now and I didnt want to make a new post about it
  8. G

    Mod Pack Update

    Thanks for the reply. that makes more sense. So the 1.6 pack is not imminent? As that is how people have made it sound but I find that hard to believe
  9. G

    Mod Pack Update

    Can someone explain to me why people keep mentioning FTB 1.6 1.5.2 isnt even released yet and neither is Vanilla 1.6. My thought would be that it'd be a long time before FTB got to 1.6. Since its a whole version behind justnow. Or is FTB for 1.5 coming out then for 1.6 soon after? If so doesnt...
  10. G

    FTB Pack Comparison

    There is still no gravisuite in the new beta pack Why is this? AFAIK its been updated to 1.5.2 for a while. Hope they aren't leaving it out! Such a good mod
  11. G

    Mystcraft Book Writing Guide 1.4.7 ONLY

    Hey guys I am looking for a little help I play on a SMP server I have written 13 ages so far and not one has been as i described. some have been close but not correct Ive followed the guide in the first post as best I can. For example I put Mushrooms Biome, Single Biome. But then I get tiled...
  12. G

    Whitelist Server Fusion-Craft|Ultimate|White list|Grief Prev|1.1.2|TS3|Keep items on death|Essentials

    Forum name: Guthatron In-Game Name: Guthatron Age: 22 Country: Scotland, UK Have you ever been banned? why? no If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? I would be superman, so i wouldnt have to build that oh so expensive gravi chest plate xD (I wanted to add that I know...