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  1. W

    Pump ALL the liquids: A request about the FTB liquids

    yea and imagine mixing tin with copper makes bronze liquid and etc , this could be a nice mod :D
  2. W

    Pump ALL the liquids: A request about the FTB liquids

    i want pools of liquid gold
  3. W

    Pump ALL the liquids: A request about the FTB liquids

    yea fluid mechanics would be great , but probably abit too problematic to make
  4. W

    Valid nether BC power

    hmm i usually mine the netherrack with quarry or turtle and send it back to overworld magmatic crucibles , too much trouble with pumps :D
  5. W

    Magmatic engines - Item Power

    so can magmatics
  6. W

    Magmatic engines - Item Power

    you should change the conduits direction with wrench i think , i dont use bc pipes anymore they are outdated
  7. W

    EE3 is already broken!

    thats the problem , if they would use more energy , everything would be just fine , but now you can use 1 minium stone for like 1000 times , as they are made very easily , the energy cost is almost none.
  8. W

    EE3 is already broken!

    seems like all the exploits are with pulverisers(or other type of this system) , but it seems like most of it isnt an issue ( bonemeal, blazerods can be easily mass produced with soulshards )
  9. W

    Davidobot's FTB Server Play Server [Season 2]|Direwolf20's Modpack|Whitelist

    well i can also post my machinery 40 stirling engine power source ( stirlings because i challenged myself to power everything with only them ) Simple quarry dump site ( only sorting out dirt and cobble at this point ): Here is where all of thermal expansion machines + some engines...
  10. W

    Programing turtle to automatically plant saplings

    So i was wondering is there a way to program turtle to automatically plant saplings to empty places for my logger ( i know i can use the automated farms but this would not require fertilization ) . I don't yet fully understand all the CC stuff , so if anyone knows how this is possible please...
  11. W

    Davidobot's FTB Server Play Server [Season 2]|Direwolf20's Modpack|Whitelist

    I havent really worked on aestetics yet , just on technical stuff so i have ugly base here is the world im now on :
  12. W

    Davidobot's FTB Server Play Server [Season 2]|Direwolf20's Modpack|Whitelist

    IGN: WizyLT Age / Maturity :21 , i guess im mature , kinda (atleast not childish in the bad way ) Minecraft experience : ~2 Years FTB experience :few weeks Did you accept the rules : Yes as for last part , don't have anything impressive to show
  13. W

    Whitelist Server RedstoneCraft|MindCrack V8.01|Whitelisted|24/7|Mumble

    Sorry for asking here , but did i get white listed ? Don't seem to be able to connect.
  14. W

    Whitelist Server RedstoneCraft|MindCrack V8.01|Whitelisted|24/7|Mumble

    Age: 21 Experience with the mods: For a long time my favorite was Industrial craft (played it since close to its beginning) , then i got into buildcraft when the compatibility came out , but now im really enjoying thermal expansion Would you say you are a mature person? Pretty much yeah Have...
  15. W

    Flan's Plane Mod - 1.4.6

    looks really nice
  16. W

    4x4x4 6-directional frame drive

    hmm i guess i can make this as a base motor for my underground moving base ( would only need to add the transformation engines for changing direction of blockbreakers and all the computer methods) ?
  17. W

    New Mod Pack Added

    seems to be abit more laggy
  18. W

    New Mod Pack Added

    but couldnt i just transfer my world if anything else comes up? it doesnt seem that worldgen will be different by much
  19. W

    New Mod Pack Added

    so is this best one to chose if i want to play FTB pack on 1.4.6 and with red power?
  20. W

    We demand to know when the modpack is going to be updated

    yea maybe they are delaying so we would have free chirstmass