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  1. S

    Redstone Logic Gates v1 [Computercraft][9 Gates][More Planned]

    Another question, is this player detected or detected by chunk loads? If its by chunk ill definitely use it Sent from my BlackBerry 9810 using Tapatalk
  2. S

    So, creeperhost has some silly policies.

    Technically you can do reoccuring payments through paypal. And honestly I don't blame them for how their policy is. Point blank, pay and play or don't pay and cry. I mean is five days not enough? I pay my crap two weeks in advance and haven't had a better host. Sent from my BlackBerry 9810...
  3. S

    Your Kit

    Slot 1 : Eff 4 Fortune 3 Adv. Diamond drill Slot 2 : Sharp 4 Looting 3 Fire Aspect 1 Diamond Sword Slot 3 : Omniwrench Slot 4 : Slot 5 : Slot 6 : Slot 7 : Enderpouch Slot 8 : Food Slot 9 : Torches Enderpouch contains canvas bags color sorted by what they have in them. Canvas bag full of...
  4. S

    Moderators: They make you lose count(Longest thread still alive!)

    14 Sent from my BlackBerry 9810 using Tapatalk
  5. S

    Disposing of unwanted blocks from a quarry

    I havetn read this whole thread but forgive me if its mentioned but isn't there a red power block that creates junction between a pneumatic systen and bc pipes? If so why not us that to sort by color to the line with the block then void pipe?i
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    Moderators: They make you lose count(Longest thread still alive!)

    203 Sent from my BlackBerry 9810 using Tapatalk
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    The Story of a Minecrafter

    Several shots ring out flying 10 meters to the left or just above his head as his stone sword hits the bones of the Skelton.
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    The Story of a Minecrafter

    Decides to wonder off into the night in search of a tree to chop down to replace his last pieces of wood
  9. S

    Whitelist Server JCraft Ultimate FTB dedicated bukkit server

    Ill take creeperhost over other hosts any day. My previous two hosts had a total of 20% uptime for the first two weeks I was with each of them. Came to creeper host, two months, only had one issue which was a ddos. Ill never regret it.
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    The Story of a Minecrafter

    Reaches the top only to find out he's out of coal.
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    The Story of a Minecrafter

    He runs into those pesky ores that require an iron pick.
  12. S

    Moderators: They make you lose count(Longest thread still alive!)

    6. I think he needs to go to bed or something.