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  1. W

    Mindcrack map: Path to Thaumturge (WIP)

    its fine i still dont have IP though
  2. W

    Open Server Shock Therapy - A Universal Electricity Server

    we can but that is more work for eveyone on the server. also i died in a world hole when the server moved the spawn and lost 24 leather full obsidian armour a centrifuge and 10 diamonds =(
  3. W

    Mindcrack map: Path to Thaumturge (WIP)

    thats awesome. we would love your help with the map. also the list of people helping so far are: Whyistheskyblue ryter78 zaphim121 K4b6
  4. W

    Mindcrack map: Path to Thaumturge (WIP) that is the link to drop box if you would like to put the map on to the server. i had to restart as my computer crashed and i lost all my stuff and had to go off a backup but here it is so far
  5. W

    Mindcrack map: Path to Thaumturge (WIP)

    ok k4b6 i will put up the map so far tommorow so you can download it
  6. W

    Mindcrack map: Path to Thaumturge (WIP)

    i will send you the map so far later
  7. W

    Mindcrack map: Path to Thaumturge (WIP)

    im currently working prolouge you know where you find the entrance and talk to terras.
  8. W

    Mindcrack map: Path to Thaumturge (WIP)

    This is a WIP by me and me alone if anyone wants to help we fist need a server for it. it uses the mindcrack pack and is focused mainly around thaumcraft but with some tech in there and i use redpower to help me do all the redstone. you discover the story line and the background of your...
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    DrillCraft [1.4.2][Whitelist]

    1 not enough detail. 2. this server has been down for the past 3 months and we have not heard from the owner
  10. W

    Open Server Shock Therapy - A Universal Electricity Server

    this was the first time i had done UE on survival. i now have obsidian armour and a particle accelrator. yes its ok for newbs
  11. W

    Will RPIC(EU/blutricity power converters) come back?

    if you want loads of mods that use the same power system juts use the UE API/modpack
  12. W

    Open Server Shock Therapy - A Universal Electricity Server

    it seems a server wide war against evil_homer and evil_krusty has begun
  13. W

    Open Server Shock Therapy - A Universal Electricity Server

    the war with ed is over but a far bigger war has erupted from the first targeted nuclear as assault.
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    Open Server Shock Therapy - A Universal Electricity Server

    let today be known as the first day of war. whyistheskyblue launched the first nuclear atttack upon ed thus starting the nuclear apocalpyse. he and highlandersteve joined together to forge an alliance to last a centurythey have declared war on ed for insulting their culture. and they will not...
  15. W

    Open Server Shock Therapy - A Universal Electricity Server

    server down? also if you do get a forcefiel and decide to build above ground. make sure you have a good power source for it (also if you attack me i will nuke you =P )some advice if you are fighting someone with much more resources than you and a force field. launch a EMP attack and then a nuke...
  16. W

    Open Server Shock Therapy - A Universal Electricity Server

    love this server. some advice for newbies DONT BUILD ABOVE GROUND
  17. W

    Universal Electricity Mod Pack

    Hey just wanted to tell you that the manipulator from assembly line wont put items into smelting factory's i have not tested with other blocks but i know it does not work for any of the factory blocks
  18. W

    Will RPIC(EU/blutricity power converters) come back?

    please stop calling it BC it gets confusing because that is the short name for buildcraft when your talking about redpower power