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  1. W

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    I'm having this problem, where my cows and chickens keep escaping from their pens. I'm pretty sure it's just lag or something but it's starting to annoy me. Is there any way to prevent this, like a fence or something added in my a mod that's better?
  2. W

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    This is kind of hard to explain, but I'll try. first, I have 4 walls of barrels arranged in a square, and every wall has it's own set of items. The first wall is things you pull out of the ground, and is currently only using 39 barrels, so only SM. But the next 2 wall have to have 2 SM to them...
  3. W

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    I moved my cows to get them away from these seemingly random lighting strikes that would kill off my whole herd, and just now it happened again. It only goes after the cows, and every time it's day time and it's not raining or anything. What is going on? There is no flux in the area.
  4. W

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    Here is a picture of the whole set up; The SM next to the ender chest is the first SM that every item put into the system passes through. Here is the GUI of that SM; This SM just deals with minerals and stuff like that, but every SM outputs into either a blue or white tube. Blue is to a...
  5. W

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    I just made a tier 5 skelly cage and I set it up in a 9x9 room with a hole in the middle for the mobs to drop down and I can one hit them. I've noticed that there is pretty serious congestion at the hole, and they skellies keep pushing on each other to get though and it's just not efficient and...
  6. W

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Is there anyway to get a pure bred bee species when you only have one of that bee? I accidently made a valiant and saffron bee, and I don't want to waste them by breeding them incorrectly. Is there a way to get them pure-bred so I have a lot of these bees to experiment with?
  7. W

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    Then what If I want a continuous energy gain? In my case, by biofuel plant would just constantly produce the biofuel that's constantly burned or whatever to make the energy that's always being stored in my battery? The only problem I see with this is that what if the "battery" gets full?
  8. W

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Now, beeism aside, is it good to just keep breeding bees until you have a huge stockpile of random bees? I want bees that give off experience, but I'm really confused on how to do that so I was just going to get a bunch of random bees. I don't have a real direction to go in because I dunno what...
  9. W

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    What three biomes should I center a bee farm around? Or even just one, what would be the best biome to breed bees in general in?
  10. W

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    I have a big tank of biomass that I have stockpiling right now, and I'm wondering about the best way to turn it into as much energy as possible? I'd also like to store all of this energy all at once, so I was thinking of tying up a bunch of MFSUs or something to basically get a huge battery, but...
  11. W

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    What's an annexe? I can't seem to find it in the NEI or the wiki.
  12. W

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    Is there any way to fix this without moving to another biome? I can only breed modest bees right now. I'm one sorry excuse for an apiarist...
  13. W

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    What's it mean when an apiary's queen wont produce because of a "hostile environment"? Almost all of my bees are being useless right now because of this problem. I'm in a red mountain biome.
  14. W

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    Modest queens across the board. It says they need cacti. Which I assume is real cacti, and if they need cacti why do they work for short periods of time with normal flowers near by?
  15. W

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    I have the same issue with lighting killing my cows. I don't know what causes it because flux is zero in the area. From what I have experienced, the range is about 2-3 blocks. Not very big, as I've had half the cows get blasted and the other half be fine simply because the lighting's range...
  16. W

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Very true. Adding on to my previous question; I want to make this barn thing, but I don't want it to just be a flat glass roof. I was thinking like glass stairs or something, but those don't seem to exist, so I was wondering of other alternatives. Maybe the normal wood roof, but the block...
  17. W

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    EDIT: Speaking of bees, Is there any way to cover them up, without disabling them? I've placed mine next to an area that is prone to random lighting strikes that are already killing of my third heard of cows. I wanted to place them in a barn kind of thing, but don't know how to do this while...
  18. W

    Any good free games?

    Warframe is very nice 3rd person sci-fi kind of game that's still in early stages.
  19. W

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Does the type of flower or the quantity of matter at all? I understand the type matters depending on the species of bee, but does it matter how many flowers? I placed one yellow one by every apiary and so far nothing has happened.
  20. W

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    The problem was either the area was hostile, or there were no flowers. I really don't understand bees enough to totally understand the breeding tree concept. Right now I'm scrambling to get combs to get the honey dew to power my bee related stuff and it's already giving me trouble.