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  1. M

    Regarding Private Modpacks

    The whole process to me is asinine.
  2. M

    Regarding Private Modpacks

    Quote from the MCF: "OMFG!!! I answor UR qstn, U gibme diamond an upvote NAO!!!" Now you're gonna tell me what I said isn't correct?
  3. M

    Regarding Private Modpacks

    This whole issue of respect is such bullshit. You can still respect people even if you don't ask them for permission to use their freely distributed download link.
  4. M

    Regarding Private Modpacks

    Wow, seems like the minecraft modding community is at its shittiest yet. Looks like you're supposed to ask permission to use mods for personal use. I don't see why it's impossible to respect the mod devs without asking for permission to download the FREELY DISTRIBUTED LINK on their mod thread.
  5. M

    Private Packs: How Do I Make One?

    Thank you for pointing out what was so blatantly obvious. You don't need to jump through hoops to use something if it is freely distributed.
  6. M

    Realm Of the Mad god

    My only question is how does one get fame? I've only been able to get 1.
  7. M

    Realm Of the Mad god

    Level 19. Made it to Level 19. Once I died, I raged so hard that I still don't want to play it.
  8. M

    So... What is the difference between this and technic/tekkit?

    Seems like all the FTB supporters are only looking at one side of the coin...Do some research next time before you make outrageous claims, kid.
  9. M

    So... What is the difference between this and technic/tekkit?

    If this guy seriously still belives that Technic/Tekkit has no permissions for IC2, or at all, then he must be living under a rock.
  10. M

    Fuzzzie's Modded Minecraft Let's Play

    If I could define that in food terms, I'd say scrumptious.
  11. M

    Fuzzzie's Modded Minecraft Let's Play

    Your series is amazing. That is all I have to say. More watching!
  12. M

    Nice doggie!

    Nice doggie!
  13. M

    Checked out the changelist. Wow...

    Checked out the changelist. Wow...
  14. M

    So, you still running your Tekkit Server Deluxe, or are you switching over to FTB now?

    So, you still running your Tekkit Server Deluxe, or are you switching over to FTB now?
  15. M

    Windows .exe Launcher Crash after launch

    Sigh, if it's already off, did you already redownload the launcher and test everything I said? Or are you going off your rocker?
  16. M

    Windows .exe Launcher Crash after launch

    4 posts above this one...
  17. M

    Windows .exe Launcher Crash after launch

    Well then try my solution...
  18. M

    Windows .exe Launcher Crash after launch

    Hmm, try turning off MalwareBytes, download and install launcher, turn MB back on, and make it ignore the launcher.
  19. M

    Windows .exe Launcher Crash after launch

    Did you download the launcher while Malwarebytes was running?
  20. M

    Too laggy

    Optifine is a pretty buggy modification. It works for some, others it doesn't. Anyways, try different versions of Optifine. Might work then.