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  1. K

    Best way to transport energy into long distance (Ultimate)

    ^_^ I love the little guys.
  2. K


    You're welcome to go find and paste the other recipes yourself Nose ^_^.
  3. K

    Best way to transport energy into long distance (Ultimate)

    Can't you use golems to detect/transfer your full and empty lapotronic crystals same way Direwolf is currently exchanging the uranium in his reactor?
  4. K

    what is minia? Seems it's her test world.
  5. K

    1.5 Update

    ETA is next week "we hope to make these packs available to everyone either this monday (April 22) or the following Monday at the latest (April 29)"
  6. K

    Can someone recommend me a good BuildCraft energy setup?

    look for consumer, energy bridge and producer in NEI those are the three blocks you'll need for the conversion
  7. K

    Just a little question.

    As far as I know, this is the most recent information on updates to FTB packs.
  8. K

    Pulverizer Output question

    For the Pulveriser, red is the colour of your primary output item like dusts yellow is the colour of your secondary output item like secondary dusts or sulfur, etc if you want both to come out from a specific side of your machine, you need to set that side to orange, that way both materials will...
  9. K


    Iceman and Trackman's seem to be related to Railcraft mod's Backpack (Tool) and Computer Engineer's Backpack to Computercraft and MiscPeripherals Computer Engineer's Backpacks (Forestry) (upgrade to Woven like a regular backpack, craft with any color...
  10. K

    Forestry Bee Help

    Determining the usefulness of traits can be confusing to us newbies though ^_^. As for getting to Emerald Bees asap, if you don't object to major spoilers, Direwolf20 has exactly that covered in today's Let's Play. Season 5 - Episode 58 Alveary UberBreeder He's had his bee breeding set up...
  11. K

    Forestry Bee Help

    Great information in this thread all round. One useful thing I'd like to add is where to find more water and jungle Princesses in the wild as I originally had trouble with that myself. You can find the water hives as far down as 9 or 12 layers from the surface of the water. I found the fastest...
  12. K

    Lava/Magma Crucible Confusion.

    :) Pleasure. I haven't touched Mindcrack. Went from Direwolf to Ultimate. Haven't done much GregTech yet, liking the Xycraft tanks and the easy to set up Ender Tank pumping stations I've just discovered. Good luck with your new world.
  13. K

    Lava/Magma Crucible Confusion.

    yup, that's exactly where I got the equivalent numbers Info I had found stated Power Converters converts MJ into EU at a 1:2.5 ratio and vice versa. Douible checking that now... From current FTB wiki on Power Converters 2.2.2 - IndustrialCraft 2 EU: worth 1,800 (Power Converters) units per...
  14. K

    Lava/Magma Crucible Confusion.

    It all depends on what you mean by efficient exactly. I'd go with the Geothermal Generators. They seem to give the most bang for your buck what with required mats and effort to set up. Though if highest energy production per lava block is what you're after it seems combustion engines are the way...
  15. K

    Energy Bridge not working MJ>EU

    As I understand it, three different Power Converter blocks are required to convert : the source energy consumer block, the energy bridge and the wanted energy producer block. so an example connection would have Red power energy cell -> MJ consumer block -> Energy bridge -> EU producer (of...
  16. K

    Forestry Multiblock Farm Question.

    if you include a cleaning machine in your cart it should, it acts like a vaccuum in a 7x7 radius centered on the cart, will get back to you with confirmation once I get chance to test it out on my world >_< derp, you mentioned it yourself :) my cleaning machine had no problem picking up...
  17. K

    Forestry Multiblock Farm Question.

    Would a Steve's Cart tree farm work for harvesting wood from IC2 Rubber Wood then? Going to try it out on mine and see.
  18. K

    Forestry Multiblock Farm Question.

    I believe you'd have to set up a manual farm according to the Rubber Plantation specifications from the Wiki if you're after the sticky resin[]=orchard if you're after the actual wood (aren't there 3 types now?) then you may...
  19. K

    Mutator block for Alveary

    in one of the Direwolf20's season 4 multiplayer episodes one of the ladies tells him that you can get 100% chance of mutation with a combination of frames and mutator blocks apologies as I can't remember which one and pinpoint the time for you off the top of my head