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  1. T

    What is your favorite FTB texture pack?

    Yeah, on my one there's no XyCraft block textures at least. It's also got no texture for Forestry's Alveary Hygroregulator, some Extra Bees items, the Whistle Tuner from Railcraft, a few of the newer Twilight Forest textures and the Redpower Frame Motors when they're moving something. But I...
  2. T

    What is your favorite FTB texture pack?

    John Smith Technicians Remix is the way I go. The only issue I sometimes have is the Powersuits TInker Table doesn't like non-standard fonts, but that seems to happen even with Faithful.
  3. T

    Can you guys add Mo' Creatures in the Ultimate mod pack?

    Also I've found it causes the Thaumcraft Brainy Zombies not to spawn, and that means no sources of Zombie Brains
  4. T

    Mystcraft Void age recipe ?

    I think it's the Full Length on 'Normal Stars' as Stars don't require a length symbol, but that should also be caught and dealt with by Clear Modifiers. You also shouldn't need to specify the Night Sky and Sky colours unless you want them different to normal, and since Black/Blue is the normal...
  5. T

    Making my EU work harder.

    I think my jaw just dropped. I didn't even think of that. If the Steam Consumer can take it directly from a Tess, which it should, that would make it possible to have a nearly completely lossless way of powering anything, anywhere. You sir, deserve a cookie for coming up with that. Or several...
  6. T

    Making my EU work harder. That page has the details on how much it can output. In my experience though the amount it can output is limited by both the power being input into the Bridge, and also the demand on the producer end - any excess will just be stored in the...
  7. T

    Making my EU work harder.

    What I've been experimenting with is a combo of Power Converters and TE Energy Conduits. All power starts off as EU, but gets converted to BC power for the conduits, which have (If memory serves) only 5% loss no matter how much energy or how far, and ensure that all destinations get at least...
  8. T

    Liquid Tesseract

    Try putting the input valve on your tank on the top of the tank instead, and the Tesseract right on top of it (no pipes, liquiducts, etc). It should then automagically output all lava pumped into it in the Nether, as long as the chunks including the tesseracts at each end remain loaded.
  9. T

    Mystcraft Void age recipe ?

    The symbols I use to generate my Void ages are, in the following order: Single Biome, Void, Mushroom Island*, Normal Sun, Normal Moon, Normal Stars, Normal Lighting, No Weather, Clear Modifiers *Can be replaced with any other, this is just to prevent mobs spawning naturally. Spawners, inc...
  10. T

    Redstone Logic Gates v1 [Computercraft][9 Gates][More Planned]

    Given what you've got in mind, I think an option some would prefer is to make the initial script create others for each logic gate, so one can call whichever one is wanted right away.
  11. T

    NEI Chunk Boundires/Borders

    AFAIK the 'F9' key for chunk borders is from Railcraft, not NEI
  12. T

    MFFS Classic vs MFFS V.3

    At the risk of going against the request not to flame, I don't think I like what Calclavia is doing with it, and I don't think it's in the best spirits of the mod. I've only seen development screens and only tried a few of the earlier test builds, but from what I've seen there's just too many...
  13. T

    Traincraft vs Railcraft

    I believe there's an option in the config file for it. It disables the crafting recipes for it, but existing ones will still work and they can still be spawned in by /give and NEI, of course.
  14. T

    MFFS Classic vs MFFS V.3

    I believe Calclavia's version is a complete redesign. Over on the IC2 forums Thunderdark said he wanted to hand over to someone else, Calclavia took it up. From what I've seen it retains IC2 and UE compatibility but naturally Calclavia favours his pet UE system, a number of interfaces have been...
  15. T

    Traincraft vs Railcraft

    Well, if you disable the Zeppelin like I do - it's Traincraft, after all - and you use Railcraft's cart linking instead of Traincrafts, it's not too bad. I just find that the Steel exploit aside, a powered cart has almost always been more useful, and those cases it's not it just doesn't make...
  16. T

    Traincraft vs Railcraft

    OTOH Traincraft's engines have one thing Railcraft's Steam Engine doesn't have (yet) - the Steam locos it has can draw water and coal from an attached Tender, where Railcraft requires everything to be supplied only in the engine itself. If it could be made to work like the Tunnel Bore, pulling...
  17. T

    How do I use the LiquiCrafter?

    It's meant for stuff that uses a bucket of some liquid in the recipe. You make the recipe as normal using a filled bucket of whatever liquid you need, pump in the liquid, then make sure there's materials in the bit below to make it. After that it's a simple matter of applying a redstone pulse. A...
  18. T

    Solar Powered Matter Fabricator, I'm really proud of this!

    Why not just use a Redstone'd HV Transformer? That'd do the exact same job as that setup without adding any space at all.