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  1. Psychicash

    Thaumcraft. The best and worst mod in existence.

    I think discussions like this shouldn't be taken as a let's bash thaumcraft thread. The opinions here are from people who honestly I believe enjoy many aspects of the mod. I love the thing. I hate scanning and a few small irritations but honestly I think most of us really enjoy it and these...
  2. Psychicash

    Thaumcraft. The best and worst mod in existence.

    I see what you did there Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
  3. Psychicash

    Thaumcraft. The best and worst mod in existence.

    I ran out of steam and didn't want to make a wall of text...oops lol but you're absolutely right. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
  4. Psychicash

    Thaumcraft. The best and worst mod in existence.

    You can disable taint... But... You're losing out on a resource necessary to get certain things in the research. As far as in game documentation.. Ok let's look at a few mods that did it correctly. Botania -by far the best in game documentation I've seen. Hands down. The book is week written...
  5. Psychicash

    If you could add one thing to any mod...?

    There's a mod called fairy lights? I think that does just that basically with lights looks nice Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
  6. Psychicash

    Thaumcraft. The best and worst mod in existence.

    Currently, it still has research. The only in game documentation is the thaumanomicon. Unfortunately you have to research things to know what they are or do. Even then their uses are not very intuitive so you end up looking up YouTube videos. What's worse is the taint that you get from messing...
  7. Psychicash

    [1.7.10]Atonement: Sins of the Past Hardcore Survival Thaumcraft Focused

    so i was looking through the youtube videos of let's plays for this pack. Most of them never made it past 15. I didn't see any of them that didn't bee line it straight for botania to thaumcraft to automated alchemy to etherial blooms to weather machine and call it a day. Many of them had made...
  8. Psychicash

    [1.7.10]Atonement: Sins of the Past Hardcore Survival Thaumcraft Focused

    I did fall into one of those and broke a brand new sword and lost my laurel crown Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
  9. Psychicash

    [1.7.10]Atonement: Sins of the Past Hardcore Survival Thaumcraft Focused

    Well despite the lack of extra utilities and a few others, and despite all my groaning iskandar... I'm still playing it so you did something right Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
  10. Psychicash

    [1.7.10]Atonement: Sins of the Past Hardcore Survival Thaumcraft Focused

    It's just a bit much. I'm honestly surprised there's no blood magic in this pack. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
  11. Psychicash

    Ashes to ashes (City edition)

    Sorry for the lack of updates. the server has been,.... laggy this past week and I've been banished to the salt mines again. LOL. Apparently someone left the demon invasion chunk loaded to max size and it seems to be... causing... some ... lag. On the other hand it looks really cool. (no it...
  12. Psychicash

    [1.7.10] Explora Experimentia (v1.4.4) (Not your average kitchen sink pack!) (138 mods and growing!)

    I will be trying this later on this week... freaking work schedule always getting in the way. EDIT: After looking through the mod list, I can say I'm familiar with half of these things... A few are a bit... um OP but that's part of the fun. :D
  13. Psychicash

    How do YOU make steel in FtB packs?

    I use the induction smelter but it comes out all funky so I use the MFR unifier to change it over to railcraft steel.
  14. Psychicash

    Thaumcraft. The best and worst mod in existence.

    I'll chip in for that. Who's the tc mod person?
  15. Psychicash

    Last night I got attacked by GideonSeymour

    You've killed me numerous times in the Obscurity pack... It was unpleasant every time. Sometimes you are BIG and other times you are little. :(
  16. Psychicash

    [1.7.10]Atonement: Sins of the Past Hardcore Survival Thaumcraft Focused

    Some one messaged me and told me to turn on the meta data in waila. That does work but the amount of fish is too damn high Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
  17. Psychicash

    [1.7.10]Atonement: Sins of the Past Hardcore Survival Thaumcraft Focused

    Iskandar, after playing this pack a few times I have mixed feelings about it. In one hand, I really enjoy the low tech aspect as well as the setting. I realize the setting is supposed to be difficult as I imagine the pack is. I love a challenge... However, I think the random number generator...
  18. Psychicash

    What cool little thing have you discovered today?

    this is a thing...
  19. Psychicash

    applied energestics

    sorry for the wall o' text, I realize it was boarding on straying from the topic if not completely going away from it. :P
  20. Psychicash

    applied energestics

    Buildcraft is kind of neat honestly. Add in logistics pipes and you have a really cool factory feel. Items zipping around the pipes make things kind of like those videos in the 50's with the booming voice over a film of factory floors with workers pounding away... "INDUSTRY!!!! AND...