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  1. D

    Server constantly crashing

    vanilla servers were a minimum of 512M, i think minecraft updated that to 1G recently. A modded server i'd say you need a minimum of 2gb. Assuming you want a couple of people of your server and to do some automation. Edit: You might get away with less on the small mod packs, i was assuming...
  2. D

    ComputerCraft file location

    This doesn't sound right, location of program are found in the World(save file)>Computer>(id number of the computer) if your going into the zip your messing with the API's and computercraft itself. I know dan200 is pretty open with his mod, but his license does state that you not allow to...
  3. D

    Ultimate Pack, Single Player world is different than Multiplayer world generated on same seed

    Not having this issue, but handy to know, thanks for posting the solution.
  4. D

    Problem Server Crash due to too many items.

    Same good suggestions but seem a bit extreme in some classes. I also don't recommend using MCEdit, every time I've used it it causes more problems than it solves. I'd also bet its that manager, I've had uses with redpower managers and barrels in the past. If you know the location of the...
  5. D

    Problem I need help for setting up an ultimate FTB LAN server.

    Need a crash report... edit: on paste bin.
  6. D

    Sure you all have seen this "help me" before, but I am at a loss of brain. :P

    Tried just hamachi on the new pc? even just to eliminate that its a porting issue and not server issue.
  7. D

    Whitelist Server Feed the Beavis RPG | RPG Immersion Pack 1.01 |Mature (18+) | Whitelist | Plugins | 20 Slot

    He told me he was away for the weekend for work, so I imagine he won't be able to update the whitelist till his back. Patience, I'm sure your all accepted and will be on by tomorrow morning.
  8. D

    Problem Ultimate server/Redpower issues

    1gb is not enough to play ultimate let alone host it. With 1GB of ram, i'd play vanilla.
  9. D

    Problem Exception ticking world -- causes crash every couple of hours.

    Looking at the crash reports it seems to be a different causes. Conflagrated. Looks like you yours is related to an animal spawner. DriftinFool yours looks memory related. I know a lot of servers have a memory leak issue atm. A lock down on chunk loading blocks and cleaning your...
  10. D

    Server Lag

    Agree'd, post is not dead - I just read the post and did it myself months ago. This isn't a thread offering a service.
  11. D

    Problem Server CPU Usage Extremely High

    sounds a bit like a memory leak issue. It's been going around lots. Check out threads related to chicken bones chunk loaders.
  12. D

    How to keep server up to date with client?

    To make things easier on you, to send alert use anything but email. Create a facebook page, twitter feed, wordpress blog, forum, website...etc. one or more, if your crafty you can chain wordpress, twitter and facebook.
  13. D

    How to keep server up to date with client?

    as far as i know they don't do this. Certainly wouldn't think it's common place. Best practice for what your saying is get people to do force updates if they have issues, so the client is on the latest build, and make sure you server is in line with that. IF your using a standard mod pack, ie...
  14. D

    Problem [Mindcrack][Twilight Forest] Major TPS lag in Twilight Forest?

    Twilight forest is very CPU intensive due to all the content it needs to load/render. The result is it can cause server and client lag. Due to the limitation on how minecraft uses cpu threads, there's not much that can be done as I see you're clock speed is 3.8ghz. To limit i advise visiting...
  15. D

    server crashing immediatly on start up

    It looks like your missing chicken code core.
  16. D

    Gregtech disabling problem

    In fairness, I've been hosting minecraft severs for months, and I never turn it off to change the configs. I restart so changes take effect, but your server does not need to be off to edit the configs. The configs are loaded when the server starts up, then it doesn't refer to the file again till...
  17. D

    Problem Can't play with anyone.

    Yes, they both need to restart before changes take effect.
  18. D

    Problem Constant Crashes

    Overworld > players > Name Overworld my be a different name, depends what you originally called your world.