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  1. K

    You know you are playing too much FTB when....

    i had a dream that i made a really good house (i am an terrible builder) and that i moved in it and then i woke up... ...when you combine a pickaxe whit a laptop and wite a turtle program in it. ...when you try to open F3 menu to see what biome you are in. ...when you start saying "LAAGG" when...
  2. K

    Wrong Ingots

    i think theres an item called forge lexicon
  3. K

    Modpack Download without launcher

    Try redowlndloading java and if that won't work redownload an older version of java
  4. K

    Modpack Download without launcher

    if that was possible then there would be tons of nonpremium ppl playing
  5. K

    Ender bees

    hm didnt know that tnx for info
  6. K

    Ender bees

    i wonder if giving normal or up polination to ender bees will make it so they reproduce the dragon egg
  7. K

    Ender bees

    as for changing flowers you can use extrabees isolator and get the serum for that (or i mixed changing flowers whit flower reproduction)
  8. K

    Why? Hello there friends!

    not bad, and welcome
  9. K

    Using crystal core to draw nodes to my Laboratory

    it trys to pull the closest node to it but the closest node is alredy in it so it does nothing
  10. K

    Cracked modpack distribution

    I was expecting "why cant i play whit cracked" but this... is impressive but this is an job for mojang they may not care but its thair minecraft(+ some mods) that they are pirating
  11. K

    Yogscast on FTB

    I am not sure how i fell about this as an small yogscast fan, they will kill tekkit, play the best modpack, learn new stuff, and fill this good place whit mostly immature fans. But dont foget king slowpoke DID invite em and thair fans he must have made a plan... Just an reminder we do have...
  12. K


    ftb has no perms so install it manually (not in mods folder jarmods folder) (and get other type of bad things)
  13. K

    Yogscast Tekkit Map Remake

    bad news: no SoL. where did you get that information from btw?
  14. K

    Yogscast Tekkit Map Remake

    wow nice job it must have took you a long time to do this btw are all mashines at the same place or they just do the same thing
  15. K

    Mac Buildcraft Wrench not moving engine's?[Direwolf20]

    is it an wooden conductive pipe? if not that is the prob
  16. K

    Feed The Beast (Help Needed)

    what cloud said also crafting recepis can also explain alot
  17. K

    Creative inventory crash when searching "che"

    I think its forestry just go to survival inventory and use NEI
  18. K

    LV Transformer not working?

    3 dots need to face the mfe you can connect whit gold cable BUT you need copper cable to connect from 1 dot to mashines
  19. K

    Come over from Tekkit

    welcome and have fun :D
  20. K

    Open Server XtreamServers[Ultimate][80Slots][Commands][PVE][AntiGrief]

    you chose tekkit instead of FTB!? FTB server is not much diffrent to set up, as i know it uses the same port as tekkit server so why do you chose tekkit over FTB?