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    Plz go see my application.

    Plz go see my application.
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    can you add me on skype ? my name is carlos.viana29

    can you add me on skype ? my name is carlos.viana29
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    Whitelist Server [1.4.7][FTB MINDCRACK PACK][WHITELISTED][NO BLACKLIST!]Feed the Beast!

    IGN: DrPhant0m Have You ever Been Banned? Never. Will you Grief? I will not. Griefing is a terrible thing to do, as it destroys a lot of hard work and dedication of the person's build. I don't understand why anyone would want to do that. Will you be kind to other players? Yes, I would like to...
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    Whitelist Server Feed the Derp! :3|Mindcrack|Whitelisted|New

    1. What is your In-game Name: DrPhant0m 2. What is your timezone: 3. What is your Skype:carlos.viana29 4. What times are you available to play on a normal basis (Please convert to EST): 5. (For survey only, Optional) Why are you applying for Feed the Derp: find ftb makes the most fun when...
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    [1.4.6]|{InfinityMC}|Mindcrack|Whitelist|100 Slots 8gb Ram|New Server!

    Ingame Name: DrPhant0m Age: 17 Mod Experience: Im familiar with almost all mods About Yourself:I like to play in team How long have you played minecraft?: 3 years Do you / Will you use Teamspeak maybe Have you been banned before?: No If so why?:
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    Whitelist Server Feedthecreep | Mindcrack V7 | Whitelist | Mature 25+ | Small Community |

    Minecraft name: DrPhant0m Age: 27 Rough playtime with timezone: Why you would like to join: Try to find a nice server to play
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    Whitelist Server SushiFTB | DireWolf20v5 | Whitelist |60 slots + 16gb of ram |Mature 14+ | No Lag ! | TeamSpeak 3!

    IGN: DrPhnat0m Age: 17 Java or other coding experience: No Why do you want to join this server?: I love playing with other people How did you find out about the server ?: Ftb Forums
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    [1.4.6] TMCraft PvE Community Server[WL][Mindcrack]

    Minecraft Name: DrPhant0m Age&Location:16 Portugal Have you ever been banned from a server: No Why would you like to play TMCraft: I love to play minecraft with other people and do a lot of comunity things
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    [1.4.6] Glowcity [Mindcrack][Whitelist]

    ING: DrPhant0m Age: 15 2 years Have some experience with the mods,
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    [1.4.6]The-Construct (13+)| Direwolf Pack | Whitelist | 20 Slots | TS3

    IGN: DrPhant0m Age: 14 Country: Portugal Have you ever been banned from a server before?: No, I was never banned from a server. Experience with mods?: yes Will you use TS3?: no Answer to the secret question?: purple? Do you know someone on our server? (if so, who?):no
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    DomainCraft Direwolf20 Modpack Server! | 1.4.6 (Dw20Pack) | Whitelist |

    Minecraft Username: DrPhant0m Age:15 Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? I see Dw since he 2sd lp Have you ever been banned on a server Yes, if so, why? Spam Did you read the rules? yes What is the policy about lag? don´t complain about lag