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Could u put something like "Previous version" spoiler? Couse im updating the texture pack every time, but last update made mess due to chenges in Thaumcraft and omnitool's.:)
With IC2 crops, on Some crooss bread plant i get Purple Squares, but nfortunately i have no idea which one.
Liquid sensor kit;
Liquid sensor location card;
Color Upgrade;
This things r purple aswell i think they r from IC2 ^^
Ok guys i got a problem with connection.
Everything was Aok, until i used someone Linking book. MC crashed. After restart when im trying to connect it says:
Disconected by server
Internal server error
Anyone have idea Why and/or how to fix this?
IGN xSamsonx
Why do you want to join? Well im looking for a place where i can meet few ppl, have fun with community and play some FTB ^^
Have you ever been banned? Nope, never
Your Age: 26
Your experience with the modpack: Well since it started XD with this ack particular XD
For how long have you been playing minecraft in general: idn, somewhere from alfa
Why would you want to join our server: Im looking for a nice community to have some hours of fun, and im searching...
IGN: xSamsonx
Age: 26
Country: Poland
Have you ever been banned from a server before?: nope
Experience with mods?: a lot. all i can say ^^
Will you use TS3?: sure why not
Answer to the secret question?: purple (da fak?:P)