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    Whitelist Server [1.4.7][FTB MINDCRACK PACK][WHITELISTED][NO BLACKLIST!]Feed the Beast!

    Tell us your IG Name: moltakkk111 Have You ever Been Banned? yes If you have been Banned why? i broke some strange blocks in the ground and got a automatic ban Will you Grief? no i never griefed and i'll never do Will you be kind to other players? sure i'll also do some pvp for the lolz (if he...
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    Whitelist Server Phun Server | Direwolf20 v5.1.1 | 20 Slots | Whitelist | No Lag | TS3

    IGN: moltakkk111 Age: 14 Previous Mod Experience?: since 1.8 with the old ic and bc since then i just follwed dw20 Additional Info?: I have skype, teamspeak and mumble
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    Tips on reducing lag

    I can confirm a memory leak but i dont know from where it comes
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    Tips on reducing lag

    i tried optifine but droped my fps from solid 60 to 40 (installed for chunkloading issues)
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    Rp2 Bc-Engine

    None of them workingRestarted the mod pack and started working i think it was a bug
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    Rp2 Bc-Engine

    Hi, I'm asking here since I can't find a Rp2 forum. Is there a way to make the Blulectric Engine from Redpower 2 Face up. If you know how please tell me since my engine room looks bad with it facing to the side.
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    (Politically correct) Happy <insert what you celebrate here> And new year (End)
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    32x [32x] JohnSmith Technician's Remix

    A request on updating some textures for the Dw20 pack and if you could a ETA (i know it's holidays so it will take a while)
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    Merry Xmas FTB comunity
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    FutureCraft|Latest FTB|Whitelist| Small Skype server! Read for more info!

    IGN: moltakkk111 Skype [required, it's easy to create an account]: dmps1029 Experience with FTB/Tekkit: played tekkit for 2 weeks then i found out the dev build of ftb for 1.2.5 and played until the full realease of ftb (3 months) Age: 15 Oh hia mosh i didnt saw your name :P
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    Lack of tin/copper

    I live in a vanilla jungle
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    Lack of tin/copper

    Hi i'm having some issues with ores i have a major lack of tin and copper i think this is caused by having ic2 ores disabled since forestry ores dont spawn that often
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    Nessaja FTB | [1.4.2]FTBBETA_A | Whitelist | 20Slots | dedicated DE | prebuild OW "Eldaria"

    Ingame Name: moltakkk111 Age: 14 Experience with Minecraft: since beta 1.8 Experience with FTB (mods in general): i started with mods 1 week after i bought minecraft and since then i follow jeets and dw20 lp's so i think i have a good knowlage of mods Name 3 things you could be banned for...
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    The.Factory |FTB Beta Pack A|Whitelist| PvE, Small, No Grief, Friendly,

    quewhat can i get an age i want it medium biomes with greenswamp, sky, desert, medow, and mooshroom island biomes random sky wooden tendrils crystals glowstone crystals no world modifiers and mainly slat generation or let me make the game in the server and you watch i dont add anything you dont...
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    The.Factory |FTB Beta Pack A|Whitelist| PvE, Small, No Grief, Friendly,

    IGN: moltakkk111 Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: ReglasRules (yes) Have you been banned before?: what do you consider banning acording to mcbans yes i have a ban record but i can explain it if you want IF so, why and how many times?: 2 Why should you be whitelisted?: i like ftb and...
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    Obsidian World|FTB Pack A|Open(No whitelist)|Feed The Beast

    maybe he just set a home and destroyed the bookssadly i stopped playing here since the server was so so laggy
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    JetCraft [1.04] [OPEN] [Protection]

    i was going to join but aut servers are down