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  1. E

    [WIP] Tainted World mod. You against the purple. Concept post

    I love this idea! Can't wait to try it out!
  2. E

    {Alpha} Unstable Pack: Bug Reports

    You can't open chests or doors while holding a torch. The sound plays, but the thing itself doesn't react
  3. E

    1.6.4 Shader Mod working properly (Download link) or: Get your Minecraft beautified!

    I've only got the problem when I use a shaderpack that makes leaves, wheat etc. move
  4. E

    1.6.4 Shader Mod working properly (Download link) or: Get your Minecraft beautified!

    uhm yes, should I reset my video settings? Here's a picture of the problem:
  5. E

    1.6.4 Shader Mod working properly (Download link) or: Get your Minecraft beautified!

    Blocks keep dissapearing and reappearing rapidly when I get close to them, does anyone know what causes this problem?
  6. E

    using computercraft for secured base entry

    there's a tutorial on the computer craft wiki, which says that if you ad os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw to the top of your program, people shouldn't be able to terminate the lock and get in using another command
  7. E

    I can't make force sticks...

    According to the changelog in the thread the issue has already been fixed. We just have to wait untill the pack is updated with a newer version of the mod.
  8. E

    Mod Pack Update

    Will Immibis's microblocks be added in the upcoming pack? I'd love a replacement for RC's microblocks...
  9. E

    Ideas for Evil Base (bwahhahaha)

    Have an infintite loop of golems transporting uranium/tnt/buckets of lava arround your base, maybe under a glass floor?
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    Mod Pack Update

    Carts that have an engine that runs on vis! I'd love it!
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    Mod Pack Update

    When exactely did he say it? Looking for one sentence in such a long stream is like searching for a needle in a haystack ;)
  12. E

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    When I look in the launcher there are three versions of the ultimate pack. I know about 1.0.1 and 1.0.2, but what's the 1.1.0 version?
  13. E

    Alternative Automation for Wheat, Peat, etc.

    Where can I find Eloraam's system? I've been searching but can't find a video or tutorial.
  14. E

    Water Bees??

    You could also install optifine and enable clear water, that should help spotting them.