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  1. H

    Hellish Alveary

    try the nether. embittered bees are from there... and the temperature is hellish ;)
  2. H

    How to get free IC2 Fertilizer.

    there is another recipe that offers unlimited IC2-fertilizer fertilizer + 3 ash or fertilizer + dark ash if you are running an ind. blastfurnace, you soon get tons of dark ash, this is a way to actually use it. or a peat-farm from forestry and either smelt the peat, or burn it in a peat...
  3. H

    How to get free IC2 Fertilizer.

    just keep in mind, that in gregtech, the recycler will be modified. it doesn't allow stone and stone derived products anymore (exept gravel). it's too easy to use the recycler in conjuction with an igneous extruder.
  4. H

    Preferred wall / floor / ceiling thickness...

    the teleporter + supplying MFSU are integrated into the floor and hooked up with the power grid, they require virtually no space. the only thing is, the minimum teleportation distance is 18 blocks. because between each box, there is at least one chunk of empty space. (I wanted to have an...
  5. H

    Preferred wall / floor / ceiling thickness...

    usually my bases are just weird holes in the ground... especially when I played the technic pack. no, I need much more space, and every time my base is too crowded, I set up a new larger base... usually a large box of made of stone. the newest base however has a new approach: boxes in the...
  6. H

    Ultimate 1.0.2 GregTech recipes

    yes, AE solves a lot of problems with crafting all that stuff. the real fun starts, if you are 95% done and find out that you need a few extra things in order to complete it. on the other hand, recently I completed my first AE crafting system (this big multiblock structure). that thing took me...
  7. H

    I need a machine to kill an admin.

    you don't need a fusion reactor. just a superconductor transformator that generates this high voltage. and then, run that energy in loops (killing him shouldn't mean that you're wasting energy...)
  8. H

    Epic Fail stories

    no need for a fusion reactor. the transformer itself is enough to create those packets. since the superconductor is just a wire with no loss, you could even set up a loop, that constantly sends the same energy through the wire over and over again.
  9. H

    I need a machine to kill an admin.

    or with gregtech: just pump that stuff into an advanced safe. no forcefields needed... even admins can't break them
  10. H

    I need a machine to kill an admin.

    hmmm, or how about a classical mystcraft void age once the player is dropped into the voidworld, he falls down into the void. dies. spawns falls into the void... and so on. but he could easily teleport out of that trap, as an admin...
  11. H

    I need a machine to kill an admin.

    hmmm, this is of course a really evil method. get a modder to add a little script, that his machines check if a certain player tries to access it. if he accesses it, it should act like a big nuke. this isn't even restricted to modded blocks. vanilla items could work this way aswell.
  12. H

    I need a machine to kill an admin.

    just a weird idea: the posters name is RockandGrohl Rockand... if I switch a few letters, then it turns into Richard and Grohl, if I take the initial letter, then it's G. why do I think that this admin, he wants to kill, is actually direwolf20
  13. H

    I need a machine to kill an admin.

    a expensive way of killing him: add a room to your base with a matterfabricator. the matterfabricator should sit in the center of the room, supplied with it's own MFSU. the walls should be made of warded stone (or reinforced tungstensteeliridiumwhatever-blocks). and the roof should be made out...
  14. H

    I need a machine to kill an admin.

    push him through a mystcraft portal with a linking book, which is set on disarmor. killing him without quantum suit should be trivial... as a bonus, you can grab his quantum suit.
  15. H

    industrial electrolizer power issues

    or just wait till the generator filled the mfe far enough up, that it can support a full process.
  16. H

    FTB Pack Comparison

    what happens, if RP2 gets released and a few days later, 1.6 gets released? suddenly, RP2 is brandnew out there and most of the other mods switch to 1.6. regarding traincraft: the really nice part was (when I used parts of it): I could mine oil sand and centrifuge it in order to get an oil...
  17. H

    Terraforming in the Nether? / Power Sources

    I might add, that in ultimate, GT adds a pump. this pump pumps the lava without blockupdates. that means: no nasty flowing lava. the pump virtually punches a big hole with nice clean lava walls into the lava ocean. no block updates mean: no lag from useless flowing lava.
  18. H


    in that same file, recipesadvancedconfig in the gregtech folder: there is the config block storageblockcompressing if you turn a recipe off, it's turned off. the next block below that is storageblockcrafting. there you need to look for the same name, and turn it on. turning off the...
  19. H

    IC2 is slowly dying out ?

    @Hoff: hating a mod is a bit strong... in my opinion, there are virtually no mods that should be hated. just think: every modder works just for fun. no money involved. so hating someones work is just... stupid. let's say: you don't agree with the mechanics of a mod. that's okay... no one...
  20. H

    IC2 is slowly dying out ?

    regarding gregtech: he currently adds covers for his machines. some have just aesthetic purpose, some have a certain function. there are covers that allow MJ conversion, so you can supply your GT-machines (including the automated versions of the IC2-machines). there is also a cover that...