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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
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    Nevermind, Im getting the same god damn error. I can't even play on the server I guess. I think...

    Nevermind, Im getting the same god damn error. I can't even play on the server I guess. I think he updated to the wrong version. I am currently trying version 10.15
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    I think that is for MFFS, But im not sure

    I think that is for MFFS, But im not sure
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    I applied for the server

    I applied for the server
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    FTB Unleashed keeps crashing when i get on a server

    I like to play on this small whitelisted FTB server, and i decided to go in a mystcraft age. When i went in my game crashed, and whenever i restart FTB and i get on that server it crashes Pastebin - Please help fast