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  • What is a clean multi MC instants? And what pictures do you require for private modpack?
    Download MultiMC, create an instance with all your mods (don't forget forge). Then take the necessary folders that were created plus an 2 images to be displayed on the launcher and just link it to a download place such as MediaFire or Dropbox. :)
    Hello Watchful, can you please help me with something about private modpacks, I have looked at your forum, although I don`t get some things with making it; 1. Can I just edit the files from the sample mudpack download? And 2. If so, then how exactly do I get my private mudpack code? Please respond, I really need to know this.
    This is extremely simple, and should be easy for those who are capable of doing it.
    1. Yes, you can just edit the files from the download, though it would be much more beneficial if you made the files yourself.

    2. You make your own code, which can contain numbers or letters! For example "Mudpack999", "TakeItEasy" or "HappyRabbits Modpack".
    Whats the current time frame for getting private packs up and into the launcher for download?
    There are a few that have been waiting 2 weeks now. So it could be anywhere from today, to two weeks from now.
    hey, Im new to feed the beast and i had a question regarding the setup. Whenever I try to make a profile in the launcher it says unable to create profile or it says invalid username or password. Please help
    gday, ive been recommended by jaded to contact you regarding a question I have about a private modpack.
    One of the mods we wish to include requires to place assets in the base ftb folder rather than the individual modpack's instance folder. (eg \ftb\assets rather than ftb\modpack\minecraft\assets) Is this outside the guidelines or is it possible with the way modpacks are installed via the ftb launcher?
    Pst, your thread regarding "Status updates for private mod pack owners" should probably be pinned.
    It's actually intentionally not. It's supposed to just be for people who need to see it, I'm not trying to force my ramblings on people.
    Oh, and I was going to tell but jaded but she didn't respond, @TheMike needs a modder label thingy, he's the one updating reliquary.
    Nothing I can do about that. I'm not a forum moderator.
    We are well aware of the drama surrounding that tweet. We have never cared if modders are allowed to enforce permissions, we do it anyway. Nothing changes.
    I submitted a pack to you on Wednesday morning, not sure if I sent a PM, I just went to your profile and clicked "start a conversation". I hope this was right? I use XenForo on my website as well and know how confusing it can be to message sometimes. Thanks for your time and hard work!
    Yes that is correct. I messaged you back. Sometimes just takes awhile.
    It seem that yue hav more work evreadae. Do yu evun git time too have fun from ll the sckooling and do this work on the forms

    It seems that you have more work every day. Do you even get time to have fun from all your schooling and doing this work on the forms too.
    I'm sorry, I can't even read that.

    I know you submitted a pack and will get back to you when I have time.
    I'm glad that your studies are overweight and your finals were at least accessible And I'm also glad to hear that you are okay with your computer and everything else. A little Saturn that your can be swamps with all this stuff and I do feel sorry for you have to do this at this time the year
    Well, your English could use a bit of work, but I do really appreciate the comment. Thanks :)
    assets.minecraft.net is only meant for legacy versions of minecraft, so adding support for Mojang's amazon servers is not only vital for my old modpack, it is also required to bring FTB to MC 1.6+. Please consult the devs of the launcher for adding support for the amazon servers.
    I appreciate the enthusiasm, but my comment only applied to the current launcher. I do not have access to the new launcher yet, but I'm sure it works differently. We will just have to wait and see.
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