Recent content by MrJeff

  1. M

    Mekanism: Feature Request Thread

    Hopefully, the configuration panel would let us remove things other then ore. One of the suggestions was a pane to place items to remove: So if you wanted Iron Ore, you put Iron Ore in the configuration pane. If you want Stone, you put Stone. I do like the height-select. Maybe it could be even...
  2. M

    Mojang Update Plan

    Unless it means that they bought the rights to MCP as well, and then MCP can become part of Minecraft code by design.
  3. M

    Mekanism: Feature Request Thread

    Or, you could do all of the configuration in the machine itself. If you want it to mine something, you put it in the configuration section. That way, you have to get diamond the old fashioned way at least once before you can automatically gather the rest in an area. No worrying about config...
  4. M

    Mekanism: Feature Request Thread

    I like it. This is what I would really like concrete to have been. Pour liquids down a hole/mineshaft/mined-out tunnel system/wooden forms, and just wait as it hardens into something useful. I'd consider filling everything under my base, so I can have a controlled excavation with no falls, gaps...
  5. M

    Mekanism: Feature Request Thread

    I don't know if anyone has a process like this. If you want something more unique you could consider fluid extraction. (Think fracking for extracting natural gas... only for ores.) The process would be: Create (and store) the extraction fluid. "Pump" the fluid into the ground. (I don't think...
  6. M

    Mekanism: Feature Request Thread

    I liked the old IC2 method of drilling a central shaft and extracting ores. The downside was that people never filled in the hole afterword. You ended up with a minefield of straight-to-bedrock falls. If I were to design an Ore Extractor: Minimal Landscape Damage. Encourage (or force)...
  7. M

    Mekanism: Feature Request Thread

    Pallets? Casks? Containers? Tubs? Pile? (Heh, Over there is a Pile of Iron, and over there is a Pile of Cobblestone.)
  8. M

    Thermal Expansion Status

    Hrm.. Liquid storage, Power Storage, and Item Storage... Is it wrong to hope for a Transportation Trifecta as well? (Liquiducts, Conduits and Item "Tubes"? :) )
  9. M

    Help automating railcraft unloading

    I like these guys.. The train varients grab onto the whole train until the Unloader is done with the cart in front of it.
  10. M

    MFR + Tinker's Construct Smelting Factory

    That is very cool. I've just done a single smeltery, and normally I just connect a pipe directly to the basin and put a hopper underneath it. I miss out on the fun, flashy redstone! Does it get overloaded? What happens and how do you resolve it?
  11. M

    Thermal Expansion Status

    Question: Does breaking away from the BC power distribution system change the thoughts surrounding the creation of TE-created item distribution system? Could small amounts of Redstone Flux be utilized to propel items down a modified Conduit (and maybe send short item-based messages/metadata as...
  12. M

    1.6.2 equivalent mod of OmniTools?

    So.. who is going to make the Swiss Army Knife Mod? :)
  13. M

    1.6.2 equivalent mod of OmniTools?

    Ars Magicka has the "Spellbook", which lets you select a spell with a mousewheel. But you still only hold the spellbook, right? So perhaps the tool/toolbox can work like that? It is possible to take other peoples tools and basically place what is a selectable wrapper around them?
  14. M

    Allow custom ModPack repositories to be added

    Would that, then, also encompass the need to run on a slightly older pack version until the different servers you are on update? Example: If Server A is FTB v10, and Server B is FTB v12. Will we have ways to maintain instances for each server and still be able to test the released FTB v13 in SSP?
  15. M

    Checkboxes for client-side, optional mods.

    Which would have to be done, by hand, every time the pack updates and clears out the mods folder. It would also have to be done by the end user. I'm asking if it could be possible that, when I request a Mod Pack, I can say "Don't force people to use optifine, but if they want it, allow them to...