Recent content by Kaosian

  1. K

    Thaumcraft Research Helper, Webbrowser and Windows version available.

    getting an access denied when trying to download it.
  2. K

    Mod Texture Unstitcher [WIP]

    ty that worked beautifully. now I don't have to rip the ic2 textures apart manually. I did find that their is an error in the ic2 configs. the 4x hv insulated wire images should have IIII in the names but the config has III.
  3. K

    Mod Texture Unstitcher [WIP]

    I 'm trying to get these files unstitched so I can update the individual textures for my pack, but when I run the stutcher with the master and output directory set I am getting nothing output nor any errors. What am I doing wrong
  4. K

    Optifine-XYCraft Issue

    The texture pack authors can fix their textures so there is no z-fighting ... and trust me as an tp author it can be a royal PITA to fix .. had a hell of a time with the portal gun
  5. K

    [64X] Misa Texture pack FTB mods

    I will do the mods as I get to them. What I am doing is is making the vanilla textures 64x by scaling them and them I am adding in the new textures. That way you should end up with no update texture pack blocks. I can promise what mods Ill do but I do a lot of them for the ones I play first. so...
  6. K

    [64X] Misa Texture pack FTB mods

    I have been playing Industrial Craft 2 and Buildcraft for awhile now. I have had permission to create textures for mods based of of Misa's Realistic Pack. I am currently working on adding in the mods from feed the beast So Far the completed mods in the textures are Buildcraft 3 Additional...