Recent content by JZELITE

  1. J

    ID Resolver and Servers

    well, i tried installing id resolver on a fresh copy of the ultimate pack, and set the still and moving ids so that oil flowing is +1 oi still, still crashes with the same error :( it is nt a huge deal, my pc runs out of memory when i load more than 92 mods
  2. J

    ID Resolver and Servers

    does the pack have to be its vanilla version? and im using the universal electricity pack, but i have all the direwolf mods except for xlbiomes, thaumcraft and soul shards and portalgun (I have 92 mods loaded total)
  3. J

    ID Resolver and Servers

    ok, I got ID resolver working with FTB but no matter what what I do I cannot get the buildcraft oil ids withing 1 of each other. any help?
  4. J

    A delicate question(BTW related)

    Perhaps the Forge team and Flowerchild could collaborate (Although there is a snow ball's chance in hell with that) and change forge and BTW to have the best coding features of Forge and the mechanics of BTW
  5. J

    ID Resolver and Servers

    Is there any way to add more than 4096 block id's to minecraft? I'm using 93 mods in ftb right now and i am running out of id's and id resolver just says that block and item id hooks are disabled and conflicts will not be resovled.
  6. J

    Nuclear vs Solar... dafuq?

    yeah, something like that XD
  7. J

    Nuclear vs Solar... dafuq?

    HA! XD I have designed a nuclear reactor (requires GregTech) that outputs 5400eu/t and it can run a full cycle with out blowing up, so in essence it is 100% safe although, it generates so much power that it fries 4x insulated HV cable :3