Recent content by FastFelix771

  1. F

    Request FTB Trident - How to enable NameTags (floating name above players heads)?

    Hello FTB Community, ive encountered a problem that im trying to solve: How to enable Playernames and other nametags in FTB Trident? Im on v. 1.3.0 and i cannot find any way to enable it. Someone told me about HideNames 1.1.8.jar but this mod is not installed on both client & server! So, for...
  2. F

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Is there a way to force nametags to be visible on FTB Trident? The HideNames mod isnt installed in Client and Server files :/ I still have no clue what makes it invisible and i cant find the mod that does it ...tried out alot of em, does this thread get read by the Trident pack creators? maybe...
  3. F

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    Thanks for your fast answer, but the mod isnt included in the Trident files (i checked on client and server) and i didnt changed the default trident files :| Its not included in the modlist showed in the FTB Launcher
  4. F

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    How can i enable Nametags (floating text above the players or animals head) in FTB Trident 1.3.0 ? I need to enable it for HolographicDisplays ( bukkit plugin ) Theres a tlf folder in the config folder but the configuration changes doesnt work, so what mod causes that bullsh*t? :)
  5. F

    FTB Trident Released

    Thats easy to fix, update your Trident (Server and client of course) to 1.2.0 and update to the newest Cauldron version ( this error only happens if u use cauldron... ) and your problem is fixed. The newest version is kCauldron 1448.121 (Same forgeversion as 1.2.0 trident) If you dont want to...
  6. F

    [1.7.10] KoretexKomplete - V1.4.0 - 211 mods! [Stable] True Flagship modpack experience

    Oh :D Im bad with names^^ Maybe you want to talk with us a little bit? Our players like the new pack and maybe we have some ideas to enhance the experience :) Our teamspeak is
  7. F

    [1.7.10] KoretexKomplete - V1.4.0 - 211 mods! [Stable] True Flagship modpack experience

    Hey guys :) We (Minefinity) are working on a Koretexcraft server, it should be online soon :D I will post here again when its on!