Recent content by Emperor_Niko

  1. E

    Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

    Looks like you need Ethereal Luma to make the Portal Beacons now. Question is, where do you find it?
  2. E

    Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

    Random single player question. Do broken pylons ever "fix" themselves, even when all the blocks are in place?
  3. E

    Mod Feedback ChromatiCraft questions and suggestions

    Not sure if this has already been reported but if Rainbow Trees burn (with vanilla fire) the world crashes in an unloadable state.
  4. E

    [1.7.10] Rebirth V2.9.10 | Mekanism 8 | Custom Mods | Very Stable | 7/24

    The In-Game Wiki mod displays "*insert block* 'I' for more info" text in the middle of the screen whenever you look at something, which cannot be configured and becomes annoying quick when you're mining. And it crashes the client when you try looking up something with it.
  5. E

    [1.7.10]Modular Mayhem

    Well I have all but one research before "Other Worlds" completed, which is "Painful Loss", but I've died in many various ways to try to unlock it, even with the Chromic Lexicon or not, it doesn't seem to work. And I'm not sure if that is suppose to reveal the ore, which is already showing up in...
  6. E

    [1.7.10]Modular Mayhem

    It happens usually whenever I go to a different dimension or just turning on the client. It only fixes itself when I fly out to the pylons that I have linked. Edit: Also I'm not sure if they're suppose to be rare but I haven't seen a SINGLE ChromatiCraft ore in the End, which I assume are...
  7. E

    [1.7.10]Modular Mayhem

    Everything with ChromatiCraft was actually going quite fine until I got to the Casting Complex, whenever I tried to craft stuff with lumens, most of the time the pylons that I have linked that are very far away (or beyond chunkloading distance) don't register and eventually the client just flat...
  8. E

    [1.7.10]Modular Mayhem

    Even with the "-XX:+UseG1GC" additional Java arguments and unchecking "Use Optimization Arguments for Fast Computers" I get this long error whenever I fabricate something on the ChromatiCraft Casting Table. The item is still fabricated, but no particle effects are played.
  9. E

    [ 1.7.10 ] SIEGED [ JamPacked2 ] [ HQM | Reikas ]

    And I thought the long list of update messages that always loaded at the start were annoying enough, but Reika goes beyond that with the stupid scrolling message. I'm sure that updating anything will break stuff in the modpack wouldn't it? Edit: Actually I just figured it out that you could...
  10. E

    [ 1.7.10 ] SIEGED [ JamPacked2 ] [ HQM | Reikas ]

    How do you disable Reika's stupid update message thing that never goes away on top?
  11. E

    [1.7.10] Wanderlust Reloaded - Questing Adventure [Magic-Tech] [HQM - over 250 Quests] [Tabula Rasa]

    I was using a Tinker's Construct table, which has worked for every crafting quest so far.
  12. E

    [1.7.10] Wanderlust Reloaded - Questing Adventure [Magic-Tech] [HQM - over 250 Quests] [Tabula Rasa]

    This was a problem in the Ultimate Questpack also, but the quest that requires you to craft an Redstone Energy Cell doesn't register.
  13. E

    [1.7.10] Wanderlust Reloaded - Questing Adventure [Magic-Tech] [HQM - over 250 Quests] [Tabula Rasa]

    The clockwork engine is uncraftable as it requires forestry copper gears, and you can only craft thermal foundation ones.
  14. E

    1.7.10 Total Meltdown [HQM][Tech][Space] - ABANDONED

    I agree, a sapling of that magnitude should never be obtainable. I don't even know how you could even grow something like it w/o it destroying any world for that matter.
  15. E

    1.7.10 Total Meltdown [HQM][Tech][Space] - ABANDONED

    I think the world interaction upgrade for transfer nodes might be a little too OP at the start, and it's VERY easy to get. I suggest changing the recipe to make it a little more harder to craft. The main reason why? Gravel can still be sieved, and there seems to be a higher chance of getting...