Recent content by Coffeetailor

  1. C

    Open Server DeVco | Regrowth 0.7.4 | Open | PvP | 24/7 | Pex | QuickShop | GriefPreventionPlus | GPPCities

    Haven't been in this server for very long, but so far I'm absolutely loving it! Good rules (love the new freebies for new players rule, cuts way down on the begging in chat), nice balance of ranks and items, and pretty friendly from what I've seen.
  2. C

    [1.7.10] TolkienCraft II - Adventure Awaits! - v2.9.5[QUESTS][ADVENTURE][NORMAL MODE]

    So I got to the Mage Council Reinforcements II quest and they gave me the eggs, but they didn't give me the coords for them even though it said they were put onto my map. Does anyone have the coords for this?
  3. C

    Above ground or below?

    I generally start in Hobbit type holes in the hill (usually because the sun snuck down on me), but eventually graduate above ground with deep basements.
  4. C

    A side effect of tree-breeding.. (lol?)

    My bee room looks like that, and it's creeping into my sheep pen too. At least it's pretty.