Direwolf20 1.7.10 released

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Conduit covers also go transparent when you have a Crescent Hammer in your hand... I don't know if it's intentional or a generic behavior.

Probably intentional. And will probably also work for other wrench like tools.
Hello, I have been having some problems figuring out why items created by bukkit commands do not have their unique identifiers. For instance, //wand from world edit gives you a Wooden Axe that should be named 'Wand' and have special lore explaining its use. Another instance would be a plugin ItemSlots has coins that can be purchased via sign or command, the coins take the form of a regular item like golden nuggets but should be labled 'Coin' and be recognized by the machines as a coin, however they just say Golden Nugget with default lore and ID. Another instance would be the essentials command to give a firework effects like color, size, shape, etc. This command is /firework name:test, color:red, fade:blue, etc. and applies these effects to the firework(s) in your hand. This does not happen, the name stays the same and the ID/Lore does not change.

There are tons of plugins that depend on these sorts of changes to items. Most of them break without the items showing their special lore and name. I thought it may be NEI but I tried removing it and this did not work. I started to think maybe that it was just the plugin not working. But then I noticed not even World Edit's wand was displayed correctly, and world edit is very popular. I also thought it might have been inventory tweaks so I removed that from the server and client and still no good. Has this happened to anyone else? I am not sure how to google my problem because I can only describe with paragraphs of background like I did above. So I thought I'd post this here.
whats the best, low budget , computer specs can i go with to play beefy games like this? i plan on build a gaming pc but i dont know what type of components will work with no lag on this type or tougher games ,
Hello, I have been having some problems figuring out why items created by bukkit commands do not have their unique identifiers. For instance, //wand from world edit gives you a Wooden Axe that should be named 'Wand' and have special lore explaining its use. Another instance would be a plugin ItemSlots has coins that can be purchased via sign or command, the coins take the form of a regular item like golden nuggets but should be labled 'Coin' and be recognized by the machines as a coin, however they just say Golden Nugget with default lore and ID. Another instance would be the essentials command to give a firework effects like color, size, shape, etc. This command is /firework name:test, color:red, fade:blue, etc. and applies these effects to the firework(s) in your hand. This does not happen, the name stays the same and the ID/Lore does not change.

There are tons of plugins that depend on these sorts of changes to items. Most of them break without the items showing their special lore and name. I thought it may be NEI but I tried removing it and this did not work. I started to think maybe that it was just the plugin not working. But then I noticed not even World Edit's wand was displayed correctly, and world edit is very popular. I also thought it might have been inventory tweaks so I removed that from the server and client and still no good. Has this happened to anyone else? I am not sure how to google my problem because I can only describe with paragraphs of background like I did above. So I thought I'd post this here.

World edit isn't a part of this mod pack. Nether are any of those bukket plugins. So this isn't the proper place to discuses such bugs.

You should be informed that Bukket plugins have never worked well with forge and all these mods are forge based. Getting them to work at all requiers an intermediary program.
Bukket deves have chosen not to work well with forge mods and if there is a fault it is most likely on the part of the bukket, plugin, or intermediary program devs not with FTB, forge, or forge mod devs.

I should also mention that bukket was asked back when forge was first being created to help with providing proper comparability with Forge but they refused to be helpful. :/
World edit isn't a part of this mod pack. Nether are any of those bukket plugins. So this isn't the proper place to discuses such bugs.

You should be informed that Bukket plugins have never worked well with forge and all these mods are forge based. Getting them to work at all requiers an intermediary program.
Bukket deves have chosen not to work well with forge mods and if there is a fault it is most likely on the part of the bukket, plugin, or intermediary program devs not with FTB, forge, or forge mod devs.

I should also mention that bukket was asked back when forge was first being created to help with providing proper comparability with Forge but they refused to be helpful. :/

I understand this is a common problem but these plugins have worked fine on other modpacks like hermitsauce 1.7.10 and 1.6.4 modpacks like the old direwolf20 and a pack of my own. I see that cauldron is not supported with this modpack however I posted to see if anyone else has had the problem and fixed it or has a guess of what the issue could be. I should have added that all of the effected items are vanilla, and I don't try forge mod items because of their incompatibility with bukkit, spigot and bridge.
I understand this is a common problem but these plugins have worked fine on other modpacks like hermitsauce 1.7.10 and 1.6.4 modpacks like the old direwolf20 and a pack of my own. I see that cauldron is not supported with this modpack however I posted to see if anyone else has had the problem and fixed it or has a guess of what the issue could be. I should have added that all of the effected items are vanilla, and I don't try forge mod items because of their incompatibility with bukkit, spigot and bridge.

1.6 mod packs have little to do with 1.7 ones. So very much was changed in vanilla between 1.6 and 1.7.
But the point remains you are better off asking in forums related to those plugins than here. Or at lest use the tech support section of this forum. Though it seames to be down right now. Making a general FTB chat thread could also work.
I'm currently on Java 1.7.0_55.

Can anybody please give me directions to properly update to Java 8 in order to increase performance? I capped my RAM at 2.25 GB (I've got 4GB total) and disabled JourneyMaps. It helped a lot (I'm using Opis minimap and it's working faily decent). I'm only interested in playing the new DW20 release.

Also, I noticed a bit of lag when Tinker's Contruct smeltery is filled with molten stuff. Another little bug is NEI search sticking to random entries sometimes.

Does anyone know how to fix these issues?

Otherwise, I'll just build my smeltery a little further from my base.
Is the Heated Redstone Generator severely nerfed? I only get 80RF/tick out of it I think. Says Power Level=80. :(
Ya, I looked and there was no way to edit the output in the configs.. argh.

@rwtema If the generators are going to be useless, at least lower their build cost.
Guess I'll just op the resources back in.

edit: guess he ain't registered here
Someone used a Ignis Imbued Fire today on my server it destroyed the holle world is there a way to disable these thing ( i went throught the conif and i can't find it)
Hey, i have a problem. when i launch direwolf pack there is an error:
Error while running launchMinecraft(): java.lang.NullPointerException
java 7
windows 7 x64