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New Amazing Mod I found!

Plant Mega Pack






















What no Audrey IIs? I demand giant carnivorous plant monsters. :p
@CovertJaguar updated Railcraft!
CHANGE: Renamed Stone Lamps to Stone Lanterns.
CHANGE: Posts now connect to Wire Support Frames.
FIX: Fixed Loaders erroring on load and forgetting their contents.
FIX: Fixed Locomotives forgetting their destination on load.
FIX: Crowbar now allows sneak bypass, enabling shift-click to rotate Locking Track modes in reverse.
FIX: Fixed Tracks that were uncraftable in Alternate Recipe Mode due to an improper OreDict tag.
FIX: Fixed Item Unloaders blocking when attempting to remove items from inaccessible slots.
FIX: Metals and Void Chests should now orient correctly on placement.
FIX: Fixed Locking Track sometimes getting stuck in its startup mode and not grabbing carts.
Run a forge server and don't have all the permission tools that Bukkit servers have?
Well I came up with a solution for my own server. I wanted a couple users to be able to whitelist new folks with out giving those users level 3 admin rights.

EnhancedServerModeration allows admins to give specific commands to players. Currently this release only has the whitelist command. This is a core release, the core of the mod is mostly done. I just need to add the groups feature.

Groups are a planned feature that you can give a group a set of commands and add a user to the group. The user will have access to all the commands of the group.

I have also created an API that other mod developers can register their commands with ESM so admins can give those commands to players. The api also allows command addon mods, create your custom commands to be used with ESM.

I plan on adding all the vanilla commands to ESM and some custom commands of my own. I also what suggestions for commands or features. I am actively developing this mod with new builds daily. If you are a server admin and want access to test builds please contact me.

Here is the link on Curse. http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/224460-enhanced-server-moderation

Thanks, and enjoy!
Most latest information is also on
My Website: http://blog.exz.me/wailanbt/
MCF: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/wip-mods/2220567
Download: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224417-waila-nbt
But feel free to post here. I'll read and update this thread too.

Waila NBT is a mod to show player defined specific NBT info on Waila HUD.
Waila NBT is a Client-Side addon for Waila. And In-Game NBTEdit (1.7.10 version)is needed to look up NBT data structure.

Examples (with config files)
Download .json file and put in config\WailaNBT folder and its ready to use.
Please share your config!

Botania (Holding Forestry Wand)

Blood magic (Holding Divination Sigil)

BuildCraft (Holding BC Wrench)
Blood Magic by WayofTime and Botania by Vazkii are used as examples for tutorial.

First, drop the jar file into mods and start game.
A configuration folder as well as an empty file “default.json” will be generated in your config folder. The mod is useless until you put right config in it.
The config file is in JSON format looks like this:
    "Holding Item Name": {
        "Tile Entity ID 1": {
            "Tag Name 1": "Display Name 1",
            "Tag Name 2>>>Tag Name 3": "Display Name 2"
        "Tile Entity ID X": {
        "Holding Item Name X": {}
This configuration means, when player holding an item named “Holding Item Name”, and point cursor at aTile Entity with ID “Tile Entity ID 1″, “Value of Tag Name” will be shown, and “Display Name 1″is the name that will represent “Value of Tag Name” in Waila HUD.

“Tag Name 2>>>Tag Name 3″ means display the value of “Tag Name 3″ in the NBT Tag Compound named “Tag Name 2″. That’s somehow similar to a sub folder. Use “>>>” to separate to name if “Tag Name 3″ is inside “Tag Name 2″. “>>>” should only be used under this sub folder condition.

“Holding Item Name”, “Tile Entity ID 1″ and “Tag Name 1″ support regular expression, so some special characters like “|”(pipe) need a “\”(backslash) before it. e.g: “BuildCraft|Transport” must be written as “BuildCraft\|Transport”.

Let’s take a living example.

Blood Altar is a basic block of Blood Magic. It can store “Life Essence” and transmute items.

When pointing at it, run command “/nbtedit”

And here is what the tool(Divination Sigil) from blood magic says.

Now we know the ID of this block is “containerAltar“, and we guess that the “Amount” is the “Current Essence” and “capacity” is “Capacity”.

The target is, when holding the Divination Sigil, we can directly read the “Current Essence” and “Capacity” from the Waila HUD rather than a right click.

Hold the Divination Sigil and run command “/wnn” (stand for Waila NBT Name). The identify name “AWWayofTime:divinationSigil” of it will be shown in chat window.

So we write following content to default.json. (Or if you wanna keep them in order, create a “bloodmagic.json” and write in it instead.)
    "AWWayofTime:divinationSigil": {
        "containerAltar": {
            "Amount": "Current Essence",
            "capacity": "Capacity"
After saving the config file. Run command “/wnr” (stand for Waila NBT Reload) to reload configuration.

Then hold the Divination Sigil and point at the Blood Altar.

It works!

Let’s try another. Daybloom.

Run command “/nbtedit” first.

ID is “botania:specialFlower”, and what useful data “mana” is under a NBTTagCompound named “subTileCmp”.

Save following content to “botania.json” in folder “config/WailaNBT”. (Where the default.json located.)
    ".*": {
        "botania:specialFlower": {
            "subTileCmp>>>mana": "Mana"
“.*” is an regular expression matches all string. Note it also matches hand without holding anything. Because holding nothing equals holding an item named “”(empty string).
And don’t forget run command “/wnr” to reload configuration.

Now point at Daybloom and it should work.

This mod is over powered and may destroy experience in survival mode. It’s generally written for testing purpose. Don’t use it on server since it may be considered as cheating.

Holding nothing equals holding an item named “”(empty string).

If display name is not provided (like “Amount”:””), the tag name(“Amount”) will be used.

Postfix b means that number is “byte” type, etc. And quotation marks indicate that the value is “string” type.

Planning Feature
Support for Entities.
Support for item tooltips.
More complex match method.
More debug info.
Better handle conflict json object.
postfix “f” “d”

Prof Mobius for bring us Waila.
Pahimar for teaching me basic modding.
ViKaleidoscope for Simplified Chinese localization and config files.
Fixided for tutorial editing advice.
GregotaryCraft Techneticies?
VoidTech (IC² addon) update, now with the true power of the void:
tinydust "mike" said:
Version 1.1

- Added: Void Generator -Produces 3EU/t from every single Bedrock Block arount it (next to it) , can produce from 3-12 EU/t from maximum 4 Blocks. Produces **CONSTANTLY** power -it'll be never get used up.
- Added :Config file (voidtech.cfg) : You can enable or disable particular items and blocks in VoidTech - if something is "too OP" for you - just disable it

As you requested, I've changed some Recipes:
- Lava/Water-Changer: needs now 2 x Lapotron Crystals and it is now disabled in the Nether!
- Cable-Upgrader: needs 1x HV-transformer, 1x EV-transformer and 1x LV-transformer
- Home-Teleporter has now a cooldown of aobut 20 minutes realtime (of corse , you can make another one... but they are quite expensive though)