Best Mod Pack For Adventuring?

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Jul 29, 2019
Hey, I am looking for a mod pack that adds mods that make the world more fun to adventure. I do not like mods that add machines. What I like is mods that add new ores to make tools, weapons and armor, enemy castles or dungeons to raid, kill the mobs and take the loot, ( like BetterDungeons ) A mod that adds new mobs, hostile, passive and neutral, ( Mo Creatures ) More seeds and crops to farm and make food, like basic food, nothing over doing it like 100 different foods, I think that is too much. New structures like volcanos ( like the ones in Red Power 2 ) and more villages or ruins with loot. Anything along those lines is what I am searching for, so if you know a mod pack, or just certain mods that ad these things, please tell me, or PM me, Thanks.
*kofkof blood and bones kofkof*

Roguelike Dungeon's are fun :3

I believe their is those type of modpack in the ATlauncher
*kofkof blood and bones will kill you lots kofkof*

Fixed that for ya!

To be honest, you won't get far without machines. They make the tools you need to kill the harder mobs. End of story.
I think what you really want is a pre-made adventure map, not a mod pack.
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*kofkof blood and bones kofkof*

Roguelike Dungeon's are fun :3

I believe their is those type of modpack in the ATlauncher

OP wants adventure, not to be stuck in a hole weeping at the sound of invader zombies making a tunnel for the doom creepers to demolish your smeltery you have just managed to build.
You dont like mods with machines?! ...why are you even here? Anyway, Metallurgy, Twilight Forest and Millenaire are my recommendations to you. Ores, battles and villages.
You dont like mods with machines?! ...why are you even here? Anyway, Metallurgy, Twilight Forest and Millenaire are my recommendations to you. Ores, battles and villages.
That was my first response, but I thought it would be rude and dismissive to have a go at their play style. Then again you are right, FTB was founded on a mod/ map that involved using machines to feed a bigger machine.
Also I dislike mods that add new ores that only have the purpose of makeing different color but stronger vanilla tools, if it wasn't for ExTiCo, Metalurgy to me would be a big fail.

@ItzJavaV2 It's not a FTB pack but I suggest Hexxit; It might have some machine mods but It will be off set by a lot of adventure mods, battle tower and IIRC it has Choclatines Better dungeons, Chocobo's too I think. Not sure what MC version it's in though...
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Something with Twilight Forest, maybe. Thaumcraft encourages exploring for nodes. So, Magic World 2. You can throw in Roguelike dungeons, if you want.
Ok thanks guys, I know all of you are asking why I don't like machines, the reason is, I really like to keep the game simple and exciting, I never really use redstone and that kind of stuff anyways. But I love mining, exploring and fighting, that's why I like no not use mods that add machines, thanks again for the help guys :D
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Ok thanks guys, I know all of you are asking why I don't like machines, the reason is, I really like to keep the game simple and exciting, I never really use redstone and that kind of stuff anyways. But I love mining, exploring and fighting, that's why I like no not use mods that add machines, thanks again for the help guys :D
No need to explain yourself really, some people just like sprinkles with their vanilla, others like it covered with fudge candy and put in to some sort of cake to the point where it can't really be identified as vanilla.
I run a private server with a magic themed modpack build to encourage exploration:

Twilight Forest. Mystcraft. Ruins. Roguelike Dungeons.

Mods that were excluded, or in, and subsequently removed:
Doomlike Dungeons was removed because its dungeons are a mess compared to Roguelike.
Lycanites mobs were annoying in the nether, they swarmed the portals, and made all the overworld spawners spawn hellish mobs. This discouraged exploration.
Any mods with Ex Nihilo type mechanics: i.e. no magic crops, no bees.

The barrels mod, and Applied Energistics are in, to store stuff. OTherwise its magic themed with Thaumcraft and Blood Magic. Thaumcrafts golems and mining laser are the only aquire resources in bulk mechanisims in the pack.

All told, it seems to work - allthough Ruins could really do with some quality ruins.

In all seriousness though, this is the most I've given out about it. Needless to say, as I stated in the Opinions on Combat thread, it will revolve around combat. Instead of mining, you'll be fighting things. Not to say that the underground isn't useless... ;)
Anyway, you can see what I've taken as suggestions in the aforementioned Opinions on Combat thread. Here's the vidya, from earlier in development (much more since then):
hmmm. Not personally a huge fan of combat. There are games that "do combat". Diablo etc. Weapons have swing speeds, different ranges. chance to hit / doge, mitigation mechanics. strength and dexterity typically come into play.

MC has swords that swing, basically as fast as you can click. Attacks are never dodged, just mitigated by armor (and protection enchantments).

My observation was that, players in typical FTB modpacks don't explore because every need that could be answered by exploring is answered by some machine:

Don't bother to find monster spawners. Just make a machine that spawns mobs.
Don't bother to search libraries in strongholds for enchanted books - make automated enchanters / disenchanters / and provide tools and armor that don't even use enchants.
Don't bother caving for minerals - build a quarry / digital miner
Don't even bother building a miner - just synthesize minerals from nothing using flowers / bees / mining lasers.

Remove the mods that add these features, and players have far more reason to search the world. This of course means you've excluded a lot of the major Tech mods.

Add Bibliocraft - it lets you duplicate enchanted books (for a massive XP cost) which makes discovered books all the more valuable as you can not build a library of enchanting books. Or try Mr Crayfish's Furniture mod that lets you do the same, but at much lower cost.
I dislike machines. I build just enough to charge my tools and jetpack. Then I'm building and exploring.

Hexxit as mentioned may be good oavk for you though OP
I prefer adventuring modpacks, too. I don't have anything against tech stuff, and I play with a tech modpack, but I want to explore and fight and stuff.

Hexxit is a good one - I'm also playing another on the Techinic platform called The Cake Box (Millenaire, Chocolate Quest, Botania, etc). It has a ridiculous amount of mods, but I just removed the ones I found excessive and I have a nice adventure/magic pack.

All FTB packs come with a universal config that include the configs for a TON of mods, so it makes it pretty easy to build your own modpack, too.
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I would love [to make] an adventuring pack, myself, but there's two major problems - there's no long-term benefit to far field adventuring, and technical issues. Perhaps if we had some sort of mod that generated more exotic structures/offered better rewards based on combined coordinate value (abs(x+z), higher result=better worldgen/rewards) this would give some incentive to venture further out into the world. Unfortunately, because of how worldgen works many servers instead make fixed borders, so exploring becomes virtually impossible. Flight also makes exploring a trivial matter, because there's absolutely no challenge if you just fly over everything. Sadly, most popular mods offer some form of limited or unlimited flight ability. Teleportation/'return home' functions also make adventuring much less challenging, and the latter still anchors the player to a central spot.

One mod included in 1.7 Unstable that could make adventuring much more viable is RandomThings and its Spectre Dimension. It's a (I believe) 14x14x14 personalized space that you can teleport into/out of at will using a key. Players can thereby store important items/machines/etc. here and yet still go adventuring without too much worry about losing things.
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