This is basically a series I wanted to make to try to get all the minecraft achievements I could possibly get. But there is a catch, you guys can add an achievement to the list at any moment, though I don't have to complete it at that moment but it still has to be done at some point. right now I am tweaking Direwolf's Pack so if you want to suggest a mod, go right ahead! I will be starting a day or two from now.
Additional Info:
Difficulty: Hard
Game Rules Altered: keepInventory is true
Terrain: Biomes O' Plenty
Seed: Unknown for now
Texture Pack Being Used: Soartex Franver
Mods Disabled:
Flat Signs
Mods Added:
Big Reactors
Blood Magic
PS: ThaumCraft Research Unlocks do count as achievements. So does Ars Magica stuff
Additional Info:
Difficulty: Hard
Game Rules Altered: keepInventory is true
Terrain: Biomes O' Plenty
Seed: Unknown for now
Texture Pack Being Used: Soartex Franver
Mods Disabled:
Flat Signs
Mods Added:
Big Reactors
Blood Magic
Achievement Get!: SHINY SHINY
-Make a level 5 Menger Sponge out of Shiny Ingot Blocks
Achievement Get!: Hot tub skinny dipping
-Fall into lava and die(Complete)
Achievement Get!: There's no place like home
-Travel atleast 3000 blocks away from your base
Achievement Get!: Just you and me
-Fight a wither with iron armor, you may use the weapon of your choice and use potions, but you may not use a machine to kill the wither
Achievement Get!: it's sooooo shiny
-Create a full beacon base out of shiny ingot blocks
Achievement Get!: Let's get this party started
-Collect 10 zombie and 10 skeleton spawners, as well as 5 spider and 5 creeper spawners.
Achievement Get!: Don't push the red button
-Accidentally create a huge disaster in your base, you can't curse or rage when it happens.
Achievement Get!: Barrels of Fun
-Get a fully-upgraded JABBA barrel for every item and block that is obtainable in survival. Fill these barrels.
Achievement Get!: Fluid Fanatic
-Get a drum full of every liquid/fluid that is obtainable in survival.
Achievement Get!: Basically Creative
-Get Deep Storage Units for every item and block obtainable in survival, and fill all of them completely. Also make sure to have armor, weapons, etc. that make you completely invincible.
Achievement Get!: Crafter Extraordinaire
-Automate the creation of every block and item available in survival. Make them all be craftable via Applied Energistics System.
Achievement Get!: A Night to Remember
-Leave a Lava Crystal running at home about 1k blocks away, run out of LP in your network, and have no way to refill it without running all the way back
Achievement Get!: The Dirt Pick 9000!
-Make an unbreakable tool!
Achievement Get!- There and back again.
-walk 5k blocks through the nether.
Achievement Get!- Where am I?
-Drink a shot of resonant ender when you respawn. (No f3 coords/minimap/GPS ect- vanilla compass only)
Achievement Get!- Crystalline
-Beat the dragon without blowing any of the crystals.
Achievement Get! Assasin.
-have morph of all mobs
Achievement Get!: Hands-Free Herding
-Successfully establish an Ars Magica containment, breeding, butchering, and collection station through sigils and a Magic Broom.
Achievement Get!: Isn't it pretty?
-Make a sculpture that by exploiting villager mechanics makes them appear to admire it periodically
Achievement Get!: National Address
Publicly address your subjects (villagers) while standing in-front of a pedestal of some sort.
Achievement Get!: Coercive Acts
Force a villager to go into a Smeltery...
Achievement Get!: Aspiring Thaumaturgist
Obtain a Thaumonomicon, a Thaumometer, and a Basic Wand.
Achievement Get!: High-Speed Impact
Use a RotaryCraft gravel gun (or was it flint gun? I forgot) on a hostile mob.
Achievement Get!: Old-School
Create a nether portal without utilizing the breaking of obsidian in any way; aka. molding a portal.
Achievement Get!: Thermal Conductivity!:
-Make a power system producing at least 160 RF/t
Achievement Get!: Industrial Revolution!
-Make a power system producing at least 40 EU/t
Achievement Get!: Classic Construction!
-Make a power system producing at least 16 MJ/t
Achievement Get!: Processing...
-Make a system that produces Ore Dust and Smelts it. (Completed)
Achievement Get!: Thermal Expansion!
-Make a power system producing at least 320 RF/t
Achievement Get!: Industrial Maintenance!
-Make a power system producing at least 80 EU/t
Achievement Get!: Pump N' Pipe!
-Make a power system producing at least 32 MJ/t
Achievement Get!: The Thermal Way
-Obtain a Hardened Energy Cell, a Liquid Transposer, a Magma Crucible, and an Induction Smelter
Achievement Get!: Buldin n' Railin
- Obtain a Rolling Machine, 2 Coke Ovens, and a Railcraft Rock Smasher
All power from this power setup must be going through Gold Kinesis Pipes, or Quartz Kinesis Pipes.
Achievement Get!: The Industrial Way
- Obtain a CESU, a Transformer, an Extractor, a Compressor, a Thermal Centrifuge, an Ore Washing Station
Achievement Get!: Thermal Conquering!
-Make a power system producing at least 1000 RF/t! With no manual input.
Achievement Get!: Industrial Factorization!
-Make a power system producing at least 250 EU/t! With no manual input.
Achievement Get!: Pipes Galore!
-Make a power system producing at least 100 MJ/t!
Achievement Get!: AE 101
- Have a ME Controller, ME Disk Drive or ME Storage Buses and Chests or a connection to a Logistics Pipes system which can store items.
- Automation of a minimum of three things using AE.
Achievement Get!: The Thermal Expansion
-Have a Resonant Energy Cell, an Entire RF system must be using fully-upgraded Energy Conduits, at-least four Tesseracts in (practical) use,
-Must be utilizing a fully upgraded Flux Capacitor, and it must be used to charge TC tools
Achievement Get!: BurailCraft!
-Have 4 Blast Furnaces
-Use HS Tracks
-Make a system of carts connected to the AE system for one of the three automated systems
-Make a Roller Coaster of Doom and incorporate it into a factory.
-Constantly keep 3 combustion engines running
-Keep an MFR laser Drill Running
Achievement Get!: Industrial Domination!
- Have a Diamond factory that has to include 1 mass fabricator running decently.
- Have 2 Induction Smelters
- Have an MFSU
- Have all Upgradable machines have 3 or more Overclocker Upgrades
Achievement Get!: Walking is for Suckers
-Make a system of teleporters to different destinations.
Achievement Get!: Social Democracy
-Make sure your animals are in a comfortable living area, full of tall grass, flowers, trees etc. A home away from home, you could say
Achievement Get!: Half-Magellan
-Travel 3,000 blocks from your designated home base during an expedition.
Achievement Get!: Fatal Push
-Push a pig off a cliff.
Achievement Get!: Professional Marksman
-Eliminate a skeleton using a TiC bow.
Achievement Get!: Neil Armstrong
-Land on the moon, and successfully return without dying.
Achievement Get!: The Cow that Jumped over the Moon
-Bring a cow with you somehow on the Moon, and let it survive and thrive.
Achievement Get!: Break the Laws!
-Place a flag on the moon, as to claim it for your own [nation].
Achievement Get!: Intergalactic Ivan
-Detonate a nuclear warhead on the Moon or Mars.
Achievement Get!: Hum of the Engines
-Begin oil refining for your spaceship.
Achievement Get!: ISS Mark Two
-Create a Space Station, and make it as similar as your Overworld base as you can, with whatever machines or power generations, farms etc. you have.
Achievement Get!: Honor for Columbia
-Establish communications of some sort (be creative!) between the Moon and the Overworld, and "teach" villagers about the Moon.
Achievement Get!: Honorable Exit
-Have other mobs or villagers observe your heroic moon bound space flight.
Achievement Get!: Intergalactic Love
-Successfully breed two animals and make a baby on the moon, Mars, or in a spaceship.
Achievement Get!: My Friends!
-Take your fully decorated golems with you in your interstellar adventures!
Achievement Get!: Mystcraft with no Linking Book all over again!
-Get to the moon without power or a Fuel Loader...
Achievement Get!: Moon or it didn't happen!
-Do all the achievements on the moon as well
Achievement Get!: Ha Ha Noob!
-First death. (Yes I say this in chat a lot)(Complete)
Achievement Get!: You'll never learn, You'll never learn- You're past the point of no return.
-3 deaths in rapid succession. (Complete because of lag)
Achievement Get!: Wooden Wonderland
-Build wooden structures in the nether.
Achievement Get!: Axe me anything
- First tool type of a new material is an axe. (Complete)
Achievement Get!: Divine Force
-Make a full Tinkers Construct Broadsword, Longsword, or Rapier enchanted with all but one slot with Smite.
Achievement Get!: Orbital Launcher
-Create a full paper Hammer with knockback, and launch a passive mob into oblivion!
Achievement Get!: Galactic Orbital Launcher
-Same as above, but in space!
Achievement Get!: Smooth Flow
-Be able to produce an infinite flow of Water. (e.g. aqua accumulator)
Achievement Get!: Aspiring Apiarist
-Obtain an Apiary/Apiaries, and a Beealyzer, and start experimenting with bees.
Achievement Get!: You monster.
-Create a passive mob farm and butchering unit
Achievement Get!: Villager Bartering
-Barter with a villager for any supply.
Achievement Get!: Not Quite Heartless
-Witness a skeleton kill a mob that is attacking you.
Achievement Get!: Disk Jockey
-Make a Creeper drop a Music Disc via a Spider/Skeleton Jockey final hit.
Achievement Get!: TIMMBAAAHHH
-Use a Tinkers Construct Lumber Axe on a Tc4 great wood tree
Achievement Get!: Division by Diamond
-Obtain an unstable ingot which has a doomsday countdown.
Achievement Get!: Division by Industrial Diamond
-Obtain an unstable ingot via industrial diamond (if possible).
Achievement Get!: All your bases belong to us.
-Completely bring a village under autocratic dictatorship rule.
Achievement Get!: 10th Millenium
-Complete 10 achievements. (Completed)
Achievement Get!: 25th Millenium
-Complete 25 achievements. (Completed)
Achievement Get!: 50th Millenium
-Complete 50 achievements.
Achievement Get!: Veteran Player
-Complete all achievements, including the Moon challenge if possible.
Achievement Get!: Fit for a King
-Make a castle that looks medieval on the outside, but technical on the inside. Turn it into your base.
Achievement Get!: Eye of Mordor
Create an Eye of Mordor on-top, beside, or somewhere where it is very easily visible to anyone visiting your castle. It must have liquid pryotheum somehow incorporated into the design.
Achievement Get!: Anti-Mordor
Create an exact replica of above, but cold-styled, and using gelid cyrotheum instead of liquid pyrotheum. It must also have snow golems "tending" to it.
Achievement Get!: Gandalf would be Proud
Obliterate a Blood Magic Demon (I don't really have much experience at all with Blood Magic, so change this achievement as you please) with HOLY SPELLS OF DA DOOM only (any spells).
Achievement Get!: Allergic Reaction
Take damage somehow from your creation.
Achievement Get!: Basic Apiarist Student
-Complete all the listed achievements under the Apiarist Achievement Set.
Achievement Get!: Mage Miner
-Make an Ars Magica 2 spell that digs a large hole down to bedrock with a single (augmented) cast.
Achievement Get!: Blood Barrier
-Make Bound Armor from Blood Magic.
Achievement Get!: BADASS LEVEL OVER 9000!!!!
-kill ender dragon with snowballs, no armor, no potions (Completed)
Achievement Get!: Blood Power
-Use your blood (LP) as a power source.
Achievement Get!: Morally Questionable Power Source
-Make an automated villager breeding and slaying system for generating LP.
Achievement Get!: Payphone
-Create a payphone.
Achievement Get!: Uranium Decay Chain
-Produce Plutonium somehow from an IndustrialCraft 2(3?) nuclear reactor.
Achievement Get!: MoxyVoxy
-Run a reactor off MOX fuel.
Achievement Get!: Lord Ballista
-Create a TinkersConstruct bow capable of one-hitting a Zombie. Arrows can be anything, as long as you can insta-hit a Zombie.
Achievement Get!: ITS OVER 9000 CALORIES!
-Obtain a Hydra Chop.
Achievement Get!: Not Related to Twilight
-Obtain a Life-Draining Sceptre.
-Make a level 5 Menger Sponge out of Shiny Ingot Blocks
-Fall into lava and die
Achievement Get!: There's no place like home
-Travel atleast 3000 blocks away from your base
Achievement Get!: Just you and me
-Fight a wither with iron armor, you may use the weapon of your choice and use potions, but you may not use a machine to kill the wither
Achievement Get!: it's sooooo shiny
-Create a full beacon base out of shiny ingot blocks
Achievement Get!: Let's get this party started
-Collect 10 zombie and 10 skeleton spawners, as well as 5 spider and 5 creeper spawners.
Achievement Get!: Don't push the red button
-Accidentally create a huge disaster in your base, you can't curse or rage when it happens.
Achievement Get!: Barrels of Fun
-Get a fully-upgraded JABBA barrel for every item and block that is obtainable in survival. Fill these barrels.
Achievement Get!: Fluid Fanatic
-Get a drum full of every liquid/fluid that is obtainable in survival.
Achievement Get!: Basically Creative
-Get Deep Storage Units for every item and block obtainable in survival, and fill all of them completely. Also make sure to have armor, weapons, etc. that make you completely invincible.
Achievement Get!: Crafter Extraordinaire
-Automate the creation of every block and item available in survival. Make them all be craftable via Applied Energistics System.
Achievement Get!: A Night to Remember
-Leave a Lava Crystal running at home about 1k blocks away, run out of LP in your network, and have no way to refill it without running all the way back
Achievement Get!: The Dirt Pick 9000!
-Make an unbreakable tool!
Achievement Get!- There and back again.
-walk 5k blocks through the nether.
Achievement Get!- Where am I?
-Drink a shot of resonant ender when you respawn. (No f3 coords/minimap/GPS ect- vanilla compass only)
Achievement Get!- Crystalline
-Beat the dragon without blowing any of the crystals.
Achievement Get! Assasin.
-have morph of all mobs
Achievement Get!: Hands-Free Herding
-Successfully establish an Ars Magica containment, breeding, butchering, and collection station through sigils and a Magic Broom.
Achievement Get!: Isn't it pretty?
-Make a sculpture that by exploiting villager mechanics makes them appear to admire it periodically
Achievement Get!: National Address
Publicly address your subjects (villagers) while standing in-front of a pedestal of some sort.
Achievement Get!: Coercive Acts
Force a villager to go into a Smeltery...
Achievement Get!: Aspiring Thaumaturgist
Obtain a Thaumonomicon, a Thaumometer, and a Basic Wand.
Achievement Get!: High-Speed Impact
Use a RotaryCraft gravel gun (or was it flint gun? I forgot) on a hostile mob.
Achievement Get!: Old-School
Create a nether portal without utilizing the breaking of obsidian in any way; aka. molding a portal.
Achievement Get!: Thermal Conductivity!:
-Make a power system producing at least 160 RF/t
Achievement Get!: Industrial Revolution!
-Make a power system producing at least 40 EU/t
Achievement Get!: Classic Construction!
-Make a power system producing at least 16 MJ/t
-Make a system that produces Ore Dust and Smelts it.
Achievement Get!: Thermal Expansion!
-Make a power system producing at least 320 RF/t
Achievement Get!: Industrial Maintenance!
-Make a power system producing at least 80 EU/t
Achievement Get!: Pump N' Pipe!
-Make a power system producing at least 32 MJ/t
Achievement Get!: The Thermal Way
-Obtain a Hardened Energy Cell, a Liquid Transposer, a Magma Crucible, and an Induction Smelter
Achievement Get!: Buldin n' Railin
- Obtain a Rolling Machine, 2 Coke Ovens, and a Railcraft Rock Smasher
All power from this power setup must be going through Gold Kinesis Pipes, or Quartz Kinesis Pipes.
Achievement Get!: The Industrial Way
- Obtain a CESU, a Transformer, an Extractor, a Compressor, a Thermal Centrifuge, an Ore Washing Station
Achievement Get!: Thermal Conquering!
-Make a power system producing at least 1000 RF/t! With no manual input.
Achievement Get!: Industrial Factorization!
-Make a power system producing at least 250 EU/t! With no manual input.
Achievement Get!: Pipes Galore!
-Make a power system producing at least 100 MJ/t!
Achievement Get!: AE 101
- Have a ME Controller, ME Disk Drive or ME Storage Buses and Chests or a connection to a Logistics Pipes system which can store items.
- Automation of a minimum of three things using AE.
Achievement Get!: The Thermal Expansion
-Have a Resonant Energy Cell, an Entire RF system must be using fully-upgraded Energy Conduits, at-least four Tesseracts in (practical) use,
-Must be utilizing a fully upgraded Flux Capacitor, and it must be used to charge TC tools
Achievement Get!: BurailCraft!
-Have 4 Blast Furnaces
-Use HS Tracks
-Make a system of carts connected to the AE system for one of the three automated systems
-Make a Roller Coaster of Doom and incorporate it into a factory.
-Constantly keep 3 combustion engines running
-Keep an MFR laser Drill Running
Achievement Get!: Industrial Domination!
- Have a Diamond factory that has to include 1 mass fabricator running decently.
- Have 2 Induction Smelters
- Have an MFSU
- Have all Upgradable machines have 3 or more Overclocker Upgrades
Achievement Get!: Walking is for Suckers
-Make a system of teleporters to different destinations.
Achievement Get!: Social Democracy
-Make sure your animals are in a comfortable living area, full of tall grass, flowers, trees etc. A home away from home, you could say

Achievement Get!: Half-Magellan
-Travel 3,000 blocks from your designated home base during an expedition.
Achievement Get!: Fatal Push
-Push a pig off a cliff.
Achievement Get!: Professional Marksman
-Eliminate a skeleton using a TiC bow.
Achievement Get!: Neil Armstrong
-Land on the moon, and successfully return without dying.
Achievement Get!: The Cow that Jumped over the Moon
-Bring a cow with you somehow on the Moon, and let it survive and thrive.
Achievement Get!: Break the Laws!
-Place a flag on the moon, as to claim it for your own [nation].
Achievement Get!: Intergalactic Ivan
-Detonate a nuclear warhead on the Moon or Mars.
Achievement Get!: Hum of the Engines
-Begin oil refining for your spaceship.
Achievement Get!: ISS Mark Two
-Create a Space Station, and make it as similar as your Overworld base as you can, with whatever machines or power generations, farms etc. you have.
Achievement Get!: Honor for Columbia
-Establish communications of some sort (be creative!) between the Moon and the Overworld, and "teach" villagers about the Moon.
Achievement Get!: Honorable Exit
-Have other mobs or villagers observe your heroic moon bound space flight.
Achievement Get!: Intergalactic Love
-Successfully breed two animals and make a baby on the moon, Mars, or in a spaceship.
Achievement Get!: My Friends!
-Take your fully decorated golems with you in your interstellar adventures!
Achievement Get!: Mystcraft with no Linking Book all over again!
-Get to the moon without power or a Fuel Loader...
Achievement Get!: Moon or it didn't happen!
-Do all the achievements on the moon as well
-First death. (Yes I say this in chat a lot)
-3 deaths in rapid succession.
Achievement Get!: Wooden Wonderland
-Build wooden structures in the nether.
- First tool type of a new material is an axe.
Achievement Get!: Divine Force
-Make a full Tinkers Construct Broadsword, Longsword, or Rapier enchanted with all but one slot with Smite.
Achievement Get!: Orbital Launcher
-Create a full paper Hammer with knockback, and launch a passive mob into oblivion!
Achievement Get!: Galactic Orbital Launcher
-Same as above, but in space!
Achievement Get!: Smooth Flow
-Be able to produce an infinite flow of Water. (e.g. aqua accumulator)
Achievement Get!: Aspiring Apiarist
-Obtain an Apiary/Apiaries, and a Beealyzer, and start experimenting with bees.
Achievement Get!: You monster.
-Create a passive mob farm and butchering unit
Achievement Get!: Villager Bartering
-Barter with a villager for any supply.
Achievement Get!: Not Quite Heartless
-Witness a skeleton kill a mob that is attacking you.
Achievement Get!: Disk Jockey
-Make a Creeper drop a Music Disc via a Spider/Skeleton Jockey final hit.
Achievement Get!: TIMMBAAAHHH
-Use a Tinkers Construct Lumber Axe on a Tc4 great wood tree
Achievement Get!: Division by Diamond
-Obtain an unstable ingot which has a doomsday countdown.
Achievement Get!: Division by Industrial Diamond
-Obtain an unstable ingot via industrial diamond (if possible).
Achievement Get!: All your bases belong to us.
-Completely bring a village under autocratic dictatorship rule.
-Complete 10 achievements.
-Complete 25 achievements.
Achievement Get!: 50th Millenium
-Complete 50 achievements.
Achievement Get!: Veteran Player
-Complete all achievements, including the Moon challenge if possible.
Achievement Get!: Fit for a King
-Make a castle that looks medieval on the outside, but technical on the inside. Turn it into your base.
Achievement Get!: Eye of Mordor
Create an Eye of Mordor on-top, beside, or somewhere where it is very easily visible to anyone visiting your castle. It must have liquid pryotheum somehow incorporated into the design.
Achievement Get!: Anti-Mordor
Create an exact replica of above, but cold-styled, and using gelid cyrotheum instead of liquid pyrotheum. It must also have snow golems "tending" to it.
Achievement Get!: Gandalf would be Proud
Obliterate a Blood Magic Demon (I don't really have much experience at all with Blood Magic, so change this achievement as you please) with HOLY SPELLS OF DA DOOM only (any spells).
Achievement Get!: Allergic Reaction
Take damage somehow from your creation.
Achievement Get!: Basic Apiarist Student
-Complete all the listed achievements under the Apiarist Achievement Set.
Achievement Get!: Mage Miner
-Make an Ars Magica 2 spell that digs a large hole down to bedrock with a single (augmented) cast.
Achievement Get!: Blood Barrier
-Make Bound Armor from Blood Magic.
-kill ender dragon with snowballs, no armor, no potions
Achievement Get!: Blood Power
-Use your blood (LP) as a power source.
Achievement Get!: Morally Questionable Power Source
-Make an automated villager breeding and slaying system for generating LP.
Achievement Get!: Payphone
-Create a payphone.
Achievement Get!: Uranium Decay Chain
-Produce Plutonium somehow from an IndustrialCraft 2(3?) nuclear reactor.
Achievement Get!: MoxyVoxy
-Run a reactor off MOX fuel.
Achievement Get!: Lord Ballista
-Create a TinkersConstruct bow capable of one-hitting a Zombie. Arrows can be anything, as long as you can insta-hit a Zombie.
Achievement Get!: ITS OVER 9000 CALORIES!
-Obtain a Hydra Chop.
Achievement Get!: Not Related to Twilight
-Obtain a Life-Draining Sceptre.
Apiarist Badge: Commoner
Breed a pair of purebred Common bee species.
Apiarist Badge: Cultivation
Breed a pair of purebred Cultivated bees with the Fast production trait.
Apiarist Badge: Nobility
Breed a pair of Noble bees within a block of gold.
Apiarist Badge: Diligence
Breed a pair of Diligent bees within a bookcase.
Apiarist Badge: Beauty
Breed a pair of Majestic bees within an aesthetically pleasing monument (maybe your Eye of Mordor/Anti-Mordor?
Apiarist Badge: Caffeine Hype 5000
Breed a pair of Unweary bees within an IndustrialCraft coffee crop plant.
Apiarist Badge: Beatific Rulers
Breed a pair of Imperial bees within an aesthetically pleasing monument, and it must have the Beatific (regeneration) effect, and Normal life.
Apiarist Badge: Workers of the Machines
Breed a pair of Industrious bees within an IndustrialCraft coffee crop, and within your industrial setup.
Breed a pair of purebred Common bee species.
Apiarist Badge: Cultivation
Breed a pair of purebred Cultivated bees with the Fast production trait.
Apiarist Badge: Nobility
Breed a pair of Noble bees within a block of gold.
Apiarist Badge: Diligence
Breed a pair of Diligent bees within a bookcase.
Apiarist Badge: Beauty
Breed a pair of Majestic bees within an aesthetically pleasing monument (maybe your Eye of Mordor/Anti-Mordor?

Apiarist Badge: Caffeine Hype 5000
Breed a pair of Unweary bees within an IndustrialCraft coffee crop plant.
Apiarist Badge: Beatific Rulers
Breed a pair of Imperial bees within an aesthetically pleasing monument, and it must have the Beatific (regeneration) effect, and Normal life.
Apiarist Badge: Workers of the Machines
Breed a pair of Industrious bees within an IndustrialCraft coffee crop, and within your industrial setup.
PS: ThaumCraft Research Unlocks do count as achievements. So does Ars Magica stuff
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