Forgecraft 3 Question (not asking to join btw!)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dear People,

Would anyone know if/where I could find a list of mods used on the Forgecraft3 server perhaps? I'd like to, if possible, create my own server using the exact same mods to derp around on.

I know the basics of setting up a server and installing mods so that should not in itself be an issue. What I'm lacking atm is a list of mods with version numbers (preferably).

If anyone could be of assistance it would be greatly appreciated.

Dear People,

Would anyone know if/where I could find a list of mods used on the Forgecraft3 server perhaps? I'd like to, if possible, create my own server using the exact same mods to derp around on.

I know the basics of setting up a server and installing mods so that should not in itself be an issue. What I'm lacking atm is a list of mods with version numbers (preferably).

If anyone could be of assistance it would be greatly appreciated.


also note that FC3 is configured to be as "hard" mode, meaning configuration options have been changed to make it a whole lot harder
They added Voxel Map - in second episode of Direwolf's F3 he usues it. I like 10x power usage for AE.
Forestry bee breeding in hard is a pain in the a.. to breed Imperial or industrious. Also breeding trees is very though.

But real Hard mode would be if they were having GregTech on Hard recipes.
Maybe i will try it :)
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@Yusunoha: I realise that but I would just like to derp around somewhat.

At the moment I have a completely different problem, however. For the past hour I've been trying to get the MC launcher to work with different MCForge installs (versions 916, 920, and 933). Unfortunately it crashes each and every time I load it. Note: all I'm currently trying to do is get a "Forge" profile up and running before adding ANY other mods.

@Yusunoha: I realise that but I would just like to derp around somewhat.

At the moment I have a completely different problem, however. For the past hour I've been trying to get the MC launcher to work with different MCForge installs (versions 916, 920, and 933). Unfortunately it crashes each and every time I load it. Note: all I'm currently trying to do is get a "Forge" profile up and running before adding ANY other mods.


If you use the installer for forge, it should properly add that forge version. Then when adding a new profile, you can then select that forge version instead of a minecraft version.
If you use the installer for forge, it should properly add that forge version. Then when adding a new profile, you can then select that forge version instead of a minecraft version.

Is exactly what I tried for the 3 forge versions I listed (916, 920, 933) but for all 3 my MC simply crashes and that's it...if there's a way to remove the forge installs and then start completely fresh...I'd love to know. So far, all I've tried has failed miserably :(

Not sure how official this is... But Sevadus is one of the streamers who play on FC3, he has the modpack publicly posted here. You can either use MMC5 (Alpha), or you can copy the mods and config folder to a profile on the regular Minecraft launcher (Which is what I did, since I'm on a Mac.)
Is exactly what I tried for the 3 forge versions I listed (916, 920, 933) but for all 3 my MC simply crashes and that's it...if there's a way to remove the forge installs and then start completely fresh...I'd love to know. So far, all I've tried has failed miserably :(


Starting *completely* fresh is relatively easy, just delete all your .minecraft files, and rerun the launcher and create a world and then run the forge installer again. But then, people generally want to save their old worlds, so renaming the .minecraft folder will also work.
@Siro: thanks for that info as well. Luckily I didn't need to resort to that but I figured I'd browse my .minecraft folder to see if anything was in there that didn't belong. 'Lo and behold...I found some remnants of old (read pre-1.2.5 mods, configs, etc). After removing those and re-trying MC+Forge...worked like a charm :)

Now to see about downloading and setting up my own private version of the ForgeCraft3 server!
So this is the mods direwolf will be playing? Pretty interesting that there is no computercraft in it. No mining well rigs etc. is there a way to get a quick overview of what config changes they made?
I think one of the most major is AE costing 10 times as much energy to run.
Also, if the configs on the "Forgecraft Lite" pack Sevadus (a streamer and FC resident) put together is any indication of what they have on FC3, BoP biomes are set to size 5 and TC4 nodes are set to hard. There's probably some other tweaks, but that's what I'm noticing right off the bat.
Someone on Reddit told me Forestry is set to 'normal' and not 'easy' which is the default. harder to breed bees and trees apparently? I didn't know forestry had different difficulty modes.
Someone on Reddit told me Forestry is set to 'normal' and not 'easy' which is the default. harder to breed bees and trees apparently? I didn't know forestry had different difficulty modes.

As much as people like to complain about Gregtech, it's just a matter of default configs. Forestry can be very much harder.
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Im wondering, is there any like, download for a server? or do I just copy the mods folder and configs and such? And does anyone have a public server set up?
Im wondering, is there any like, download for a server? or do I just copy the mods folder and configs and such? And does anyone have a public server set up?

since Minecraft 1.3 singleplayer and multiplayer have merged into universal.
meaning the files you use for singleplayer can also be used for multiplayer
hi ive been wanting to get forgecraft lite and since im on a mac i cant use multimc i tried downloading forge (recomended for 1.6.2)and copying over the mods from the download sev did to the mods folder and configs to congoig folder but it says This version of CodeChickenCore does not support minecraft version 1.6.2
Remove it from your coremods folder and check here for updates help?