Help for a futuristic building design ( Aesthetics Help )

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i was playing ftb and i was looking at my castle thinking ...
it would be cool if i had a under ground futuristic base under my castle i went to a test world and tried to think of an idea, came up with nothing so i thought i would ask you guys cause you guys ( and girls ) are probably better builders then me
i just want a hidden futuristic complex underneath my castle that nobody BUT me knows about i liked the cyan lights from rp2 but besides that i was kinda blank on ideas theres not much mods that add futuristic stuff besides xycraft and rp2
so i need your guys help like i said ^^

criteria :
( brief over view of what i want )
  • aesthetically pleasing
  • able to fit most if not all ic2 machines , TE machines and BC machines ( Gregtech installed ( its ftb ultimate ))
  • to have a nice AE storage hub that i can transmit to my main "hubs"
  • semi hidden from the naked eye
  • futuristic ( duh )
  • i want to be able to hide wires somewhere ( in the floor or wall ) where they are not visible inside or outside any huts
if you have any ideas feel free to post anywhere in the comments \/\/
** EDIT :sorry if this is the wrong place to post this I'm new to these forums **
As a big fan of the cyan/light blue lights I can tell you that they go really nicely with a combination of some of these blocks:

Smoothstone, smoothstone slabs, stone bricks, (cobblestone: not everyone is a fan of this though), TE machines (which I assume you will have some of) and a few more gray-scale blocks.
You can probably tell that I'm a very "vanilla" builder.

One example of a base I had before (no pics because the server was reset and we weren't given a map download) was a long curved corridor with one wall of glass looking out from a mountain and the other wall had all of the rooms, I'm sure you can adapt it somehow.

The design went something like this:
_ _ S B X B S _ _
_ T _ _ _ _ _ T _
B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B
X _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X
B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B
_ T _ _ _ _ _ T _
_ _ S B X B S _ _

Hard to describe xD
T=Stone brick stairs, oriented correctly of course
B = Stone Bricks
X= Stone Slabs
S= Smoothstone
_= Nothing or anything

It ended up looking really nice. The two walls were mirrors of each other, as were the floor and ceiling.
As for your lights, the Stone Bricks on the floor and ceiling were lights every 5 blocks or so, it lit everything up pretty well.

Again, sorry that I don't have pictures D: Hope you can understand something from this :)
The stone slab block that is full slab on all sides (made to two slabs next to each other instead over each other in crafting sqaure) makes for a really nice tech like feel. Its lighter then concret and well super easy to make.

Heres a mix build I used them on

Up Up Up by Saice, on Flickr
i really like that design too ^^ thinking of maybe having like a central hub like that leading into different rooms[DOUBLEPOST=1370120248][/DOUBLEPOST]btw whats the lamps on the ceiling called?
** EDIT : nvm its just the glow from the black lamp **
I once tried making a sort of laboratory, gave up pretty quickly, but I found for a room for pure aesthetics, if you wanted a lab feel too though, and a modern one, that balsa planks, with ebony highlights, look awesome. I used it for a bedroom.
Iridium-reinforced-tunstensteel blocks is the most high-tech looking block IMO. Plus you don't need lights since mobs can't spawn on them. Good blast resistance too.

If that's a bit out of your reach though, i'd say construction foam. Can be painted and is quite clean.

In my next world, i'm going to use reinforced stone. I want it to look like a nuclear bunker.
Iron blocks are good depending how rich you're feeling. ;)
You can cut down the cost considerably by slicing them up into microblock covers.

If you're up for a darker feel, I like basalt pavers personally.
And Xycraft blocks can be good if used very judiciously. Mostly the black ones if you ask me.
iridium reinforced tungstensteel.... i won't be able to afford that for another year xD i might go with a combo of saice's
design with the stone slab and the iron block cover however getting the iron is going to be a bit lets say challenging getting an idea now keep up the great ideas ^^
I don't use any FTB packs myself so i don't know if you have access to it on your game but there are minium stone recipes for iron that use renewable resources like wood or ender pearls. You can also get obsidian quite easily with an igneous extruder and a ton of lava. 2 obsidian and a minium stone also give iron.

Do you have minefactory reloaded? There are some nice blocks in that. I am making a base that sounds a bit like what you are looking for and it is mostly made out of nether quartz blocks, with mfr blackstone bricks for some edges to break it up. Paved stone bricks with blackstone brick edges (all mfr) look nice if you want to delineate a path through a room
i have minefactory reloaded yes as of the build i was kinda like a futuristic /sci-fi lab kinda like saices idea with the stone bricks and lamps after a while i was kinda thinking of doing a portal-esc laboratory i think it would be cool I'm really liking some of your guys ideas :)
no more ideas?

Ummm, regular ol' IC2 machine blocks?
More expensive than iron block covers, but a tad less expensive than full iron blocks. And much better looking IMO.

I also happen to love the look of white, light gray, gray, and black warded stone. But that's a pain if you don't have a decent TC3 setup and a good handful of zombie brains (though you only need two brains per stack, so that's not so bad...)
Have you tried the new railcraft blocks. The frostbound blocks together with nether quartz and abyssal blocks make quite a nice colour scheme together.
I just had big success with a "futuristic" design using smokey quartz, glass, smokey chiseled quartz, and liquid glowstone. I'm very pleased. You could substitute regular quartz if you want a less dark and still futuristic look, but the smokey quartz from Thaumic Tinkerer looks best for this application, I think.

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I just had big success with a "futuristic" design using smokey quartz, glass, smokey chiseled quartz, and liquid glowstone. I'm very pleased. You could substitute regular quartz if you want a less dark and still futuristic look, but the smokey quartz from Thaumic Tinkerer looks best for this application, I think.

Looks nice... and sort of evil.
I just had big success with a "futuristic" design using smokey quartz, glass, smokey chiseled quartz, and liquid glowstone. I'm very pleased. You could substitute regular quartz if you want a less dark and still futuristic look, but the smokey quartz from Thaumic Tinkerer looks best for this application, I think.

Dang, that looks nice. I really wish I had access to that smokey quartz for a build that I'm working on right now, but I'm doing it in the DW20 pack and there's no way I'd be able to transfer it to 1.5. Black warded stone and basalt can only get me so far...