Open Server InventionCraft [Ultimate 1.0.1! | mcMMO | GriefPrevention | TeamSpeak | Over 1,000 unique hit!]

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lost my advanced electric jetpack and 33 silverwood leaves in crash yesterday,gone for good or can i get em back?
IGN: Jonobiwan

Not been on Minecraft for a while and this is the first server i've been on! Loving it so far :D

PS - I'm a bit of a newb......I presume Grief Block stop people from massing up the area you built and stealing your items?
Just joined, tryin it out. -Skidryn
IGN: aCeOllie1
The server is very nice!

All have had bonus blocks added.

IGN: Jonobiwan

Not been on Minecraft for a while and this is the first server i've been on! Loving it so far :D

PS - I'm a bit of a newb......I presume Grief Block stop people from massing up the area you built and stealing your items?

That's correct. If you check out, I've linked some videos on how to get started with GriefPrevention.
IGN: Ghast17

This server is the first FTB server I ever joined. I liked it, it seems very nice.
It's a bit laggy for me, but this is from my connection.
I didn't understand everything about where I can build...

PS. IGN is "In Game Name" right? I'm like a newbie in a lot of things.
Seemed lag free, love to see MCMMO getting some love on a server, but it crashed shortly after I warped to Mining World V3 (probably coincidence).

Seemed rather stale for chat; but maybe people were on TS.
IGN: Ghast17

This server is the first FTB server I ever joined. I liked it, it seems very nice.
It's a bit laggy for me, but this is from my connection.
I didn't understand everything about where I can build...

PS. IGN is "In Game Name" right? I'm like a newbie in a lot of things.

Seemed lag free, love to see MCMMO getting some love on a server, but it crashed shortly after I warped to Mining World V3 (probably coincidence).

Seemed rather stale for chat; but maybe people were on TS.

Adding both your blocks now.

And yes, KriiEiter, a lot of people have been hanging out on our Teamspeak lately, causing in game chat to be a bit quiet.
An active and friendly server. -BinaryEgo

Added! Thanks.

:( My Carpenter doesn't seem to work when I try to craft an Aviary! Any idea on this being fixed?

... what does that have to do with me? That's not an issue with this server, as there are LOTS of aviaries and apiaries around.[DOUBLEPOST=1365567837][/DOUBLEPOST]
we still need this thread changed over to ultimate. if any thread mod could help in this it would be awesome.

Surprisingly, they still don't even have an Ultimate sub forum.
:/ Sorry, I just thought it was an issue with the server as I've made one in the past.

Nope, nothing has been changed alveary/apiary related on this server. And, I haven't heard of any issues with them (I have a decent sized bee operation going on, so I know they work fine).
Thanks for checking. It turned out to be my own stupid fault. I wasn't putting my items in the holding bit of the Carpenter!!! DOH!!! :)
I was wondering if your server was configured for the FTB items and materials for MCMMO and if you had if would care to share those configurations? I have been looking and it has been difficult.
I was wondering if your server was configured for the FTB items and materials for MCMMO and if you had if would care to share those configurations? I have been looking and it has been difficult.

Server is configured for mcMMO with FTB items. But no, I won't be publicly sharing those configurations. I'm sure you can find it/figure it out.
please remember people that there is pleanty of food and even a Mellon spot near spawn at my shop. (look for the building with the silverwood tree ontop)
IGN: evanguard89
i love the community here, very nice people, not too laggy and i can see myself having a good time here.