Whitelist Server Incepticraft Mindcrack! [8.2.0] [PLUGINS!] [NEW SERVER!] [DEDICATED 24/7!] [PvE!] [HARD!] [TS3!]

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IGN: Raph300852
Age(16+ Is better but we will accept younger people if mature.): 15
Have you ever been banned from a server?: Yes
If yes then please state why: one but it was a misunderstanding
Have you had experience with the mods in the modpack?: Yes all of the mods
Why would you like to join this awesome server?: cause i want to play on it livestream and youtube
How long do you intend to play on the server?: until i get board of minecraft
IGN: Philster407​
Age(16+ Is better but we will accept younger people if mature.): 25
Have you ever been banned from a server?: No
If yes then please state why: N/A
Have you had experience with the mods in the modpack?: A fair bit, IC2 and TE specifically.
Why would you like to join this awesome server?: Because it sounds awesome! And because it's hard to find a good server, the non white listed servers end up getting griefed. And playing single single player gets boring lol.
How long do you intend to play on the server?: As long as possible hopefully.
IGN: Raph300852
Age(16+ Is better but we will accept younger people if mature.): 15
Have you ever been banned from a server?: Yes
If yes then please state why: one but it was a misunderstanding
Have you had experience with the mods in the modpack?: Yes all of the mods
Why would you like to join this awesome server?: cause i want to play on it livestream and youtube
How long do you intend to play on the server?: until i get board of minecraft
IGN: Philster407
Age(16+ Is better but we will accept younger people if mature.): 25
Have you ever been banned from a server?: No
If yes then please state why: N/A
Have you had experience with the mods in the modpack?: A fair bit, IC2 and TE specifically.
Why would you like to join this awesome server?: Because it sounds awesome! And because it's hard to find a good server, the non white listed servers end up getting griefed. And playing single single player gets boring lol.
How long do you intend to play on the server?: As long as possible hopefully.
Whitelisted welcome to the community!
IGN: KingGongora
Age(16+ Is better but we will accept younger people if mature.): I am 23
Have you ever been banned from a server?: no I have not
If yes then please state why: N/A
Have you had experience with the mods in the modpack?: Yes I have
Why would you like to join this awesome server?: I am looking for a FTB server to play on as my new home/play experience
How long do you intend to play on the server?: as long as I am having fun!
IGN: Kolde
Age(16+ Is better but we will accept younger people if mature.): 16 (soon 17)
Have you ever been banned from a server?: No (one exception)
If yes then please state why: I was an administrator on a server, I stepped down which resulted in an immediate ban (server's policy)
Have you had experience with the mods in the modpack?: Yes.
Why would you like to join this awesome server?: I have had a break from Minecraft a while now, and I'm seeking for some sort of new adventure to take on. From the Mindcrack modpack I only met a couple of mods, and there are still some left that I'd be willing to spend time in. And of course, to meet new people and have fun with them.
How long do you intend to play on the server?: As I do not know anybody on the server yet, and everything will be fine, I'd think atleast a few months.
IGN: KingGongora
Age(16+ Is better but we will accept younger people if mature.): I am 23
Have you ever been banned from a server?: no I have not
If yes then please state why: N/A
Have you had experience with the mods in the modpack?: Yes I have
Why would you like to join this awesome server?: I am looking for a FTB server to play on as my new home/play experience
How long do you intend to play on the server?: as long as I am having fun!
IGN: Kolde
Age(16+ Is better but we will accept younger people if mature.): 16 (soon 17)
Have you ever been banned from a server?: No (one exception)
If yes then please state why: I was an administrator on a server, I stepped down which resulted in an immediate ban (server's policy)
Have you had experience with the mods in the modpack?: Yes.
Why would you like to join this awesome server?: I have had a break from Minecraft a while now, and I'm seeking for some sort of new adventure to take on. From the Mindcrack modpack I only met a couple of mods, and there are still some left that I'd be willing to spend time in. And of course, to meet new people and have fun with them.
How long do you intend to play on the server?: As I do not know anybody on the server yet, and everything will be fine, I'd think atleast a few months.
Whitelisted! Welcome to the community.
IGN: mistermjjrc (all lower case)
Age(16+ Is better but we will accept younger people if mature.): 23
Have you ever been banned from a server?: Nope
If yes then please state why: Not applicable
Have you had experience with the mods in the modpack?: Yes, especially with the Thaumcraft mod, which I'm really enthusiastic about.
Why would you like to join this awesome server?: I've been looking for a non-grief non-hack FTB server for quite a while, due to hackers and griefers on other servers. I dislike hacking and griefing so i think this server is ideal.
How long do you intend to play on the server?: As long as it stays up :D
IGN: Kaptain_Komedy
Age(16+ Is better but we will accept younger people if mature.): 16
Have you ever been banned from a server?: Never
If yes then please state why: N/A
Have you had experience with the mods in the modpack?: Played FTB for awhile although I've never delved into Forestry.
Why would you like to join this awesome server?: Because it looks good, the community looks active and it seems relatively new.
How long do you intend to play on the server?: For a long time.
IGN: mistermjjrc (all lower case)
Age(16+ Is better but we will accept younger people if mature.): 23
Have you ever been banned from a server?: Nope
If yes then please state why: Not applicable
Have you had experience with the mods in the modpack?: Yes, especially with the Thaumcraft mod, which I'm really enthusiastic about.
Why would you like to join this awesome server?: I've been looking for a non-grief non-hack FTB server for quite a while, due to hackers and griefers on other servers. I dislike hacking and griefing so i think this server is ideal.
How long do you intend to play on the server?: As long as it stays up :D
IGN: Kaptain_Komedy
Age(16+ Is better but we will accept younger people if mature.): 16
Have you ever been banned from a server?: Never
If yes then please state why: N/A
Have you had experience with the mods in the modpack?: Played FTB for awhile although I've never delved into Forestry.
Why would you like to join this awesome server?: Because it looks good, the community looks active and it seems relatively new.
How long do you intend to play on the server?: For a long time.
Age(16+ Is better but we will accept younger people if mature.):28
Have you ever been banned from a server?:no
If yes then please state why:XXX
Have you had experience with the mods in the modpack?:some, just played a bit, im pretty new to this stuff
Why would you like to join this awesome server?:want somwhere to play that is stable
How long do you intend to play on the server?:as long as i can,