Official FTB Pack Suggestions Thread

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Hello, I'm running a small private server in FTB Infinity Lite 1.10. I understand it is quite an old pack, but would there be any chance to get an update bringing as many mods as possible to their latest releases for 1.10.2? There are a number of bugs (some big enough to cause client-side crashes, like a render issue with IE Tesla Coils) that were resolved in versions released after what's on the pack.
Alternatively, if I put together an update myself would there be any chance to have it validated and put up officially? I could of course do that anyways and require my players to update manually, but I would prefer if they just had an automatic update through their launcher.
Thank you! Quite enjoying the pack otherwise :)
All of the packs below 1.12 are in hibernation. If a game breaking bug is found, it will be patched but mods won't be updated otherwise.
All of the packs below 1.12 are in hibernation. If a game breaking bug is found, it will be patched but mods won't be updated otherwise.
Ah, I expected something like that. No, we've found some annoying things but nothing I'd call downright game-breaking. I just figured, since 1.10.2 is well over and done, there might be a remote chance for one final update. Thanks anyways :)
Thaumcraft brass plate craftable with IC2 hammer/IE hammer.

Modpack: FTB Revelations
Don't make a whole lot of sense that these can't be crafted with a hammer.

Config changes in "01_unification.zs"

//ic2 forge hammer
recipes.addShapeless(<thaumcraft:plate>, [<ic2:forge_hammer:*>,<thaumcraft:ingot:2>]);

//ie hammer
recipes.addShapeless(<thaumcraft:plate>, [<immersiveengineering:tool>,<thaumcraft:ingot:2>]);
For FTB Revelations I suggest to implement the Rockhounding Mod (Core, Chemistry, Rocks and Surface).
I like the tech behind it and how it works. With Rocks and Surface you have also nice additions for building purpose.

And for a suitable ore-processing-facility (x5) I suggest in addition Mekanism (Generator and Tools not needed, as e. g. RFTool's Dimensions AddOn is not present, which means no high energy consumers).

I also wonder, why WR-CBE, Advanced Solar Panels and PortalGun aren't in this pack.

For the magic side I added AbyssalCraft and EssentialCraft 4 Unofficial. Also I added ThaumicAdditions, ThaumicBases and Thaumic Periphery for more stuff with Thaumcraft 6.
BloodMagic received Anumus and BloodArsenal for more stuff and also for testing even if they are beta or alpha mods.

Finally I added the following mods:

Actyally Computers, Immersive Cables, Immersive Tech, Questionably Immersive, Thaumic Computers, zettaindustries (Big Battery, RF Meter), JustEnoughPetroleum, tc6aspects4jei and jeivillagers.

Would be nice if a few of them will be implemented into the pack :)
Personally, I think in Revelation the exp requirements for leveling Tinker's Construct tools and weapons was jacked up a bit too high. I don't think(?) that 2,000xp/18,000xp is the mod's original default, and it seemed monstrously excessive on my server, so I cut it in half—and that still means it's going to take 72 THOUSAND block breaks to level up any advanced tool (Hammer, Excavator, etc.) above Adept, not even counting the previous levels! Without the change I enacted, normally that's going to be 144,000 blocks! That's insane!!

I know we can change this server-side in the config file for Tinkers Leveling or w/e it's called, but still, maybe think about dialing that back for default installs in future versions. The only reason I could think of for this being so high was just to deter people from using TiC and try to nudge them towards other mods' tools, but that'd just be silly.
ive notice for years now that ftb packs are slowly removing many of the complex mods
mekanism would have been a nice addition to rev
nuclearcraft got removed but extreme reactors are still in..
ic2 despite having ender io (even now on its more retarded version) and t.e is still in..
ae stuff also got removed..why?
embers a mod that only those into bdsm play is still in
magnetic craft could add some new and refreshing complexity..
the aspect of exploration is literally gone from the pack
so does the art of finding or even capturing mobs and all in between like jurassicraft does..
we can trade advance rocketry for galacticraft and slap the galacticraft add on to get more planets..
also why encourage devs that clearly dont listen to their fanbase and goes on to change basic stuff and make it even more so harder and nonsensical just to justify an update?(yeah im talking to you thaumcraft and enderio..)
ive notice for years now that ftb packs are slowly removing many of the complex mods
mekanism would have been a nice addition to rev
nuclearcraft got removed but extreme reactors are still in..
ic2 despite having ender io (even now on its more retarded version) and t.e is still in..
ae stuff also got removed..why?
embers a mod that only those into bdsm play is still in
magnetic craft could add some new and refreshing complexity..
the aspect of exploration is literally gone from the pack
so does the art of finding or even capturing mobs and all in between like jurassicraft does..
we can trade advance rocketry for galacticraft and slap the galacticraft add on to get more planets..
also why encourage devs that clearly dont listen to their fanbase and goes on to change basic stuff and make it even more so harder and nonsensical just to justify an update?(yeah im talking to you thaumcraft and enderio..)

are you saying they're adding grind for grind sake? I felt that that had happened between ae1 and ae2
well when was the last time they made a pack that was specifically taioled for servers that get literally every type of player and not just for streamers?
all of their kitchen sink packs have 90% the same mods and small additions that most of the time dont really add anything new
complexity is gone
ore processing is just a childs play mekanism offer tiers equaly complex to create and store the nes gases and stuff..nowdays just slap a pulverizer and a redstone furnace and get done with it
exploration is dead essentially nothing to explore basicly
bees literally destroyed gameplay considering that on some servers depending on the tick an energy beed can give 10 billion rf/t
thaum went full retard for whatever reason and made a travesty of a mod
enderio oh boy....grains of retardness flint the shit out of the bedrock and wait for a random tick to get something or try to automate it but dont get cocky cause if you do it on a large scale your pc wont handle that much fire and ticks from the machines
and oh boy refined storage causes so much problem on servers since rev1 and still they refuse to remove it but instead they remove aestuff does it even make sense?
i mean do they actually EVER listen to the users at all or this "suggestion" threads are literally just a placebo ? there is literally no clever and complex mechanism anymore its just the same over and over and over again endless grinding and zero thinking i mean you log on a server and you already know how to automate everything and just do it and then you get bored
all of their kitchen sink packs have 90% the same mods and small additions that most of the time dont really add anything new
Not just the kitchen sink packs, virtually all FTB packs contain the same set of mods. Revelation is a nice exception though.
They don't want to use new or innovative mods because some of them have instability issues. But tbh, I'd take a bit more instability for different mods.
well when was the last time they made a pack that was specifically taioled for servers that get literally every type of player and not just for streamers?
all of their kitchen sink packs have 90% the same mods and small additions that most of the time dont really add anything new
complexity is gone
ore processing is just a childs play mekanism offer tiers equaly complex to create and store the nes gases and stuff..nowdays just slap a pulverizer and a redstone furnace and get done with it
exploration is dead essentially nothing to explore basicly
bees literally destroyed gameplay considering that on some servers depending on the tick an energy beed can give 10 billion rf/t
thaum went full retard for whatever reason and made a travesty of a mod
enderio oh boy....grains of retardness flint the shit out of the bedrock and wait for a random tick to get something or try to automate it but dont get cocky cause if you do it on a large scale your pc wont handle that much fire and ticks from the machines
and oh boy refined storage causes so much problem on servers since rev1 and still they refuse to remove it but instead they remove aestuff does it even make sense?
i mean do they actually EVER listen to the users at all or this "suggestion" threads are literally just a placebo ? there is literally no clever and complex mechanism anymore its just the same over and over and over again endless grinding and zero thinking i mean you log on a server and you already know how to automate everything and just do it and then you get bored

The problem isn't the packs or the mods, it is you have out played Minecraft's usefulness.
Yes, bees can generate 10billion rf/t, but with Mekanism you don't need a complex thingy or farming a lot to make some wind generators and getting a lot of energy, almost freely.
I think a lot of the problem that exists with modpacks is that servers want to draw people to play on them and therefore they run the most well known packs. I started playing Enigmatica 2 recently and it has a ton of "lesser known mods" that I have to actually learn to play.
Hi FTB team, I have a suggestion to make...
There's an interesting item/block by mod Random Things.... the "Returning Block of sticks" .
I think it would be great that it was added as standalone on almost every modpack in my opinion...
For those that don't know a block that autobreaks and automatically returns to player inventory 10 seconds after being placed.
Even if you don't want the bunch of things that Random Things add it's a type of scaffolding that is really useful in my opinion.....cause you don't need to have the hassle to destroy/collect scaffoldings all the time....
In Sky adventures , for example,..there's lot's of scaffoldings by different mods and none is as good as this one.
FTB Ultimate Reloaded Suggestion

Binnie's extras adds recipes for various brewing actions, one of which includes corn grain. However, the only way to acquire corn grain is by using wheat seeds, even though corn is already in the game. I believe a way to take actual corn from simple corn and turn it into corn grain makes a lot of sense.
FTB Ultimate Reloaded:

Right now doing anything with Project Red tubes is so expensive in terms of dyes that it's almost pointless to even bother, which is a shame in a pack that went to great efforts to do away with single magic block solutions to everything. I would love to use Project Red for my transport needs, but am resigned to just jumping into AE2 since it's not gated off by incredibly difficult to acquire materials.

There are ways to get the dyes necessary, but they're all quite convoluted and unbalanced when compared to what it takes to get AE2 up and running:

* Industrial Foregoing dye machine, which still requires lots of flowers, as well as pink slime, which requires a mob farm, which requires power and essence... you get the idea.
* Get lucky with RNG and find a flower forest, which I haven't found yet and am loathe to continue exploring for given the effect loads of worldgen has on servers.
* Make a sheep farm and dye the sheep, then pulverize the colored wool for 1 dye. Considering how much dye is necessary just to make one chip for Project Red pipes, this will either be a ridiculous grind or not server friendly as people breed massive sheep farms.
* Do some vanilla redstone trickery, requires copious amounts of bonemeal/fertilizer and unless you're in a flower forest biome you don't get much for the effort.

What I would like to see is either an increase in the amount of chips you get per recipe, or better, an increase in the amount of Illumar that you get per craft. Even if you got 2 illumar instead of one it would be a huge improvement, though I think 3 or 4 per recipe would better balance the mod against AE2 and encourage people to use it.
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FTB Ultimate Reloaded 1.1.1 Update
-T5 adv solar has been removed as there is no T5 EU in this pack, they have been tool tipped allowing you to uncraft to 8 T4 solars if you already have them.

I'd like to recommend adding the adv solar back in as T4 EU (Extreme Voltave/ 2048EU/t)
At T5 it was only usable by using an Energy Bride, EV Producer, EV Consumer, and HV transformer, but it was also one of very few things that produced >512EU/t.
Reducing to T4 allows it to be used with HV cable, HV transformers, and the mass fabricator.
How do you like the idea of using the resizing-potion mod? I do not think that now there is an Assembly in which it would look good, but you can do a separate Assembly (FTB Guliver?). To change the size of the player and mobs, such a there is still nowhere. I think if you do well, then all is well so will go.
Sorry for my English I translate through translator.