Official FTB Pack Suggestions Thread

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The PE thing is great. You meet a ton more people than you ever could on any Java server because so many people are connected together on the same platform.
Once they finish that modding API, I feel like most of the stuff will happen on the PE version.

I would still prefer to stick to java based servers due to the rando nature of "open" servers.

My two servers are whitelisted for a reason.
Microsoft does not add to a gaming experience, it only destroys it slowly but surely.

Care to elaborate?

That's easy... these were my two favorite games in the 1990's. Microsoft killed both games, and I mean destroyed the franchises even tho they both had massively active online player communities.

Microsoft bought Links386 Golf from Access Software in 1999. By 2004 the game was dead and gone for good, altho the player community did somehow keep the game running long after Microsoft destroyed it.

They did the same thing with Flight Simulator, again destroying a very active gaming community of aviation enthusiasts. The game has been sold to Dovetail games, who overcharges for all the add-ons just like they've done with another former Microsoft product, Rail Simulator.

Basically, any game Microsoft ever got their grubby corporate paws on, they ended up destroying the franchise and the community that grew around the game. They are a suit-and-tie cancer on gamers, and I know I must sound like a broken record, but I just don't think people realize how bad it was for Notch to sell out to THIS particular corporation... they are the worst of the worst when it comes to gaming, and it's not even close. That's just my opinion, sure, but my opinion has been formed over the years by Microsoft's own actions and how they impacted my life.
That Microsoft you talk about doesn't exist anymore - it's a different company today. In all areas.
...they are the worst of the worst when it comes to gaming, and it's not even close.

It seems you've never played an EA game.

I'm on record as being worried about corperate greed destroying this game, as I've seen it happen before to other games I've loved, but I honestly don't think Microsoft has had any direct impact on the state of modded Minecraft to this point. I have some reservations about the future, but I'm trying hard not to hate on them for something that hasn't happened yet.

The extended development window offered by a number of independent circumstances in 1.7 offered a product which truly spoiled us, and frankly it set the bar to a near unachievable mark for the near future. As mentioned above, several mods changed significantly between 1.6 and 1.7, and the extended window allowed them to be polished to the backbones that we now expect them to be (Botania and EnderIO being prime examples). If an extended 1.12 shows even half of the progress offered by 1.7, we could very well see some amazing things. Only time will tell.

In my opinion, the Better Together Update was rushed, and it had a ton of flaws (particularly redstone and world migration) which caused my friends to refer to it as the Better Off Alone Update. That said, it's a backward step in the right direction, if that makes sense. Uniting the platforms is a good move for everyone. Uniting the code base is a good move for everyone, too. Eventually, this can lead to a unified modding scene, as well, which would potentially be Earth shattering, and may lead to exactly what Microsoft said they wanted - using Minecraft to teach kids to code, particularly in Microsoft's new language. Again, let's not blame them (or credit them) for something that hasn't happened yet. Patience is key.

In the end, if you want to stay in 1.7, I can't really blame you. It's great. But just because you want to stay there doesn't mean everyone else should feel the same way. I'll admit it's sometimes frustrating knowing what mods I want in a pack, only to find they aren't all on the same page yet, but the longer I wait, the less I seem to run into this problem. I repeat, patience is key. And even if you decide you never want to leave the Golden Age of 1.7, others will always be riding the cutting edge and the new hotness. To each their own, so no need to hate on freedom of choice.
It seems you've never played an EA game.
Ah, remember the Battlefront Subreddit a few months ago. I do.
Microsoft isn't perfect but it beats out a lot of other companies.
I would like to point out, Microsoft bought Mojang for 2.5 billion dollars. That's a massive investment. You act as if they're gonna let the game die which is actually quite far from the truth.
They're taking more community feedback than ever, such as the new textures and Mob B. The Better Together was great since once a modding API is finished, mod developers will be able to put out their mods to even more of the community.
Also things like the Marketplace are amazing for mobile users, it was NEARLY impossible to get maps and such on mobile before, now its just a few clicks away.
How about a 1.12 creative design pack. No adventure or scouring. Just things that add textured block options, aestethic items, not just decocraft (but yes decocraft). A creative builder's suite.
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Why there is no changelogs of the FTB Revelations modpack? May i request it?
i would love to have PlusTiC or something similar to add rf to Tinkers tools in Direwolf20, i miss having that ability from alot of older packs
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It seems you've never played an EA game.

Touché. I know you wrote a lot more than one sentence, but you said it all right there. You are 100% correct. EA Sports was like a double disease on PC gamers. First, when they "blessed us" with PC ports of their console games, they would charge us every year to purchase the same product over and over again, with only the player names changed for the most part. Tiger Woods golf was the biggest rip off of all, we'd have to purchase the same exact golf courses year after year all over again just so they'd work on the latest game version. Brilliant money-making scheme for EA.

And then, of course, when EA finally pulled out of the PC gaming world altogether (goodbye, good riddance, and THANK YOU), the void that was left in their wake has never been filled by anyone... meaning we PC gamers don't have a football game, a hockey game, a baseball game, a golf game, etc etc etc... and probably never will.

I refuse to buy a console and become one of them, so... I suffer in my silence. But you said it all in your opening sentence. :)

P.S. You also wrote something else that I agree with, you said: "...and may lead to exactly what Microsoft said they wanted - using Minecraft to teach kids to code, particularly in Microsoft's new language." Bingo! That is precisely why they spent 2.5 Billion (with a "B"!!), because it allows them to "get their hooks" into kid's brains at an age where they are still very much "young and impressionable". I view the purchase as predatory, essentially, which is why it disturbs me to this very day. Microsoft a gaming company? Puhleeze, tell me another good laugher!
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I don't know if anyone is keeping statistics, and keeping track of modpacks...

But I noticed yesterday that the Twitch client is showing that the #1 downloaded modpack is now...

1. Sky Factory 3 (v1.10.2)
2. Infinity Evolved (v1.7.10)

Both modpacks have 2.7 million (MILLION!) downloads, but I'm fairly certain that up until yesterday, it was Infinity Evolved shown in the top spot (using the "Total Download" pulldown menu).

This surprises me, but I did begin playing Sky Factory 3 this week myself, and while I'd say it's definitely an easier pack to progress thru, I'd also say it's a fun one. So I guess that explains its popularity? Yay for CHICKENS! LOL
In the new Revelation pack, I started using the Advanced Rocketry mod. Despite what I read on the website and saw in guides and tutorials, the asteroid mining mechanic simply doesn't work. After spending hours to get the research and machines to send a rocket to an asteroid, I realized that the largest amount of resources I could get was around 9 redstone ore, 10 gold ore, 12 iron ore, and one stack of cobble stone. There were no other ores, and actually launching the rocket confirmed that. The tremendous effort it took to launch the mining mission was many, many times more than what it would take to get many times more ore from ordinary mining. Repeated scans and observatory upgrades didn't help, either. I checked the config, and it appears that almost nothing can spawn in asteroids to begin with. I tried to fix this by adding more ores to the config, but the quantities stayed the same, keeping asteroid mining useless. Also, I noticed that there was no moon, or any other planets that the rocket could get to. I'm not sure what's going on with this mod, but there doesn't seem like there's much to do.
So let's revive this for FTB Continuum.

Watching various YouTubers and streamers, I have noticed very few options for power early on compared to Infinity. In IE:E it was pretty much all coal but you could also get culinary by exploring for seeds. I loved that to be honest. Pre-waterwheel needs another type of power to go with coal, something still a bit harder to obtain though. Culinary though I do feel was too OP for even early game in IE:E. So I have another suggestion. Use a Pink Generator. Make it require Pig Iron from the Smeltery as a sort of sidequest to go on. The recipe can be the same as a survival generator but with pig iron rather than iron.
I noticed Ender IO for 1.12 was released. Will it be added to FTB Revelations? I would really love to use it again.
Another bit of good news, Thaumcraft's 6 next version will be for 1.12, and will come out next week for the general public. So the list of mods I would eventually like to see in Revelation grows to Ender IO, Blood Magic and Thaumcraft :) .
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I posted something like this before, but I fear that it's been ignored. In the FTB Revelations pack, Advanced Rocketry is effectively disabled. Once I got the observatory to work, it revealed that the only asteroids contained small quantities of gold, redstone, and stone. The only "planets" are dimensions that other mods added, accessible by their own means. Luna, Ceres, gas giants, and other solar systems don't exist, while all of their resources can be found under my base. There is no exploration or resource motivation to use this entire mod. Unless it gets legitimately enabled, I really don't see why it should take up space on my RAM.
I posted something like this before, but I fear that it's been ignored. In the FTB Revelations pack, Advanced Rocketry is effectively disabled. Once I got the observatory to work, it revealed that the only asteroids contained small quantities of gold, redstone, and stone. The only "planets" are dimensions that other mods added, accessible by their own means. Luna, Ceres, gas giants, and other solar systems don't exist, while all of their resources can be found under my base. There is no exploration or resource motivation to use this entire mod. Unless it gets legitimately enabled, I really don't see why it should take up space on my RAM.
Incorrect. It’s not disabled, those are the default settings. All the fancy stuff has to be created manually by the pack maker. Why not give it a go, if it bothers you?
I posted something like this before, but I fear that it's been ignored. In the FTB Revelations pack, Advanced Rocketry is effectively disabled. Once I got the observatory to work, it revealed that the only asteroids contained small quantities of gold, redstone, and stone. The only "planets" are dimensions that other mods added, accessible by their own means. Luna, Ceres, gas giants, and other solar systems don't exist, while all of their resources can be found under my base. There is no exploration or resource motivation to use this entire mod. Unless it gets legitimately enabled, I really don't see why it should take up space on my RAM.
Well, the fact is that Advanced Rocketry is designed so that you create your own planets. If this is not to your liking, then you should probably play a different pack.
Incorrect. It’s not disabled, those are the default settings. All the fancy stuff has to be created manually by the pack maker. Why not give it a go, if it bothers you?

That's just what I did yesterday. I found a way to set the planetdefs.xml to default, then added onto it. After that, I updated my server files and things seem to be working fine. As I learn more about it, I'll be making more planets. However, I dread having to go through the asteroid configs and add all of the ores in reasonable proportions. If anybody has a file like that, a shortcut, or just general advice, I'd be very happy to know. However, it still doesn't make sense to me that the asteroids have practically nothing in the base config.
Hello, I'm running a small private server in FTB Infinity Lite 1.10. I understand it is quite an old pack, but would there be any chance to get an update bringing as many mods as possible to their latest releases for 1.10.2? There are a number of bugs (some big enough to cause client-side crashes, like a render issue with IE Tesla Coils) that were resolved in versions released after what's on the pack.
Alternatively, if I put together an update myself would there be any chance to have it validated and put up officially? I could of course do that anyways and require my players to update manually, but I would prefer if they just had an automatic update through their launcher.
Thank you! Quite enjoying the pack otherwise :)