Are Dimension Mods Client Side mods?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've been looking at the source of some example tutorial mods.
I can see sections of code that will be tagged as @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT)

This obviously means that the code runs on the client, but what I am unsure about is : does it require the client to have the mod's jar file.

Basically want to know - if I create a new dimension with new biomes etc, do players who play on my server need to have the mod file in order to get in and see the new dimension/biomes?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Depends on the dimension mod. When I played Vanilla I would sometimes join a server that would make alternate dimensions with plugins. For those I did not need a client on my side.
However something like say Erebus or Twilight forest you will need server and client to match as it adds new assets and code.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Actually if the mod adds an asset or class that's not vanilla that needs it's states validated by the server.