[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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u neeeeeeeeeeeeed to upgrade them its very essential , do note this does not mean cram all available upgrades into the machines (especially dont do this for the separator ), think about it a tiny bit first
who knows maybe u just need a bigger battery per-say
(x5 is the slowest becuase it has no factory version to do the processing, x4 and below do )

Alright, I'll stick with my current x4. I've found with my current setup so far the only way to ensure no rapid power loss is to add energy and speed upgrades in a 2:1 ratio respectively.

I'm not seeing anything in the config that would even allow it to be nerfed, so I'd assume you're good to go on ludicrous power generation. Good luck setting all that stuff up, I looked up a video and damn...

Wish me luck, I'm going in <3
I am currently on version 0.1.3
Re-reading the crash report, it looks like one of the blocks in that area has bugged out. You'll need to use something like MCEdit to go in and delete the block, or revert to an older backup.
hmm is there a reason why the meka gas tanks are not craftable?
Only the basic one is in NEI the other are not there, but it has no reciept

Edite: hmm NEI ist buging -.- the reciept is not in NEi but it still works
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The Ferret Business 0.1.4 - The It's Sorta Fixed? Update is released!

This update fixes a bunch of issues with the supply system, fixes some recipes and configs, updates many mods, and cleans up some of the issues that have cropped up in the last couple releases. Not all of them, mind you!

The FTB Launcher is already updated, and Curse Launcher should already be updated, or will be within a few hours.

Condensed Changelog :
  • New Mods
    • FTB Utilities
      • This mod adds a few functions that will be very useful to the pack. A built in Guidebook system, which will handle explaining basic pack mechanics and other things, without requiring an actual inventory item (Enchiridion Book). It also adds a backup system, which will be replacing Aroma Backup.
    • BeeBetterAtBees
      • An NEI plugin is super helpful in bee breeding. Shows the genetic evolution path of bees, amongst other things.
  • Removed Mods
    • Aroma1997 Core and Aroma Backup
      • While useful, many players have noted issues with Aroma Backup, from memory leaks to poor performance. This backup function is now replaced by FTB Utilities, and the new backups can be found in minecraft\ftb-backups\ instead.
    • YAMPST
      • A useful utility for tracking pack statistics and sending login messages to warn of issues, it is unfortunately being discontinued.
  • Customized Mods
    • Fluxed Crystals 2, now known as Fluxed Crystals 2 - Ferret Edition
      • Thank you to TheBlueTroll for forking and fixing some issues with FC2. IC2 support is now removed, since it was no longer necessary, and the updates to the code fix the seed infusing bugs from last version, as well as an issue with Speed upgrades. The MasterSeedData bug SHOULD be even rarer now, if not completely fixed, but we make no promises right now.
  • Quality of Life Updates
    • Main Menu notes have been upgraded and should be easier (and more obvious).
    • There is now a starting Guide, accessible from your inventory. Click the book at the left side marked Guide.
      • For now, it is fairly barebones, but will be improved on in the future.
    • You can now craft Order Forms to automate purchasing Ores from the Corporate Shop
      • You will NOT receive Shop Loyalty for this right now
    • Bags of Coins can now be straight crafted back into 50 Silver Coins
  • FMC and Supply System Changes
    • Most current items have been re-valued. Some items are worth more, others worth less.
    • You can now combine any item types to make crates
      • In a future update, you will again be able to craft specific crate types, which will be used for Bulk Order Forms and similar.
    • The FMC value range has changed
      • 0.25
      • 0.50
      • 1
      • 2
      • 5
      • 10
      • 25
      • 50
      • 100
      • Every 100 up to 500
      • Every 500 up to 100,000
      • Every 1,000 above that
    • Only Thaumcraft and MineFactory Reloaded items have not be revalued (of the mods that have had items valued). They will be redone next update.
  • Blind Bag Changes
    • All Blind Bags (except Thaumcraft and MineFactory Reloaded) have been redone.
    • Blind bags now have a maximum value for each tier.
      • Cheap : 10,000 FMC
      • Decent : 50,000 FMC
      • Good : 200,000 FMC
      • Amazing: 200,001+ FMC
    • When you open a bag, you will get an amount of ONE item either up to the value of the bag OR maximum stacksize (so that you don't get 40,000 cobblestone dumped in your bag, for example)
  • Creature Changes
    • Spawn rate of all Exotic Birds and Grimoire of Gaia creatures has been lowered.
    • Creep from GoG has been disabled, since it ignores the 'don't break blocks' rule
Some small notes
  • Yes, you will need to delete HQM Data from an older world. Check the Troubleshooting Guide for instructions
  • Forge version for the pack is now 1614.

If all works well, we are skipping straight ahead to 0.2.0. I have plans to fix some running issues with certain mods (Aura Cascade snooper lag, for one).

The big thing, though, is I want to deal with the issue of having to reset HQM data every single update. I need to do a bunch of testing and see how it is feasible at this stage. If it is, I'll let you guys know the plans.

Either way, I want to finish revaluing the last two mods that have quests, and start writing new quests. The Supply system only needs smaller changes and updates now, instead of complete system reworks.
hmm is there a reason why the meka gas tanks are not craftable?
Only the basic one is in NEI the other are not there, but it has no reciept

Edite: hmm NEI ist buging -.- the reciept is not in NEi but it still works
Very weird. I'm not changing the recipe myself.

Looking into it, it looks to be a bug with NEI Integration. I'll check further into it to see if its easy to fix.
  • Like
Reactions: Wiremash and IL2
It's a great/cool update, but my server doesn't went running now

---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// Oh - I know what I did wrong!

Time: 03.07.16 9:05
Description: Exception in server tick loop

java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception in server tick loop
at hardcorequesting.QuestingData.<init>(QuestingData.java:524)
at hardcorequesting.QuestingData.readAllData(QuestingData.java:502)
at hardcorequesting.QuestingData$1.read(QuestingData.java:408)
at hardcorequesting.network.FileHelper.loadData(FileHelper.java:107)
at hardcorequesting.QuestingData.load(QuestingData.java:438)
at hardcorequesting.WorldEventListener.onLoad(WorldEventListener.java:23)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_567_WorldEventListener_onLoad_Load.invoke(.dynamic)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:54)
at cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:140)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71247_a(MinecraftServer.java:230)
at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(DedicatedServer.java:258)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:387)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$2.run(MinecraftServer.java:685)

A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
It's a great/cool update, but my server doesn't went running now
You didn't delete the HardcoreQuesting data. Questing progress needs to be reset. Check the Troubleshooting Document in my forum signature.

Curse still hasn't gotten the update.
Unfortunately it seems there is an issue with the pack (permissions) that weren't a problem before. I'm attempting to get it worked out. You may have to use the FTB Launcher for now until I can get these issues sorted.
I want to change the terrain generation in my current world from default to realistic, what options do I have available to use?

I also cannot seem to camouflage the open modular turrets bases (tested on tier 5), has anyone else experienced this?
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I want to change the terrain generation in my current world from default to realistic, what options do I have available to use?
Your choices basically are...MCEdit, cut out and paste your base into a newly generated world with Realistic set instead of Default.


  1. Download NBTExplorer
  2. Go to your world folder and make a backup of level.dat. JUST IN CASE
  3. Open the level.dat in NTBExplorer
  4. Under Data, there is a generatorName field. Double click it and replace the string with RTG
  5. Save, load world.
The problem with this is your chunk boundries will be...very obviously different between old and new world generation types.
Your choices basically are...MCEdit, cut out and paste your base into a newly generated world with Realistic set instead of Default.


  1. Download NBTExplorer
  2. Go to your world folder and make a backup of level.dat. JUST IN CASE
  3. Open the level.dat in NTBExplorer
  4. Under Data, there is a generatorName field. Double click it and replace the string with RTG
  5. Save, load world.
The problem with this is your chunk boundries will be...very obviously different between old and new world generation types.

Yep, exactly what I want.

By the way, a few things (especially mekanism's ore dusts) cannot be smelted by Thermal Expansion's Redstone Furnaces, NEI doesn't register them either. This only happened after the update. Is this intended?
By the way, a few things (especially mekanism's ore dusts) cannot be smelted by Thermal Expansion's Redstone Furnaces, NEI doesn't register them either. This only happened after the update. Is this intended?
That's definitely not intended, sounds like a bug in one or the other.
Would it be at all possible to add quests that require players to turn in extreme quantities of items? For example, 100k cakes or 10k buckets of molten enderium?
Would it be at all possible to add quests that require players to turn in extreme quantities of items? For example, 100k cakes or 10k buckets of molten enderium?
That's the plan. The first of those kinds of quests is already in, for 1,000 Sushi. More will be added in later.
That's the plan. The first of those kinds of quests is already in, for 1,000 Sushi. More will be added in later.
Thanks for the quick reply. I completely forgot that those were quests. My bad. Glad more are coming. Keep up the great work! :)
That's definitely not intended, sounds like a bug in one or the other.
I hope it gets fixed soon because my base is 50% Thermal Expansion and my ore processing is jammed as a result

EDIT: It seems to be fixed somehow, hooray!
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I really like the modpack and I wish to play it! But the problem is that every time I try to get in a world it lags, the menu of it is nice and not lagging though when I first get in, but when I quit from a world it lags as well. Any ideas how to fix it?