[1.7.10] AgriCraft

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With Agricraft 1.4.3 and PMP 4.29 i was hoping to see the food crops able to be analyzed and grown in the crop sticks but this isnt possible. I just tried both the crop plant and the actual fruit/veg it drops but nothing.

PMP is at 4.29? I'm at 4.16, things might have changed and broke compatibility, I'll have a look at it.

i have been dabbling in creating a modpack for my family on our lan, agricraft was a must have, i love the mod..
but i seem to have an issue, i set up an irrigation system, and it keeps a 7x7 area fertile under the sprinkler. however, it will not allow me to till the land unless i place a water source. i have changed a few tinkers settig to dissallow hoes etc, i was wondering it this is a compatabilty issue with tinkers, or iguana tweaks..

please forgive the bad typing.. its one of tose days
This is Iguana Tweaks doing that, I believe.
With Agricraft 1.4.3 and PMP 4.29 i was hoping to see the food crops able to be analyzed and grown in the crop sticks but this isnt possible. I just tried both the crop plant and the actual fruit/veg it drops but nothing.
I just tested with PMP 4.29, and I don't see any problems:
PMP is at 4.29? I'm at 4.16, things might have changed and broke compatibility, I'll have a look at it.

This is Iguana Tweaks doing that, I believe.

thanks, at least now i know.. will remove it and see if that solves the issue, .. is there any config fix for this that anyone knows of??
unsure what my issue is but i just tested it again and still nothing, same with pams harvestcraft now, ill do a fresh forge, config and mod version install and see whats going on.

Update: after a complete fresh install, Im still running into the same issue;
PMP 4.29
Agricraft 1.4.3
Config: http://pastebin.com/WY8Yrv5q

These are the only two mods installed so there's no foreign mod interaction.
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Hello/good evening, I play on a modpack to personalize by looking in NEI at seeds I have perceived a seed which interests me, the only problem which I have it is that I do not know how to obtain this one even with NEI , this seed is shimmerleaf seed
thank you for your help
unsure what my issue is but i just tested it again and still nothing, same with pams harvestcraft now, ill do a fresh forge, config and mod version install and see whats going on.

Update: after a complete fresh install, Im still running into the same issue;
PMP 4.29
Agricraft 1.4.3
Config: http://pastebin.com/WY8Yrv5q

These are the only two mods installed so there's no foreign mod interaction.
This is strange, your config is msising an entire section, namely a section about mod interaction, a correctly generated config file should have it like this:
compatibility {

  # set to false to disable compatibility for Botania[default: true]

  # set to false to disable compatibility for ComputerCraft [default: true]

  # set to false to disable compatibility for McMultipart[default: true]

  # set to false to disable compatibility for MineTweaker3 [default: true]

  # set to false to disable compatibility for Natura[default: true]

  # set to false to disable compatibility for NotEnoughItems [default: true]

  # set to false to disable compatibility for TConstruct[default: true]

  # set to false to disable compatibility for Thaumcraft[default: true]

  # set to false to disable compatibility for Waila [default: true]

  # set to false to disable compatibility for exnihilo[default: true]

  # set to false to disable compatibility for harvestcraft[default: true]

  # set to false to disable compatibility for magicalcrops[default: true]

  # set to false to disable compatibility for mobdropcrops[default: true]

  # set to false to disable compatibility for nevermine[default: true]

  # set to false to disable compatibility for plantmegapack[default: true]

  # set to false to disable compatibility for weeeflowers[default: true]

  # set to false to disable compatibility for witchery[default: true]
An entry for every mod you have installed. Simply copy-pasting this in the config won't work probably. Re-download the mod from CF, delete your config files and try version of Forge.

Hello/good evening, I play on a modpack to personalize by looking in NEI at seeds I have perceived a seed which interests me, the only problem which I have it is that I do not know how to obtain this one even with NEI , this seed is shimmerleaf seed
thank you for your help
There is probably no mutation for it.
Set "Regenerate defaults" to true in the config file.
I have a quick question on how the config setting for growth rate multiplier works. I've put it at 0.1, and at 2.0: I'm not noticing any major difference between the two settings. I guess my primary question is which of them is supposed to make crops go faster. Running version 1.4.0 from the Regrowth modpack
Hi ! I'm using the ftb Infinity modpack and I activated resource crops, but it's not spreading or mutating, what have I to do ? I put ore behind the dirt, as explained
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For some reason I didn't get notifications for this thread anymore, apologies for late answer.
I have a quick question on how the config setting for growth rate multiplier works. I've put it at 0.1, and at 2.0: I'm not noticing any major difference between the two settings. I guess my primary question is which of them is supposed to make crops go faster. Running version 1.4.0 from the Regrowth modpack
Growing works on a pseudo-random basis: if a random generated number is smaller than a certain value (which is dependent on crop tier and growth stat), the growth tick is allowed, else nothing happens. The multiplier just multiplies that value with whatever you have set it to.

Hi ! I'm using the ftb Infinity modpack and I activated resource crops, but it's not spreading or mutating, what have I to do ? I put ore behind the dirt, as explained
regenerate your mutations file.
Hmmm... anyone else having issues breeding tarma root seeds? I don't see it's recipe in NEI even though it's listed in the mutations.cfg. I read in a previous post that it requires mushroom conditions. Does that include requiring mycelium in order to spawn or just light level?
It would be awesome if all the conditions to grow a seed were listed in the journal. I'm less interested in what the growth stages look like than the actual way to grow the seeds.
All in all I love your mod, Infinity. XD
Hmmm... anyone else having issues breeding tarma root seeds? I don't see it's recipe in NEI even though it's listed in the mutations.cfg. I read in a previous post that it requires mushroom conditions. Does that include requiring mycelium in order to spawn or just light level?
It would be awesome if all the conditions to grow a seed were listed in the journal. I'm less interested in what the growth stages look like than the actual way to grow the seeds.
All in all I love your mod, Infinity. XD
Ill figure somethign out, thanks for the feedback.
-CHANGE: Generified the way growth requirements search for metadata (fixes compatibility with GrechTech ores)

:):):) After making textures for crops for all the gregtech ores I realized it couldn't recognize gregtech ores... so this update is... amazing....

Speaking of which, is there a good any good way to share the crops on here? I don't know how many people here are interested in gregtech ore crops, but I figure I could share the files if there's an easy way.
Still need to make the textures for the seeds. In addition, I've only made textures for the ores in the beyond reality modpack, as I'm making a customized version of it for me and my friends. So after finishing the main crops up, I might go ahead and make the crops not available for other modpacks that may have them (as in I would probably post that as an update).
Aww crap... there is one issue with the gregtech ores. Gregtech ores can go into a "hidden" state, and their metadata is all screwed up. I don't know if you know much abotu that or if there's a way to fix it. Most likely, I'll have to find a way to create the ores out of the "hidden" mode.
Just running some tests and it looks like the hidden ores shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as you design the farm right. I'll post more info/pictures when I post the download.
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It looks like it's really difficult/impossible to keep the ores out of their hidden state. As soon as the chunks aren't in sight, they become hidden again (even with a chunk loader). Do you think there's any way for it to check what ore is below it, even if it's hidden?
It looks like it's really difficult/impossible to keep the ores out of their hidden state. As soon as the chunks aren't in sight, they become hidden again (even with a chunk loader). Do you think there's any way for it to check what ore is below it, even if it's hidden?
I am not familiar with GregTech, so I have no idea
@InfinityRaider - Couple of thoughts on this water pit addition. For context, I just stumbled face-first into it when I updated my Hubris pack from 1.3.1 (too many CTDs when raining) to 1.4.5, so for all I know, these have been considered and addressed already.
  • Cranberries are grown in "bogs", generally. I don't pretend to be an expert in their farming techniques, but it seems they'd make a good candidate for joining the club with rice and water artichoke and the others.
  • Maneuvering in them is a bit of a pain, especially if you're not working a big paddy. All the up and down and speed changes makes mis-clicking really easy to do. I'm not sure what the solution would be, aside from just getting used to it, so this is a very unfinished complaint. Hip waders? I don't know.
  • Real problem, on the other hand: These blocks seem to inherit from the water class (or w/e the Java equivalent is), and that includes density-/viscosity-based interactions with other liquids. Is it intended that heavier ones will spread right through them and wipe them out? Because that's what happens.
  • Last, filling them involves having to open inventory after every block and putting the now-empty bucket back on the hot-bar. Maybe this can't be helped, but if it can, it'd make them a lot less frustrating to work with.
Endless thanks though for turning the cropsticks system into something usable and engaging.