Open Server GPOK Servers | MindCrack v8.0.1 | BukkitForge | PvP/Raiding Allowed | Open | 36+ slots

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Official Server:
Modpack: Mindcrack (v8.0.1)
Subreddit (Used for Server Info):
Admins: Waarlod, Robet24
Moderators: Nickwade, Achibon, Uldreg
GPOK Let's Play: Ep1 Ep2

We will begin season II at 20:00 PST on 2/7/2013!! Please check your server info. We didn't move forward with the Creeperhost server as it ran like crap.

  • Cheating will result in a ban. Admins will TP to a suspected cheater to determine if they are cheating. Admins WILL NOT record coordinates when teleporting nor will they communicate coords to other players.
  • DO NOT excessively use turtles. Please limit yourself to 1 or 2 active turtles at a time. Admin's will remove excessively placed turtles from the world.
  • PvP will flag you as "In-Combat" for ten seconds. If you log out prior to this 10 second window closing you will die the next time that you log in and drop all your items. Abuse of the system will result in a ban.
  • This is an ADULT server. You don't need to be an adult to play here but you must act like one. Therefore, moderation of chat is minimal... but if there is a request from an administrator to tone it down... please follow those directions.
  • Only administrators are allowed to post links. Please get permission before sharing your link.
  • Raiding is allowed. You can destroy anything on the server other than the spawn. Modifieng blocks within the spawn is bannable.
  • Administrators will occasionally do a scan for Chunk Loaders. If a chunk loader is on the map it will be destroyed without reimbursement. Please keep this in mind when crafting.
  • Chat flooding is bannable. Try and act like an adult in chat.
  • Don't ask for OP or Admin. It will be given to players as needed/appropriate.
  • Players are encouraged to use Ventrilo. If we need to make room for "core" players on the server those whom are not in Ventrilo will be kicked first.
  • Administrators can and will make decisions on the fly. These decisions must be respected by players. If there is an issue with an administrator please PM me on the forums.
  • If you believe you see someone cheating, take screenshots and share with the administrators.
  • We only use standard modpacks. We will never include mods on our server that are not in a default modpack from FTB.
  • Do not join this server if you are easily upset by having your base destroyed. It will happen.
  • Our server is a hard mode server.
  • Admins will not TP you or give you items.
  • Most player commands disabled.
  • Admins DO play as players. The only OP access is from the server console.
  • There are players who can kick/ban who play on the server.
  • If the game is hard... then you are playing it right.
  • Administrators make mistakes. If you believe you were inappropriately banned please PM me and I will look into it.
  • No, I will not change the server so you can connect with your cracked client. How about you buy the game instead of trying to get something for free?
  • We can configure private channels in Ventrilo at your request. If those channels go unused we will delete them.
Server Info:
  • 24 36 Slot Server (4g of RAM).
  • Hard Difficulty - Survival
  • World limited to approximately 3000x3000 from spawn
  • Mob Griefing and Fire Spread Disabled
  • Automated reboots occur twice daily at 10:00 and 20:00 PST.
  • Server will be rebooted at any time (with at least 1 minute warning given to players) if an exploit needs to be patched or a mod reconfigured
  • Backups are captured every two hours and we retain 20 backups on disk.
Mod Information:
These are done server side so you do not need to do anything on your client.
  • RP2
    • Canvas bags removed. Sorry dupers.
  • PortalsMod
    • PortalGun is disabled. All other mod items are available.
  • MiscPeriphreals
    • Shears turtle removed due to bug. Use a deployer instead.
  • Railcraft
    • All chunkloading disabled. It eats server resources.
  • ChickenBones
    • Offline chunkloading disabled. This is to deter the creation of any chunk loaders. This includes offline chunkloading from factories, quarries and turtles.
  • MFFS
    • Chunkloading properties removed. This reduces their power consumption as well as reduces server lag.
  • GregTech
    • All hard mode recipes enabled. Cheaper production via Elementium disabled.
    • UUM to Copper, Tin and Iridium disabled.
    • Sheldonite Asteroids disabled.
  • Forestry
    • Hardmode enabled.
  • Extra Bees
    • Hardmode enabled.
  • Thermal Expansion
    • Pulverizer & Induction Smelter require diamonds.
  • IC2
    • Personal Safes disabled.
    • Mining laser removed.
    • Recycling Dirt, Cobblestone, Stone, Stone Wafers, Sand, Gravel, Netherrack, Rotten Meat, Grass, and Bones disabled.
    • REP's removed. They crash clients when thrown on the ground.
  • Thaumcraft
    • Warded stones are purely decorative. All of their protective properties have been removed.
  • Gravisuit
    • Entire plugin removed. It doesn't mesh well with PvP. If you want to fly... you should have to sacrifice armor and control a jetpack.
Tips for new players:
  • You will die from starvation if you do not find food on your first day.
  • Do not try and fight mobs without armor. They hit VERY hard.
  • Do not trust anyone or anything. If it is to good to be true, it isn't true.
  • Minimize the surface presentation of your base. People do look for oddities on the world map so that they can find you.
  • Play the politics game. The more friends you have, the less likely you are to be murdered or raided.
Hope to see you online!!
hey waarlod u mind enabling the http aip thing on computer craft plz :D being able to copy and past code form pastebin makes turtles a lot easyer :)
Waar, if we could I'd like to set up something at spawn so that it gives new players the rules and a better headstart and directionfor them to begin playing on the server. I'll do it myself eventually, but I thought I'd suggest it.
Hmm... I need to research where this setting is located.
its this :D
# enableapi_http

enableapi_http {
# Enable the "http" API on Computers
in the computercraft config close to the top :P
oh and u may need to tweek the gregtec config nei is telling us to use a diffront recipe for macoraters and it not working
:( same for windmil
um waar its ivorythief can u please teleport me to spawn as im stuck in an infinite lag world
I actually will not teleport anyone out of a mystcraft world they are stuck in... unless the world is bugged or they cannot actually leave that world due to lag. Let me log in later tonight and take a look for you Ivory.[DOUBLEPOST=1353087840][/DOUBLEPOST]
its this :D
# enableapi_http

enableapi_http {
# Enable the "http" API on Computers
in the computercraft config close to the top :p
oh and u may need to tweek the gregtec config nei is telling us to use a diffront recipe for macoraters and it not working
:( same for windmil
This is an issue with the client side recipes being used for NEI. Take a look at the gregtech macerator (uses 3 diamonds). This works in- game.
I am not really upset that I logged in last night to someone breaking my crystal chests to take them to their house... but if you just asked for some diamonds I can spare a few...

Stealing is low! And had PvP been enabled... I would have wasted you... but meh. Enjoy the chests...
it not really client side slowpoke said he was gonna change the macorater recipe back to the ic2 1 by defult S: so unless ya changed it back to gregtec your self me think u have the old server setings befor full releace just saying :D
it not really client side slowpoke said he was gonna change the macorater recipe back to the ic2 1 by defult S: so unless ya changed it back to gregtec your self me think u have the old server setings befor full releace just saying :D
The default setting for the client is to use the ic2 recipe. The server setting for that recipe uses the GregTech recipe. Therefore, when you try and use the ic2 recipe it wont work. When you use the GregTech recipe the client shows a blank box on the output for the crafting table. However, when you pick up that blank output it gives you a macerator... It's complicated.
um waar what i meant was im stuck in a world where I get kicked in 1 sec I have a book in my 3rd invent spot back the the right world because I was checking the stats of the world when my friend called on skype I went to hit decline missed and boom im in a corrupt world
The default setting for the client is to use the ic2 recipe. The server setting for that recipe uses the GregTech recipe. Therefore, when you try and use the ic2 recipe it wont work. When you use the GregTech recipe the client shows a blank box on the output for the crafting table. However, when you pick up that blank output it gives you a macerator... It's complicated.
ya me konw how it works me not promoting but me play on my own server and had the same problem me gueasing then slowpoke only changed defult for client not server
hey war can u do something a bout elite-dragon? me and some 1 else (forgot how to spell name) have been greafed by hime me lost every thing that was not marked privet and the other guy lost every thing even the walls to his bace :(
i'm leaving this sever people keep coming and stealing my item and killing me but it was a good sever before they started greifing
i'm leaving this sever people keep coming and stealing my item and killing me but it was a good sever before they started greifing
There is NOTHING I can do about the probelms you are reporting. This is a PvP server....

If you like I can help you in moving your base to more hidden location to prevent this. This is what we have done with our base and have had little issues.[DOUBLEPOST=1353353478][/DOUBLEPOST]
hey war can u do something a bout elite-dragon? me and some 1 else (forgot how to spell name) have been greafed by hime me lost every thing that was not marked privet and the other guy lost every thing even the walls to his bace :(
Monkey, are you still having an issue? Please PM me so we can discuss off of the main board.