Whitelist Server OwnedCraft|MindcrackV8|Whitelist|13 slots|Hardmode off

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi, I've just started a brand new server on a new map, it's a mindcrack v8 server with 13 slots, 8-9 of them will be open to for applications, and the others will be left for some of my personal friends. I've turned off Gregtech's hardmode, so you use the Mass Fabricator instead of the Matter Fab, the easy solar panel recipe is back, and many other things. You'll have to replace your config files with ones I will provide to you in order to use the server.

1. No griefing
2. No stealing
3. No being a general asshole.

Slots open on server currently : 7/13

Applications must be formatted as such:

(Estimated) Time spent playing FTB:
List of mods you have knowledge on:
Why I should accept you:

IP: You will get it when I whitelist you.

I'll message you if I accept you, so keep an eye on your inbox.
IGN: snipe50cal
Name: Tyler
(Estimated) Time spent playing FTB: A lot
List of mods you have knowledge on: Thaumcraft, ic2, buildcraft, thermal expansion, ee3, redpower2, and almost all
Why I should accept you:I am a hard worker that likes to make servers better

Extra comments: I will check what the server is like, but if possible could you add mystcraft, and maybe a mining world for all to use.
IGN: Lamp218
Name: Christian
Age: 16
Time spent playing FTB: I've played FTB since the 1.2.5 Insanity Map came out.
List of mods you have knowledge on: All except for RedPower and Gregtech. I know a very basic bit of RedPower, but Gregtech is just new to me. Very versed in BuildCraft and Forestry Bee stuffs. I love my bees.
Why I should accept you: I don't grief, I don't start problems, and don't have a bad attitude. I just kinda work on my own stuff and try to help people who ask. I do generally build a decent bit from spawn as to keep machinery lag to a minimum for myself and everyone around.
Thanks for reading my application, I hope to play with you soon. :D
IGN: vampre1122
Name: Elliot
Age: 14
(Estimated) Time spent playing FTB: Around 2 - 3 months
List of mods you have knowledge on: Redpower, Buildcraft, IC2 Majority of the industrial type mods. Not so good with forestry and thaumcraft though.
Why I should accept you: I would like to be accepted because I am trying to find a good, calm server where their aren't many players to spoil the fun. I like to show my achievements mainly by asking people to come see. I build far far away, around 5000 - 10000 blocks away from spawn usually to prevent greifing. I would love it if you accepted me. :D

Hope to see you on the server!
- Vampre1122
IGN: TehKnight117
Name: Johnny
Age: 14
(Estimated) Time spent playing FTB: a month and a day
List of mods you have knowledge on: Thaumcraft, Buildcraft, and still working on figuring out the other mods.
Why I should accept you: The reason why you should accept me because I am a person who is bored and just wants to build things.
IGN: Lamp218
Name: Christian
Age: 16
Time spent playing FTB: I've played FTB since the 1.2.5 Insanity Map came out.
List of mods you have knowledge on: All except for RedPower and Gregtech. I know a very basic bit of RedPower, but Gregtech is just new to me. Very versed in BuildCraft and Forestry Bee stuffs. I love my bees.
Why I should accept you: I don't grief, I don't start problems, and don't have a bad attitude. I just kinda work on my own stuff and try to help people who ask. I do generally build a decent bit from spawn as to keep machinery lag to a minimum for myself and everyone around.
Thanks for reading my application, I hope to play with you soon. :D

Whitelisted, check your inbox.
(Estimated) Time spent playing FTB:5 months
List of mods you have knowledge on:All
Why I should accept you:Because i am great with ppl helping and being friendly also i am a mature person who hates greifers[DOUBLEPOST=1360366593][/DOUBLEPOST]Says it is an outdated server...
(Estimated) Time spent playing FTB:5 months
List of mods you have knowledge on:All
Why I should accept you:Because i am great with ppl helping and being friendly also i am a mature person who hates greifers[DOUBLEPOST=1360366593][/DOUBLEPOST]Says it is an outdated server...
It's not.
Age:15 i become 16
(Estimated) Time spent playing FTB:like 3wheks now and played tekkit for a year
List of mods you have knowledge on:Thaumcraft and gregcraft
Why I should accept you:Beacous i would like to join your awsome community and start creating lets plays out of the server and have a fun time!
IGN: SouthPawSkillZz
Name: Josh
Age: 15
(Estimated) Time spent playing FTB: 4 months, played Tekkit before
List of mods you have knowledge on: IndustrialCraft, BuildCraft, RedPower, Forestry, Twilight Forest, and a little bit of Thaumcraft
Why I should accept you: I love to do community builds and am very easy to get along with and love to have fun
IGN: Exege

Name: Tyler


(Estimated) Time spent playing FTB: Probably about two months now.

List of mods you have knowledge on: I have a general knowledge of most of the mods. Still, I'm still learning most of them (there's a lot to these things!). The ones that I feel I have most knowledge on is Buildcraft, Industrial Craft, and Railcraft, but those relatively basic. I'm trying to get into bees and thaumcraft, but who knows how that will work out. :p

Why I should accept you: I feel that I would be a good member of your server. I believe that it is important to help other members in anyway that you can if they ask for it, and I always try to. I will try to be nice and friendly to all other members to help every one have the bestt time they can.
IGN: Exege

Name: Tyler


(Estimated) Time spent playing FTB: Probably about two months now.

List of mods you have knowledge on: I have a general knowledge of most of the mods. Still, I'm still learning most of them (there's a lot to these things!). The ones that I feel I have most knowledge on is Buildcraft, Industrial Craft, and Railcraft, but those relatively basic. I'm trying to get into bees and thaumcraft, but who knows how that will work out. :p

Why I should accept you: I feel that I would be a good member of your server. I believe that it is important to help other members in anyway that you can if they ask for it, and I always try to. I will try to be nice and friendly to all other members to help every one have the bestt time they can.

Whitelisted, check your inbox.
(Estimated) Time spent playing FTB: about a month
List of mods you have knowledge on:
Industrial Craft
Inventory Tweaks
Iron Chests
Twilight Forest

Rei's Minimap

Advanced Machines
Computer Craft

Obsidian Pressure Plates

Portal Gun

Advanced Solar Panels

Modular Forcefield System

ExtraBiomes XL


Why I should accept you: because i know a lot and would love to be apart of your server and would come on as much as possible
Name:magicboy( not revealing real name in public)
(Estimated) Time spent playing FTB:since it became public waited until the clock ticked down
List of mods you have knowledge on:Forestry, IC2, Buildcraft, Thermal Expansion, and more
Why I should accept you:I look to help others and be friendly on the server by building some basic systems for people with my spare materials.
The spawn is inside a tree that you can't break. You can't die either since you're inside leaves.
IGN: Artis_is_livebro
Name: Artis
Age: 17
(Estimated) Time spent playing FTB: i play 2-3 hours a day and more on fridays
List of mods you have knowledge on: thaumcraft, railcraft and some other ones still learning
Why I should accept you: 1. i dont like griefers 2. i wanna be part of a awesome server 3. im mature and love to help others
IGN: viking99
Name: Axel
Age: 15
(Estimated) Time spent playing FTB: i play 2-5 hours a day, i have played ftb for like 2 or 3 moths
List of mods you have knowledge on: railcraft, buildcraft, gregtech, industrialcraft, twilightforrest,extrabieomes and more and i ofc knows about all small mods like inventory tweaks
Why I should accept you: i have been looking for a ftb server for a long time, i have a lot of experience of minecraft and i dun like griefers and im not an asshole and i'm a creative guy but i can't say i'm the best builder, and i have never been banned. :D
Ah, I'm sorry. I'm gonna be playing on my friend's server, and I've had some trouble with connections. It's probably nothing, just me. I've had some poor conections in the past. I know I didn't get to really do anything, but you can go ahead and unwhitelist me. Thanks for accepting my application, though anyways.

IGN: Buddykool
Name: Chris
Age: 16
(Estimated) Time spent playing FTB: Little bit every day, for the past 2 or 3 months.
List of mods you have knowledge on: IC2, BC, Redpower, Forestry, Twilight Forest, Factorization, Soul Shards, Blutricity
Why I should accept you: I am a very helpful guy, always love community projects and in general just helping people out