[1.7.10] Pathfinder [Peaceful][HQM][Tech][Adventure][Listed]

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Sorry if this is already reported. I wanna know what these dimlets do but I can't figure it out because the tooltip runs off the edge of the screen. Is there a trick I can employ to fix this?


  • 2015-03-16_18.28.36.png
    123 KB · Views: 126
Sorry if this is already reported. I wanna know what these dimlets do but I can't figure it out because the tooltip runs off the edge of the screen. Is there a trick I can employ to fix this?

Try reducing your ingame GUI size to Normal.
Sorry if this is already reported. I wanna know what these dimlets do but I can't figure it out because the tooltip runs off the edge of the screen. Is there a trick I can employ to fix this?
Try moving the dimlet to your last inventory slot on your hotbar. That may allow you to see it without changing your GUI size.
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The current issues, which are very fixable if one were to exercise some thought are:
  1. Do not click on the Dialing Device with a Tinkers' pick
  2. Do not use the Gem of Eternal Density
  3. Certain Dimlet quests will not complete
  4. Remove Thermal Casting server-side.
I would hardly call that unplayable. If you happen to experiencing something not listed there, please, feel free to inform me. Keep in mind - most of these crashes did not occur during testing. We tested as much as we could for the two weeks prior to release. No, we didn't happen to right click a Dialing Device with a Tinkers' Pick, but even with the entire Phoenix Team testing, we did not have the time to test right clicking every block with every item.

Same goes for the Gem - we do not posses the time or resources to test every single item in the game with every update. We made that change because people were complaining that things were overpowered. And with the dimlets that occurred due to updating RFTools, along with the gem - neither would have occurred (and didn't) with our initial testing with the 1.0.0 release.

The Thermal Casting thing... well, yeah. That is our fault, and we've admitted it. But that one thing hardly makes the entire pack unplayable. Is there another bug people have been reluctant to inform me of that has led you to this conclusion?

I had never seen this either. If you've anything to contribute to the discussion on it, please do. We've been attempting everything in order to get it to stop, and we cannot seem to pin it down.

There's also people getting stuck in that desert dimension, and issues that aren't "bugs" but just things that don't quite work as they should, like beds exploding without warning (which I hear has been fixed), multiple ways to get "stuck" in a way that requires cheating to continue, and issues with worlds being locked out forever due to a lack of RF on the other end or becoming corrupted (this is the main reason I feel it's "unplayable" as I don't want to put effort into a world only to have it lost forever). That said, I'm not complaining, I have patience, this looks like a great pack and I can wait, I'm just saying I can see why some might feel upset or misled. As you said yourself, you can't honestly expect a small private test group to adequately test something of this size, you can't click on every block with every item or test every feature, it's unrealistic. This really could have used a few weeks in a public beta state, you can see the number of issues a larger group of people can find, and how quickly they can be fixed, everything would have gone much smoother in the end.

The only thing I can think of about TiC tools that might cause an issue with a specific block is the fact that they try to use/place whichever block is next to them on the hotbar. Perhaps the Dialer is somehow set to try and "accept" a block in that manor when it's impossible (can it be right-clicked with a certain item to do something special?), or maybe it's an issue with something that affects the hotbar/inventory like trophyslots. Those are just wild guesses on my part, I don't have anything solid to add beyond my previous experience with the mods and not seeing anything similar in other packs.

@Astasia you are completely correct by saying the use of version naming would suggest a full finished release, but I would ask, can you name one pack that was full & finished on release, I can't for the life of me think of one, & as you can see from the tread the author & many others are working hard (it seems to me) to produce an interesting & functioning pack I take it as a gimmie that its still in development.

As to the tic issue I have noticed it in the past but as I said its normally a rare event, the main issue seems to be since last update its become far more of a real issue, & I must press that I normally say mho or I guess to express my view alone or I suspect something, I can be & have often been wrong, feel free to correct me any time you feel I have misinformed, I take no offense in being corrected.

I must agree that the pack is a long way from stable, but 1.1 was playable, well more so than 1.2, lets hope the fixes in 1.3 will bring it a be closer to stable.

I can't think of any pack that didn't release first in a test state, at least none that I have played, so I can't really answer that. I also wouldn't expect anything to be "finished" at 1.0, just somewhat stable at the very least. 1.0 never means "the end," stuff can always be added and made better after that.

I love how people complain about something in the pack being overpowered, it gets changed and causes a bug, then complains the pack is unplayable.

I feel like this was aimed at me. Nobody in this thread that I am aware of complained that diamonds and gold had EMC values, this was not something caused by any of us. The fact that unidentified dimlets were worth millions of EMC each was absurd, that's not a "everyone should play their own way" issue, that was just broken. If you want that kind of power nobody is stopping you from turning on NEI cheat mode and just pulling whatever items you want out of the list, that's equally as powerful and cheaty as having a massive number of items worth hundreds of millions of EMC right out the gate. Nobody has taken away your ability to have unlimited numbers of every item in the game. Oversights like this that you can exploit to cheat without actually turning on cheat mode are no less cheaty. Cheating is fine, you are allowed to do it, just know it is what it is, and expect it to be removed from "normal" gameplay.
Hey, I'm having trouble getting the pack to "work" for me. I have a really powerful PC so I know it's not a hardware issue.

To better explain my issue, when I start the world, I am looking straight forward, if I so much as touch my mouse, my "focus" goes all over the place and I am either looking straight up or straight down. I don't have a crash log, so I am not sure if this information would be helpful.

Also, it happens on FTB launcher or MultiMC. 4GB RAM allocated to both.

Thanks if anyone can help!
Hey, I'm having trouble getting the pack to "work" for me. I have a really powerful PC so I know it's not a hardware issue.

To better explain my issue, when I start the world, I am looking straight forward, if I so much as touch my mouse, my "focus" goes all over the place and I am either looking straight up or straight down. I don't have a crash log, so I am not sure if this information would be helpful.

Also, it happens on FTB launcher or MultiMC. 4GB RAM allocated to both.

Thanks if anyone can help!

There are a few reasons this could happen:

1. Your mouse isn't being re-centered to the middle of your minecraft window, this can usually be fixed by minimizing it, and then clicking inside the window, or by closing the game and relaunching
2. Your mouse sensitivity is too high, you can change this in the in-game options and in your mouse's settings
3. If neither of these is the cause, be sure your mouse drivers are updated.
Can we get the pack code for this pack? The FTB launcher is currently being stupid and only displaying third party packs that I've manually added.

*edit* Looks like they got it sorted.
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1.0.3 has been released. Separate downloads for Forge 1291:
Client: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zlkgk77teqqckv2/Pathfinder.zip?dl=0
Server: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g1zg5e6oh14h29l/PathfinderServer.zip?dl=0
* Updated RFTools
   * New tooltip that assists in dimension creation
* Updated Thermal Smeltery
   * Fixed Tinkers' Armour crash
* Temporarily removed TiC Tooltips
* Temporarily removed Modtweaker *again*
* Fixed quests not accepting dimlets
* General quest bugfixes
* "Fixed" the Gem of Eternal Density
* Removed Thermal Casting
I've finally completed the pack, or all there is of it so far, at least. Overall I give it a thumbs up. I enjoyed how different it was from other packs by not featuring combat at all. The inventory management was a challenge early on, but I enjoyed having to be efficient with what I carried (i.e. do I really need my pickaxe if I'm working on my farm?) I would have liked it if the quests for backpacks occurred a little sooner, and maybe mention the dev/null somewhere? I would have gone insane sorting cobblestone without it.

I limited my technology progression to match the questbook, and I'm glad I did. Once I reached ProjectE, everything sped up dramatically. Had I ground out a transmutation table early on, I doubt I would have enjoyed myself as much. I would have liked it if Clockwork Phase had a bit more details in the quests. I've never used this mod before, so I was excited to learn it. The quests rushed me from one step to the next, and I found myself creating devices that I wasn't really sure why I needed them or how they were better than what I already had. I eventually had to look up a spotlight video on the mod to get details on the hourglass and watch so that I could play with them.

RFTools was another mod I've only used briefly in Phoenix Reborn. I liked the detail that went into that quest chain. Creating dimensions was a little daunting at the beginning, but once I made a few (and started making my own dimlets) I had fun seeing what crazy worlds I could generate. Unfortunately, I kept returning to my first world since that was where all my stuff was, and aside from a few mining worlds for specific materials, I didn't really have a reason to explore other worlds like I did the first. I saw mention in the quest text that temporal ore spawns in the later dimensions, but I got lucky with my random dimlets and got one for temporal ore early on. I had mined a ton of the stuff before realizing it was supposed to be rare.

Once I had finished the quests, I felt satisfied. I looked over what I had created, remembering the obstacles I had to overcome to carve out my place in the world, then returned to my ship, mission complete. It did feel like the quests were building up to something big that never came, but that may have just been me reading into it too deeply. I don't think I'll continue playing the pack after the end other than to try out creating dimensions some more. The tweaks to the inventory, darkness, hunger, and weights were nice for the questing, but I wouldn't want to play with them long term.

Still, good job. This is the second Phoenix Team pack I've played and the second one I've enjoyed. I look forward to whatever comes next. I did notice a few typos in the quest text, and I jotted them down if you wanted to fix them in a future update.


tried the pack and I like the concept but it has weird lag spikes... to the point of making it unplayable for me :/
How much memory are you giving Minecraft? 2GB RAM and 256MB Permgen seem to work for me.

Weird lag spikes might be an indication that you're actually giving MC too much RAM, and the garbage collection is having a hard time keeping up.
I've updated to latest version 1.03 and once I enter my world I was standing on a world full of sand. I thought I was teleported to another dimension then I go creative take out some creative thingy and matter transmitter to teleport back to my own world like nothing has happen before. But sadly once I reach my original world I teleport back to the desert world. I tried teleport to my other world but still end up the same. Luckily I backup my world in version 1.02, I'm not sure what's wrong with it.
So I updated the pack and restarted a new world. Two different times, once each in a different save, I logged out on the initial pad that is created (the hardened clay square, not the actual device) and afterward the game closes back to title screen. Don't know if this is known or not, maybe I missed something in one of the posts about dimlets, but wanted to share what I have.


Hope I did that right at least.
So I updated the pack and restarted a new world. Two different times, once each in a different save, I logged out on the initial pad that is created (the hardened clay square, not the actual device) and afterward the game closes back to title screen. Don't know if this is known or not, maybe I missed something in one of the posts about dimlets, but wanted to share what I have.


Hope I did that right at least.

This also happens to me. Usually, if i close Pathfinder, and re open it, it lets me play again. Really frustrating.
so i just installed the modpack and i like it but on the third quest, venture i cannot complete it. one of the quest requirements is Ex Nihilo and it has a picture of glowstone with no means of continueing the quest, cab anyone help with this?
I just updated the modpack and server and now when I try to join I get "Mod rejections [FMLMod : modtweaker2{0.7}] has anybody else got this, and what does it mean? And I get this crash when loading a single player map


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After an embarrassing case of "did not know how to scroll down" from another FTB Modpack ... I am now stuck again. With the Pathfinder Modpack. But this time I can scroll all I want.
First: I am totally new to ANY mods - and completely lost.

I guess my problem has to do with a mod called Pam's Harvestcraft. But I could not find a Tutorial or something. I got the crossbreeding thing with crops (yay!).
But I see there seem to be tree-fruits. And gardens.
How do I crossbreed/find those? I explored two worlds and found neither non-vanilla trees nor gardens of any kind.
What do I miss?

Thanks in advance. :)
Created a world made of coal blocks (as hinted by quest book), and now the client simply closes when trying to load and I can no longer enter my game.

Was a simple world setup of Effect None / Feature None / Material Coal Block / Terrain Flat

Client crash log
Server crash log

Any help?
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